Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 76: Possessed By Evil Spirit

Chapter 76: Possessed By Evil Spirit

Flash Technique requires constant practice to achieve perfection.

Chen Lin had been practicing in the courtyard since early morning, sweating profusely, before using the Purification Technique on himself and taking a seat to rest.

He casually conjured a Fireball Technique, igniting a pile of firewood, and placed a piece of demonic beast meat on top to roast.

Before long, the aroma of roasted meat wafted through the air.

He had grown more accustomed to the life of a cultivator and was increasingly fascinated by it. If not for the concern of encountering danger, this kind of life would be truly carefree and enjoyable.

Unfortunately, cultivators are human, and as humans, they have desires and conflicts.

To live a stable life, one must go against the current and strive to reach the top.

After a satisfying meal, Chen Lin took out the pile of ancient, broken artifacts he had purchased.

There were over a dozen items, mostly incomplete jade fragments and worn-out, mysterious material book pages.

He wanted to try to extract some knowledge from these items.

Who knows, he might stumble upon something valuable.

Because the ancient cultivation ruins were collapsed, everything was dug out from the ground, and most of it was already corroded.

Of course, the corroded items were likely low-grade, while high-quality cultivation artifacts would not deteriorate naturally, even after hundreds or thousands of years.

Chen Lin picked up the broken book pages, examining each one carefully.

These were the ones he had carefully selected from the stalls, relatively intact, but written in ancient cultivation script, which was difficult to read.

Chen Lin took out paper and pen, translating the content of each page according to its general meaning, and then began to ponder.

After half a day of effort, he couldn't help but shake his head in frustration.

He had been too optimistic.

These items must have been researched countless times and deemed useless before being put up for sale. Otherwise, they wouldn't be on a junk stall, but rather at an auction.

Chen Lin put the paper aside and picked up the jade fragments one by one.

He suspected that these jade pieces were ancient cultivation records, which was why he bought them.

He began to examine each one, but his expression grew increasingly disappointed.

He guessed correctly that these jade pieces were indeed ancient records, but due to damage, the contents had become jumbled and impossible to decipher.

It was like a mess of code.


Chen Lin suddenly let out a surprised cry, staring at the jade piece in his hand.

This was the one he bought from the bald vendor, which was intact but had numerous cracks. It was now emitting a faint, weak pulse.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed to have a faint, glowing aura on its surface.

This left Chen Lin both surprised and perplexed.

He remembered inspecting it at the market, but there was no anomaly. Why had it changed now?

He carefully placed the jade piece in front of him, observing it, and tried to infuse it with spiritual energy, but there was no response.

He then attempted to communicate with it using his spiritual power, but still, there was no reaction.

This left Chen Lin puzzled and unsure of what to do next.

Just then, a loud cry erupted from outside, followed by a commotion.

Chen Lin was taken aback, but instead of rushing out to investigate, he used the Royal Wind Technique to fly up to the rooftop and observe from a distance.

He then furrowed his brow.

The noise was coming from the newlywed's house, and their courtyard was in disarray, as if a fight had broken out.

Getting into a fight right after getting married, this is not a good omen!

Chen Lin sighed, and as he listened, a series of cries for help came from that direction.

Although the two houses were far apart, the cries for help were still loud and clear.

Chen Lin didn't want to get involved, but thinking of the new bride's impression on him, he hesitated for a moment before flying down and walking over to the scene.

As he approached, the cries grew louder, and there were many onlookers, but they all kept a safe distance, not daring to get close.

Chen Lin was shocked when he arrived at the scene.

The gate of the house was wide open, and several people were tangled together in the courtyard, covered in blood.

Among them was a young woman, likely the new bride, whose face was covered in blood, making it impossible to discern her features. She was biting the groom's ear, and with one bite, she tore it off!

What was even more shocking was that the bride didn't spit out the ear, but instead chewed and swallowed it!

The people around her were also covered in blood, clearly having been bitten as well.

Chen Lin witnessed this scene, and his face turned slightly pale.

It wasn't because of the bloody scene that scared him, but because the bride's behavior was clearly abnormal. His intuition had been correct; there was something wrong with this woman!

"Which demon dares to wreak havoc like this? Show yourself!"

Just then, a stern voice echoed, and Chen Lin's vision blurred for a moment. An old man with white hair and a white beard, wearing a Taoist robe, appeared at the gate.

Seeing someone take charge, Chen Lin decided to observe from a distance, as the old man's cultivation was higher than his, and if he couldn't handle the situation, Chen Lin wouldn't be of any help.

As soon as the old man appeared, the old man lying on the ground, covered in blood, began to shout, "Daoist Master, save us! My daughter-in-law has gone mad and is possessed by an evil spirit!"

The old man didn't speak, but instead waved his hand, and a silver duster with numerous silver threads shot out, heading towards the bride.

The bride sensed danger, but instead of dodging, she bared her teeth and let out a low, menacing growl, then reached out to grab the duster's threads and bit down on them.


The old man let out a cold snort, and with a flick of his wrist, the silver threads turned into steel-like wires, vibrating intensely, and sent the bride flying back.

Although he didn't take her down with one strike, he gave the people around her a chance to catch their breath. The groom took advantage of the opportunity to drag the people lying on the ground to the side, where they sat panting heavily.

The bride seemed to have completely lost her mind, her eyes glowing red as she charged towards the old Daoist.

As she ran, she let out a series of strange, animal-like cries.

"Demon, you shall die!"

The old Daoist's eyes turned fierce, and the duster in his hand transformed into a straight sword, radiating an intense, killing aura as he struck down at the bride.


The bride let out an inhuman roar, and her body suddenly released a terrifying, explosive energy.

What was eerie was that the blood and flesh didn't scatter, but instead coagulated into a twisted, blood-red figure.

At that moment, the sword light formed by the duster fell, but it was as if it had struck a liquid, passing through the blood shadow.

The blood shadow let out a strange, eerie cry as it charged towards the old Daoist's body.

The old Daoist let out a loud shout, and his other hand formed a fist, which grew to the size of a bowl as it struck the blood figure.

The blood figure exploded, and this time, it didn't reassemble, scattering everywhere.

Just as the old Daoist let out a sigh of relief, a faint, crimson shadow suddenly appeared, flashing like a red thread as it wrapped around the old Daoist's body.

The old Daoist's eyes instantly turned red, and a strange, demonic aura rose up around him.

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