Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 66: Successful Refining

Chapter 66: Successful Refining

After examining the alchemy formula for a while, Chen Lin began to study the rusty iron plate again.

According to Bai Yunyue's father, Bai Zhenyu, this object was obtained during his travels when he was young, but he didn't specify the exact location.

After obtaining the object, Chen Lin discovered that it was a spiritual communication tool, similar to a jade slip, which recorded a sword technique inside.

He was overjoyed and began to comprehend it thoroughly.

However, what he didn't expect was that, upon completely comprehending the contents inside, what he obtained was only an ordinary sword technique.

This greatly disappointed him, but he still mastered the sword technique. It may have helped him if he were in early stages of Qi Refining.

However, by the middle stage of Qi Refining, it became completely useless.

A mundane sword technique?

Chen Lin was also curious about which cultivator would be so bored as to record a mundane sword technique in such a unique medium.

It's known that ordinary warriors without spiritual power cannot inscribe information on jade-like carriers.

Chen Lin's spiritual power explored the iron plate, and he easily entered its internal space, where he found some graphic information stored, just like a jade slip.

This astonished Chen Lin, as it was his first time seeing a metal-based information carrier.

The information inside wasn't much, and he quickly finished reading it.

Indeed, it recorded a mundane sword technique.

The sword technique was called the "Extreme Light Sword Technique," which didn't have any fixed moves, but emphasized the concept of "speed."

According to the description, after mastering it, one could move so fast that the enemy wouldn't be able to see the sword's shadow.

However, there was a huge flaw: it couldn't be used for long-range attacks and required a certain proximity to the enemy.

It was the sword that was fast, not the person.

The effective range depended on the length of the sword.

After finishing, Chen Lin couldn't help but shake his head. With a cultivator's keen senses, who would let the enemy get so close? If they wanted to launch a sneak attack, they wouldn't need any sword techniques; they could just use spiritual treasures.

To make this thing effective, they might need a gigantic 40-meter-long sword.

Chen Lin put the iron plate aside and took out materials to create a disguise tool.

He needed to create a new identity, and he couldn't wear women's clothing, or people would think he was a pervert.

This ordinary disguise tool was only effective against ordinary people. Cultivators could detect it using their spiritual power, but they couldn't see the true face behind the disguise.

Many cultivators used disguises because there were no laws in the cultivation world, and no one wanted to be targeted by their enemies.

Everyone used disguises, so it was nothing unusual.

However, against Foundation Establishment cultivators, any disguise technique was useless. Foundation Establishment cultivators had formed their divine sense, which could distinguish a person not only by their physical body but also by their soul.

The soul couldn't be disguised, unless one had special spiritual treasures to conceal it, but such treasures were extremely rare.

The next morning, Chen Lin put on the newly created disguise mask, transforming into a young man in his twenties.

To avoid drawing attention, he made his appearance ordinary.

Even so, Chen Lin was very satisfied. If his true body could change like this, he would be overjoyed.

After recovering for so many days, his true body still looked old and frail, which he couldn't bear to look at. He wanted to restore his original 40-year-old appearance, but it would take a long time.

He would need to use spiritual medicines and pills to nourish himself.

After eating some breakfast and taking a Blood Qi Pill, Chen Lin headed to the market.

He planned to refine the Spirit Nourishing Pill first, testing whether it could alleviate the side effects of the Enlightenment Pill, and then cultivate the unknown sword qi to resolve the Black Essence Gu.

He still had two Blood Qi Pills left, which could last for some time.

The market was crowded today, but Chen Lin easily bought ten sets of Spirit Nourishing Pill materials, spreading his purchases across different stalls and shops to avoid drawing attention.

He then returned to the small exchange meeting at the Zhao Merchant House.

Throughout the entire process, he didn't buy anything and didn't conduct any transactions.

After listening to the old cultivator's exchange of cultivation experiences, he left with satisfaction.

Returning to his mansion in Guyuan City, he began to refine the Spirit Nourishing Pill.


At night, a joyful laughter echoed through the mansion.

Chen Lin gazed at the three round pills in the iron crucible, overjoyed.

The Bai family didn't deceive him, and his innate abilities were still effective as ever.

The alchemy formula recorded that one furnace could produce three pills, and he indeed produced three pills.

The price of the Spirit Nourishing Pill was unknown to him, but the price of three pills would definitely far exceed the cost of materials, adding another lucrative path!

Moreover, this Spirit Nourishing Pill didn't have any side effects like the Enlightenment Pill, and was a genuine, high-quality product that could be sold normally.

Of course, selling it within Guyuan City was out of the question, as that would reveal his identity as the one who exchanged the alchemy formula with the Li family.

After collecting the pills, Chen Lin hastily went out, bought a rabbit at a restaurant, and fed it the pill powder to test if it was toxic.

Next, he continued to refine pills and Thunderbolt Beads.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, Chen Lin rushed to observe the rabbit, and upon seeing it still jumping around, his joy increased.

To be cautious, he fed the rabbit some more pill powder, then went out to continue exploring the market.

Today was the last day, and he had to seize the opportunity to buy what he wanted; if he missed this chance, he would have to wait another year for such a comprehensive trade fair, which was impossible for him.

"Is this a Mechanical Puppet, sir? How much is it? Can you demonstrate it?"

Chen Lin asked, approaching the fat cultivator's stall again.

At this moment, he had already changed his identity, and the other party didn't recognize him, but the fat cultivator no longer had the same enthusiasm as before, looking somewhat dispirited.

"Oh, take a look at which one you like, and try it out. Just put in some spirit stones, and you can control it."

The fat cultivator didn't even bother to get up from his chair, seemingly too lazy to care about Chen Lin's inquiry.

This wasn't surprising, as he had already let over a hundred people try out the Mechanical Puppet over the past two days, but none of them had bought it, and he had lost money on the stall rental.

Chen Lin smiled and didn't mind, picking up the tiger puppet he had seen before, opening the shell, and putting in a low-quality spirit stone.

Then, he tried to control it with his spiritual power.

At this time, he discovered that this Mechanical Puppet was different from spiritual treasures and didn't require precise control; instead, he just needed to trigger it with his spiritual power, and it would activate on its own.

However, this tiger puppet's activity ability was too weak, only able to lift its paw.

"This puppet is too weak; I wonder who crafted it?"

Chen Lin evaluated it, shaking his head and taking out the spirit stone.

The fat cultivator, already accustomed to being disappointed, replied indifferently, "I made it myself; my skills are just that bad, sorry to disappoint you."

"Oh? So you crafted it yourself? I apologize for my previous criticism. Do you have any intention of selling the crafting method?"

Chen Lin flattered him, reiterating his request.

Now that he had proven his innate abilities could create talismans, alchemy, and even some ordinary items like disguise tools, he wanted to explore further to see if they could be applied to other materials.

If he could successfully craft this Mechanical Puppet, it would add another lucrative path for him.

Unfortunately, within the entire market, only this fat cultivator sold such items, and even the Zhao Merchant House didn't have them, which was why he had returned here again.

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