Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1936 - Battle Situation Facing Taixia Country

Chapter 1936: Battle Situation Facing Taixia Country

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The sun had already set. The battle in the daytime had already come to an end. In the evening, the flames in the downtown became more glaring...

After a few days’ crazy bombardments by Sacred Alliance Empire, the region in the south region of Coldwater City had been completely ruined with flames.

In the daytime, the airplanes of the human allied forces on the Western Continent had carried a fierce war with the air force of the Sacred Alliance Empire above Coldwater City. Both parties had suffered great casualties. In the evening, after the air force of human allied forces on Western Continent retreated, the dark air zone was soon occupied by the wing demons of Sacred Alliance Emperor.

In the daytime, when the visibility was high, the damage ratio between two parties could almost reach 1: 1 when the human air force fought wing demons in the sky. However, in the evening, due to darkness and rainy or snowy weather which might impede the airplanes’ performance and the visibility of pilots, the damage ration between both parties might reach higher than 1: 4. As a result, the human allied forces on the Western Continent couldn’t bear such a high casualty in the evening. Therefore, the air force of human allied forces would retreat in the evening and mainly depend on ground forces.

The battlefield between human allied forces and demons had already been divided into two battle lines——East Line and North Line. Both battle lines were like meat grinders. Over the past 10-odd years, both parties had inputted numerous corpses and soldiers on this battlefield. As for how many people had died, nobody cared. After all, human allied forces only had one bottom line, namely, they would never allow the Sacred Alliance Emperor to connect the two battle lines. Once the two battle lines were connected, the sea-land passage between Western Continent and Eastern Continent would be cut off by demons, which meant a great failure strategically or a great calamity for human allied forces on Western Continent.

By then, without the support of Taixia Country, a powerful empire on the Eastern Continent, the people and social orders in other countries would collapse, not to mention the casualties that armies of human allied forces would suffer. When they thought about the result that Western Continent might be isolated, all the presidents, leaders and big figures of those countries on Western Continent determined to block the armies of Sacred Alliance Empire at any price.

In the eyes of human allied forces, Sacred Alliance Empire was neither sacred nor an alliance; instead, it was just a trick that demons and lackeys of the Three-Eye Association of demons played in the region occupied by demons on Western Continent. Although the emperor of the Sacred Alliance Empire was a human, everyone in human allied forces knew that the emperor was just a puppet selected by demons from the Three-Eye Association.

In the beginning, the Sacred Alliance Empire indeed played a trick. However, after Sacred Alliance Empire was founded for one decade, also after the holy war broke out for 15 years, when more and more human fighters of Sacred Alliance Empire appeared on the battlefield and started to slash towards the other human fighters of human allied forces, it had become a trump card in the hand of demons; instead of a trick anymore.

Today, the Sacred Alliance Empire had already become a terrifying war machine in the hand of demons, also the greatest threat and main opponents facing human allied forces of the Western Continent on the battlefield.

Coldwater City was located in the Hicks Peninsula, which was a part of the East Line of human allied forces. In order to scramble for the power of control of Hicks Peninsula, the human allied forces on the Western Continent and the armies of Sacred Alliance Empire had already carried out a seesaw battle in this peninsula which covered less than 60 square miles for many years.

Over the past years, so many beautiful human cities, villages and towns in Hicks Peninsula had become scraps of paper and bubbles under this huge seesaw. Due to skirmishes between two parties, they were gradually destroyed and turned into ruins.

Now, this sawteeth had moved to Coldwater City. Only in half a year, this city which once owned over 12 million people and was called the Pearl of Hicks Peninsula had become completely different. It was like a ghost domain as it was covered with demons and human blood...

However, the seesaw battle had not ceased. Despite being covered with blood, the sawteeth didn’t make the seesaw colder; instead, the seesaw became hotter and bloodier...

In this seesaw battle, the No. 1 Field Infantry Regiment of the No. 6 Imperial Corps that Aota Empire of Western Continent assigned to the East Line was thrown into the theater of operations in Hicks Peninsula by those big figures like a piece of wood, then into Coldwater City casually by generals in the theater of operations of Hicks Peninsula. According to the command of the headquarters of the theater of operations in Hicks Peninsula, they must guarantee that Coldwater City didn’t fall in the hand of those sons of b*tches in the following two months. Otherwise, everyone of the No. 1 Field Infantry Regiment of the No. 6 Imperial Corps must die, including the regimental commander and the entire logistics department!

As for how they would be killed, it was not depicted in the command. However, everyone of the No. 1 Field Infantry Regiment was clear that they would be beheaded by the sabers of knights of the supervision troop if they couldn’t complete the order of the headquarters of the human allied forces.

Since the war broke out, the heads of big figures like the so-called noblemen, generals, royal relatives, prime ministers and imperial chancellors being chopped off by knights of supervision troops of the human allied forces could circle around Coldwater City for two times, not to mention the heads of a small infantry regiment.

The command was simple, rude, hard, which didn’t spare any chance for them to negotiate or bargain. What made the infantry regiment reassured was that there was a knight from Francia Empire, two battalions of barbarian fighters of Barbarian Alliance, one mixed armored regiment which retreated from the frontline for readjustment. Of course, what was more important was that they didn’t need to worry about the sky of Coldwater City; because the headquarters of the theater of operations in Hicks Peninsula would assign those air cavalry regiments in the field airport in the rear of Coldwater City to support their battle in Coldwater City at any time in case the enemies occupied the air zone of Coldwater City.


Mud, blood and rain that had fallen last night made the ground wet. Hawbon Stoik was lying on the ground which was covered with debris, scorched thresholds and muddy rainwater. He was seriously observing a half-collapsed building 200 m away with the flame from the bell tower being lit by a fiery-oil combustible bomb over 100 m away.

The half-collapsed building was previously composed of 5 floors. At this moment, the entire 5th floor and the greater part of the 4th floor had collapsed. There were only some pitch-dark holes on the side facing him. Additionally, the greater part of the facade of the building appeared to have been smudged by smoke. He could blurrily identify the bright and elegantly yellow mosaic on the wall.

Just now, Hawbon Stoic heard a bit noise from the building, which sounded like tableware falling off the table. Although being light and no other noise was heard after that, he still caught it. As a fighter who had already promoted to LV 9, Hawbon Stoic whose nickname was wolf-dog in the No. 1 Field Infantry Regiment definitely had sharper auditory sense than others.

He was in a dusty cloak being covered with the body fluid of a mutated octopus. As a result, the greater part of his body was covered. In the evening, the coak’s color could completely integrate with the surrounding ruins. No matter how much night viewing medicament had enemies drunk, they still couldn’t identify him.

The noise might be caused by a rat when it slammed against the tableware on the table and caused it to fall to the ground. It might also be caused by a stray dog when it looked for food in the building. As the entire city was filled with a disgusting and rotten stink, the city had become the paradise of rats and stray dogs. Rats and stray dogs here had been used to eating flesh of humans and demons, no matter fresh or rotten. They dared to attack those lonely fighters or sleeping fighters in the public. Some fighters of No. 1 Field Infantry Regiment had been injured by rats or stray dogs before. Therefore, it was not strange for those rats or stray dogs to make a noise...

Of course, some b*stards who called demons dads probably hid in that building. The appellation “b*stard” was the standard appellation that all the human fighters of the human allied forces on Western Continent called those human fighters of Sacred Alliance Empire who would like to be the lackeys of demons.

Like all the other human fighters of the human allied forces on the Western Continent, Hawbon Stoic didn’t care about how those commoners in the territory of Sacred Alliance Empire were enslaved over these years. As long as those b*stards appeared on the battlefield, they would be exterminated like demons. Of course, those b*stards would also feel unhesitant to kill these “stubborn” heretics who didn’t want to accept the rule of Dragon Deities; instead, they would kill them in a more fanatical way...

Hawbon Stoic took a glance at the sky secretly. He found that it might rain soon as the clouds had become thick and gradually covered the moonlight. The key was there were no wing demons above this theater of operations at this moment.

When raindrops fell to the ground, Hawbon Stoic secretly made some complex hand gestures to the followers.

After seeing his hand gestures, some changes happened in some places within dozens of meters as those fighters started to move out of their color-changing field cloaks and approached the building from different directions secretly.

After taking a inflammable grenade, Hawbon Stoic crept towards the gate of the collapsed building stealthily...

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