Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 447 - 430: How to Soothe a Dinosaur's Mood?

Chapter  447 - 430: How to Soothe a Dinosaur's Mood?

The reason why it was said to be "almost" a complete loss, and not a complete loss, was because on the coast, rafts were still being pushed into the water by the players.

Under the special dynamic adjustment mechanism of 'Cloud Dream', the further the players row, the more players there are.

Thus, continuously generating fresh forces.

But to satisfy the appetite of the monstrous sea creatures, or to choke the Canglong to death, was completely unrealistic.

It wasn't that they did not have satiety.

They did, all the dinosaurs, Lincoln had added "hunting", "resting", "playing", "escaping" and other mechanisms to them.


The problem was!

These big fellows hadn't eaten anything at all...

The players vanished in the light the moment they died.

Throughout the day, all the creatures on Dinosaur Island, whether flying in the sky or swimming in the sea, worked hard all day for nothing. They didn't even get to taste a single feather, let alone be sated.

Actually, unbeknownst to the players, the Pterosaurs had already started taking shifts...

It's just that the Pterosaurs' looks weren't significantly different—in the eyes of the player that is. In fact, Mavis had assigned each one some random parameters. There were subtle differences in terms of size, body length, wingspan, head, scars, claws, skin texture... and many other details.

Unfortunately, the players could not notice these differences and therefore remained unaware of this point.

In the amusement park, Camille Victoria and Shuihua opened their eyes and looked at the dense crowd around them.

"Ah..." They almost sighed at the same time.

"How can we get up there?"

"Could it be that Cloud Dream never planned to open this place at all? Is it just an easter egg to look at from a distance?"

"It shouldn't be!" Camille Victoria firmly opposed, "If Cloud Dream doesn't plan to open it, that may be possible, but this island is definitely not just for looking."

"There are so many dinosaurs on the island, as everyone has seen. Those flying in the sky and swimming in the sea all attack people actively, indicating that they are all entities that can interact."

"As long as we can interact, it must be more than just looking!" Camille Victoria was adamant.

"The problem is, we can't get on it now..." A teammate was a bit helpless.

"There are so many big creatures, they are ten to twenty meters tall. The smallest ones are also five to six meters. We spend over an hour to make a six or seven-meter raft, which is destroyed by a single collision with these big creatures, we can't resist at all!"

Another teammate presented a new idea quite insightful, "Could it be because the opening time hasn't arrived yet, so these big creatures are so violent. After a few days, these sea beasts will simply dissipate, or lose their aggressiveness? Like some animals, they become particularly violent during their mating season, but are much gentler after mating?"

"???" The previous teammate had a face full of question marks, "Do you mean to calm the dinosaurs' violent temperament through mating? Who will do it? You?"

"Pfft——" Shuihua, who had been low-key all along, couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Seeing everyone look at her, she immediately waved her hands, "Sorry! Sorry, you guys go on."

Camille Victoria opened the panel, looked at "Lincoln" in her contacts, hesitated whether to send a message to ask if we could go on the island now.

Because, based on the current situation, the difficulty was simply outrageous.

But, thinking about it, it really did seem like cheating, especially since they were still live streaming. After hesitating for a while, she closed the panel.

But there was no way she was going to concede defeat!

"Let's go, let's figure out if there are any reliable weapons. Anyway, we can't go hitting sharks with wooden sticks, even primitive people knew to sharpen one end at least!"

As they began to leave, everyone started brainstorming:

"Since a rope can be classified under 'outdoor adornments', would a multi-purpose military shovel work? What about an outdoor meat-cutting knife? An iron ruler?"

"How about a strong-light flashlight? Could it blind them?"

"Hey, I've thought of something great! The 'Bathing Lady Table Lamp'! It can be used for sure, a first-class blinding effect! Make it into a meteor hammer, whoever it hits will be dumbfounded!"

"You still have that thing? You're so perverted!"

"What? No, I don't, one of my friends has one, I can borrow it."

"Is that so? I just remembered, I also have a friend, I could also borrow one."

"Oh~~~ what a coincidence?" The two teammates looked at each other, exchanged a slight smile, and everything was expressed implicitly.

Shuihua cut off the increasingly strange atmosphere, "Can an umbrella be used? Can the pointed, all-metal umbrella cap be used as a spearhead?"

"Let's give them all a try."

As they chatted, everyone started walking out of the amusement park.


In the meantime, after fermenting for a whole day, among the gaming circle, the existence of Dinosaur Island was no longer just a buzz among the players.

Many bored netizens were also eagerly feasting on the spectacle.

Especially after those deep-sea behemoths appeared one by one, the show became off the charts.

Countless small videos spread into the internet, being spread like wildfire on various video platforms, creating a huge uproar in very little time.

Additionally, the videos of the Pterosaur groups in the sky and the keywords "Dinosaur Island" became hot topics once again.

By now, they had completely topped hot searches and could not get down.

Especially because this hotspot was not in the "completed" state, but in the "ongoing" state.

Under the super topic "Dinosaur Island", real-time content updates kept coming:

The latest appearance of dinosaurs, the latest progress of players, the speculation and ideas of Cloud Dream players, and even @ Cloud Dream's official account and "Paradise" official account were used to inquire about information...

Various types of content were being updated continuously without stopping.

It can be anticipated that this topic is likely to maintain a very high heat level until players truly land on Dinosaur Island.

And when players do land on Dinosaur Island, there will be another huge surge in popularity!

Due to his professional acumen, Gary had been watching this issue closely since the appearance of "Dinosaur Island" became a trending topic.

Nowadays, seeing the island hasn't even been officially launched, yet it already appears on Hot Searches, I can't help but sigh deeply.

Rarely, he sincerely clapped in his heart for Boss Zack.

Abandoning the domestic marketing plan altogether, not wasting a penny, and pouring everything into the European and American markets instead.

As things stand now, less than a day in, it has proven this decision to be the right one.

Nonchalantly tossing his phone onto the sofa, Gary raises his head again, watching the scenes projected by the living room projector.

On the screen, is the Dinosaur Island; not too far away, but enough to induce rage quits from numerous players.

That is William's live streaming room.

"Big dinosaur! Dad! Big dinosaur!" Gary's six-year-old son, pointing at the Wind God Wyvern that appeared once again on the screen, exclaimed excitingly.

"Yeah, a big dinosaur." Gary smiled in response to his son.

Not only is his son very interested, but he is also.

If it weren't for the fact that now, no players can set foot on Dinosaur Island and those trying are met with brutal deaths, he would have long taken his son to log into 'Paradise' to investigate the competing game project firsthand.

— After Cloud Dream Games had independently launched 'Paradise', Gary bought Mirage Consoles for his son and wife, and even was one of the earliest users to upgrade to [Mirage 2.0].

After the players can easily set foot on Dinosaur Island, he'll take his wife and son to play over there. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

At this stage, he, as a middle-aged man, really doesn't have the energy to take on the challenge.

As he thought, Gary strokes his son's head.


Another key figure at NetDragon, Jason, naturally also owns a console.

However, he is different from Gary —— he's already on the front line of assault, fighting to log onto Dinosaur Island, he's thrown his life and blood into it.

Wing suit flying, building ships, being chewed on by dinosaurs and sharks, he's tried them all.

He was even smacked dead by a Canglong that swooped down from the sky, and that feeling was indescribably satisfying.

But the more he experiences, the more Jason feels it's astounding!

He finally fully accepts Boss Zack's decision, abandoning all the dissatisfaction in his heart.

Because it is indeed unbeatable.

Not only can't it beat in terms of popularity, but the game itself is also completely unbeatable.

When Cloud Dream became a hot topic, the Mirage Console was hard to buy. Once it was easily available, he was leading the team in developing DLC.

In order to coordinate the team's work, he has been working around the clock, even spending half the time living in the company, naturally, he had no time to properly play the games of Cloud Dream.

After the DLC was officially launched, he finally took a good moment to immerse himself and experience Cloud Dream's games.

During this process, he experienced a strong sense of confusion and incongruence: Why are there always so many things in Cloud Dream's games that have almost no connection with the game itself?!

Isn't this a great waste of manpower and resources?

Not until today, participating in the player activities on Dinosaur Island firsthand, did he finally realize ——

Cloud Dream and the game companies in the industry are not the same thing at all.

For companies in the industry, making games is just making games.

But for Cloud Dream, many of their games give people the impression that the main purpose is to build a world, and the game content, feels more like an accompaniment.

—— Especially Metropolis and Night City, there are just too many things that are completely irrelevant to the game content!

In contrast, game content is only a "small part" of the "game world", allowing players accustomed to games to have things to do, not to be without a goal.

But even without tasks, mainlines, leveling up, or attributes, the value of this virtual world will not be reduced in the slightest.

As long as it's there, it has value, and will bring interaction naturally.

Just like Metropolis, the public version of the map has no game content from the very day it was created, but until now, there are still many players who are bored and like to wander around inside every day.

—— When Jason wandered inside, he encountered something even more outrageous: Someone found a brand new climbing gym!

What makes this outrageous is: The game's popularity has long passed, Cloud Dream has not made any statement, the climbing gym has absolutely nothing to do with the game plot, but Cloud Dream still keeps doing this.

Take this Dinosaur Island for example, 'Paradise'—— from the day it was created, it has been free, and the maps in the wilderness are already almost irrelevant to the game content.

Cloud Dream hid this outrageous Dinosaur Island in the already irrelevant content!

They don't even sell it for money!

At the start, Jason completely didn't understand the idea behind Lincoln's plan to painstakingly create such an island in such an obscure corner of the world.

This doesn't make any sense!

But now, as an ordinary player, having experienced the "extras" in the game, and felt the freedom, amazement, regret, and flaws in the process, he feels like he might have understood a little: perhaps Lincoln simply thinks these are fun.

This may sound outrageous at first, but it's not hard to understand ——

Once you've got the power to create the world, how can you resist the desire to create?

Maybe this is why, Lincoln, along with the game designers of Cloud Dream, have frequently included a variety of outrageous content that has little to do with the game itself into the game.

Just yesterday, he even accidentally walked into a gay bar in the Metropolis!

Only when an eight-foot tall Big Bearded Man patted him on the shoulder inviting him for a drink, offering to take him home to "cheer him up", did Jason realize exactly what was happening.

And he sincerely felt that the designers at Cloud Dream must be out of their minds!

Having figured all this out, Jason immediately felt a wave of profound helplessness.

How should you compete against such an opponent?

For the first time, he thought of getting out of the fight.

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