Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 149 Training maniac

Chapter 149 Training maniac

Kyle blinked his eyes when he saw Professor Liam grin.

'Bia did I hear it wrong? I think he said 100 pushups and pull-ups right?'

-'Not 100, it's exactly 1000 push-ups and 1000 pull-ups.'

Kyle took a deep breath. His gaze was fixed on Liam. He indeed wants to train but even for him doing 1000 push-ups and pull-ups was a little ridiculous!

With a swift motion, he turned around and started walking toward the exit of the training ground.

"Professor I think I forgot to close the door of my dorm. I will see you later...."

Kyle's sentence was cut short because Liam instantly arrived behind him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Kid, where do you think you are going? Let's train together because I am getting bored training alone. You can close the door of your dorm after we are done."

Liam said with narrowed eyes. He was bored for the past two weeks because the students were busy. Even the Elders didn't ask him to do anything because they were doing something important.

That's why after he saw Kyle, his eyes instantly lit up. He finally found a student who was willing to train. There was no way he would let him run away so easily!

Kyle looked back at Liam nervously. He opened his mouth to say something but in the end, he was dragged back to train until Liam was satisfied.

All this time, Bia sat on top of one of the dummies present inside the training ground. She gazed at Kyle with pity but inwardly she was enjoying looking at Kyle's miserable condition.

-'I will take care of your family if you perished due to exhaustion.'

She said with a sad and distant voice while looking at Kyle's sweaty figure doing push-ups alongside Liam.

'Shut up!'

Kyle shouted with frustration while cursing inwardly.

'Someone save me from this training maniac!'


Meanwhile, Elder Han arrived in front of the library. He wanted to check on Kyle's progress but because he was too busy he wasn't able to come back.

"I am free now but the kid is busy with the exam."

With a sigh, he stepped inside the Library. The black-haired Librarian hurriedly greeted him.

With a nod, he ignored the old man and hurriedly entered the hidden room.

After entering the room, Elder Han approached a corner and started brewing some mana potions inside a bowl present on one of the tables. He had plenty of herbs present inside his storage ring which is why within an hour he made two batches of mana potions.

After taking the potions, Elder Han was going to leave when his gaze landed on the many papers stacked on the table in the middle of the room. In front of the papers, he saw the Array books he picked up for Kyle.

He raised his brow and approached the table.

"I remember I left these white papers beside the bookshelf."

"Did the kid use them?"

Elder Han looked at the books and picked up one of the papers.

He gazed at it casually but his eyes widened slightly.


With a baffled expression, he hurriedly looked at the other papers, and his shock increased.

"This.. did Kyle draw these symbols?"

He said with disbelief. Each paper was filled with Array symbols. Even though the symbols were from the beginner array books no ordinary person can learn to draw so many within a single week!

The shocking part was that each symbol was 100 percent accurate!

There were even a few basic Array diagrams present inside the papers.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It took me one week just to understand one beginner book of Array but he seemed to have learned all the books I picked."

A satisfied smile appeared on his tired face. He was a little jealous because Kyle had outdone him but he liked the fact that his one and only disciple seemed to be a natural genius in Arrays.

Elder Han placed the papers back on the table.

"Don't tell me he used all his time studying the books I gave him and didn't study for the exam at all."

He chuckled because if it was true that's mean Kyle would probably fail his theoretical exam.

"It's okay. The kids who entered the Tower are given the privilege to fail this time."

Elder Han took out a token from his storage ring and closed his eyes before a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"I can't see his exact location but he seemed to be near the first-year training ground what's he doing there?"

After gazing at the papers once more, he left the library and started walking toward the training ground.

On the way, he didn't see any student as they were all busy with their exams.

After a few minutes, he arrived in front of the training ground. He looked inside and immediately spotted Kyle and Professor Liam.

Elder Han raised his brow. Kyle was panting heavily while hitting a dummy again and again with his sword. On the other hand, Liam seemed to be enjoying himself while shouting at Kyle to hit with more power.

'Is Liam training him?'

Under his gaze, Kyle's grip on his sword loosened as he struggled to stand in front of the dummy.

After a minute, with a thud Kyle's sword dropped to the ground and he looked at Liam with pleading eyes.

"I can't any... more.."

While speaking Kyle's eyes spotted the old brown-haired figure standing in the distance. His tired eyes showed relief like he had seen his guardian angel.

"Master... Save me..."

Liam followed Kyle's gaze and looked back with a raised brow.

"Elder Han?"

He exclaimed with surprise because he knew all the Elders were busy with some important matters.

Elder Han snapped out of his daze. He nodded at Liam.

"I was just looking around you can continue."

Liam chuckled at Elder Han's response while Kyle's eyes widened with shock. This old man saw his suffering but he is leaving just like that!


He felt betrayed by Elder Han. Bia's laughter resounded inside Kyle.

-'Just accept your fate!'

Elder Han watched as Kyle was dragged by Liam who asked him to lift some weight and run around the training ground.

With a sigh, Elder Han gazed at Liam.

"Don't overdo it. Let him leave after one hour."

Liam didn't look back and just nodded his head.

Elder Han gazed at Kyle once more and left the training ground. He wasn't worried about him because Liam was a good training instructor who knew when to stop. The training looked tiring but it was beneficial for Kyle that's why he didn't interfere.


Meanwhile, after the three hours was over. The Professors instantly took the exam papers from the remaining kids who were fiddling while glancing here and there.

With some more students, Nine and Carcel came out of the classroom.

Nine wore a dejected expression as he walked together with Carcel. He thought he would have at least passed the exam but right now he knew inwardly that his chances of passing were very thin.

He gazed at Carcel who didn't look much bothered.

"Carcel how did you do in the exam?"

Carcel looked at Nine. A smirk appeared on his face when he saw his dull expression.

"I think I will pass because I knew 70 percent of the answers."

Nine blinked his eyes and instantly distanced himself from Carcel.

'This person is very dangerous! He is trying to show off!'

"I am leaving."

Nine waved his hand and hurriedly fled the building. He was already feeling anxious due to Kyle. There was no way he would listen to someone boast!

Carcel chuckled while looking at his fading image.

"I knew he would lose the bet."

He saw how Kyle was done with the exam within half an hour. There was no way Kyle would get the last position.

He shook his head and went to his dorm to rest because, for the past whole week everyone was busy with studies.

The practical exam would be held two days later so he wasn't worried about it yet.


On the other hand, after an hour. Professor Liam finally let Kyle go.

Kyle panted heavily and didn't even have the strength to stand up straight.

'Damn it!'

His whole body was in pain. Bia flew toward him with a smile.

-'You are alive?'

Kyle glared at her with a dark expression. He tried to grab her but she hurriedly dodged his hand.

'I swear I will turn you into bird soup if you don't stop talking!'

Bia's smile vanished and her round eyes widened.

-'You are joking, right?

Kyle didn't say anything and gazed at Bia with a smile that wasn't a smile at all.

'I wonder what would the meat of a phoenix taste like?'

Bia shut her mouth and looked away. Kyle chuckled and after lying on the ground for a while he finally got some stamina to move.

He returned to his room with Bia and after taking a bath he slumped on the bed.

"Bia I am going to sleep until tomorrow don't wake me up!"

He said and soon fell asleep.

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