Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 285  I am not here

Chapter 285  I am not here

Kyle glared at Bia with resentful eyes, but he could not refute her words because some of the lizards were indeed drooling after they saw him.

'Why is it that all the monsters I encounter in this realm want to eat me? I am not delicious at all!'

He clicked his tongue and before the lizards could pounce at him he kicked off his left foot to jump in another direction.

As if waiting for the cue, the moment he jumped, two long scaly tails attacked the place he was standing a second ago.

The ground shook with loud banging sounds and just like Bia feared, the impact blasted a big chuck of the targeted area into many pieces. Even the ceiling was trembling! She flew back a little to avoid a sneaky attack from one of the lizards.

-'The hall is going to collapse if this continues! Just kill them directly!'

Bia choked on her breath when Kyle's floating figure suddenly appeared beside her. She controlled her loud thundering heart before cursing the person who created the skill instant teleportation!

-'You bastard! I am not talking to you anymore!'

Kyle controlled the urge to laugh because this time he could sense it she was really angry. He secretly reprimanded himself for being so mean to his one and only personal future (SSS+)-Rank divine beast and hurriedly explained to salvage the situation.

'This time it was kind of urgent. I won't do it so suddenly again.'

Bia harrumphed coldly and turned her face away clearly showing her displeasure. And that's how the human and bird become engrossed in their world. Completely ignoring the presence of the countless glowing eyes staring at them from below.

The strangely peaceful atmosphere in the hall was shattered when one of the strongest lizards hissed furiously at Kyle and Bia. Its long scaly tail slapped the ground loudly before a bright light gathered between its brows. Within a second, the light turned into a round glowing orb.

"Oh shit!"

Kyle cursed. The moment he saw the orb the hair at the back of his head stood up. In an instant, he grabbed Bia and tossed her in another direction before vanishing behind her.

Bia let out a piercing scream when Kyle threw her aside. Due to the sudden force around her body, she lost her balance and tumbled downward. With a startled cry, she flapped her wings to stop her fall but as if the whole world was trying to make her miserable today before she could balance herself mid-air a massive white-scaled lizard leaped out toward her with an open jaw.

-'Ahhhh Don't!'

Bia's pounding heart almost leaped out from her ribcage. In an instant, bright crimson flames spread out from her body to enclose her in a round shield.

Kyle hissed due to the sudden heat when he appeared beside her after using instant teleportation. Still, he ignored the heat and grabbed her body before she could become someone's else food in front of his eyes.

"Calm dow.."

He stopped mid-sentence because the white orb gathered between the lizard's brows shot up like a beam. It directly passed through the previous place he was floating with lightning-fast speed before crashing straight into the ceiling with a loud bang. The hall trembled with broken debris flying everywhere and a huge dust cloud gathered in front of Kyle who coughed and waved his hand to clear his vision.

His eyebrow couldn't help but twitch when a loud and clear cracking sound echoed in the hall. He looked up blankly. A large crack painted the once smooth surface of the ceiling.

"Damn it! These lizards are crazy! Don't they know if they destroyed the hall they are going to perish with me?"

Kyle grabbed Bia who appeared lifeless. The reason, just a moment ago she lost half of her soul. Her heart was still beating loudly inside the confinement of her chest.

-'Should I just faint? After all, I don't think I will stay sane until the end..'

Her pitiful appearance did not deter Kyle even a bit. He shook her body casually and said with a serious expression.

"What are you doing? We are in the middle of a battle. Go distract the lizards who are behind me."

A vein bulged on Bia's forehead. With a loud angry shriek, she flapped her wings vigorously to release herself from his grip. In an instant, aggressive crimson flames surged around her whole body.


Kyle swiftly backed away to a distance when Bia suddenly increased her size. Even the many lizards closing toward them silently from all directions halted in their place. They simultaneously cried out in surprise due to the sudden appearance of a huge fire beast.

-'You punny lizards!'

Bia's anger was not directed at the culprit. Instead, she cursed and attacked the lizards. She flapped her wings repeatedly and a large fire tornado formed below her figure. Within a second, the fierce flames picked up their pace, making the tornado swirl around with more intensity.

Soon, the hall was filled with harsh heat and strong winds. The lizards cried out in pain when aggressive crimson flames licked their bodies and to avoid the flames they scattered trying to find any possible cover.

The combination of the fire's destructive force and the lizards' instinct to flee created a dramatic and dangerous situation. Even though Bia's huge frame and aggressive flames were not enough to kill the lizard after all she was only (C+)-Rank but the flames were successful in spreading momentarily panic among them. So much so that the lizards even forget to use their strange skill.

Amidst all this, now, if someone saw Kyle they would notice how he secretly hid his presence. He even went as far as to stand in a shadowed corner just to make himself invisible.

'I am not here.'

He slowly very slowly landed on the ground when the lizards were distracted. He eyed the ceiling that was almost on the verge of collapse after Bia's eruption.

'Sigh, it's impossible to save the hall now. Let's just end this.'

He rubbed his left foot on the ground and in an instant wisps of blue flames gathered around his legs. A far contrast to the fiery crimson flames burning almost in every corner of the hall, Kyle's flames just calmly spread out to cover the whole ground.

The already panicked lizards freaked out when coldness seeped into their bodies from below. The ones who were injured due to Bia weren't able to cope with Kyle's blue flames and immediately succumbed to their end.

In the end, when the duo was finished, the once clean and pristine hall was in utter mess. The ground was filled with ice sculptures and broken debris lying around everywhere. Half of the ceiling had already collapsed and the remaining half was just barely hanging.


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