Celestial Peak

Chapter 147: Slaughter House II

Chapter 147: Slaughter House II

The masked Northern Devil was someone that had been popping up in the mouths of both common and cultivators. Someone who kills regardless of you standing and no matter what you do, you will die a terrible death if you anger him or her.

But Dai Xiu thought otherwise, yes, she feared the Northern Devil but she looked at the masked of the Northern Devil and a wisp of her intent was seen through her eyes. It was stupid of her to even show a hint of such emotions.

With Wang Ling's countless experiences of revenge that he could not remember how many people he had encountered with hidden intent in their eyes. Such a double face act of Dai Xiu was something Wang Ling was all too aware of.

With a jolt, Wang Ling who was standing just a few meters away from her saw that intent and suddenly moved.

"I don't like those eyes of yours." Wang Ling said as he grabbed her by the neck.

The fear that encroached her body earlier was already gone. He did not want to deal with the hassle of betrayal. So, Wang Ling grabbed her by the neck and upon doing so, circulated his hellish qi insider her veins.

The essence of slaughter and destruction that cannot be mixed to anyone else began to rampage inside Dai Xiu's body.

Her chest heaved up and down as her body began to become ragged. She was in immense pain and in just a few short seconds, she could not take it anymore and started screaming in pain.

Wang Ling did not stop her, he let her scream and let the people around know her pain. He only moved slowly and quietly as to not alert Dai Xiu and then have her run away from them. But with her in his hands, Wang Ling did not care about anything else anymore.

He would just let Bai Xue kill anyone she likes to kill.

The whole manor trembled as her screams echoed out. The guards and the people who had yet to die hurriedly went over to Dai Xiu's side. But Bai Xue who was guarding the door slaughtered everyone that wanted to move against Wang Ling.

Not having to move in the shadows anymore, Bai Xue didn't hold back and made them exploded as she slashed them to pieces.

The sound of thunder rumbled as Bai Xue's martial technique 'Fox Form' started moving at incredibly high speed. She had a smile on her face as she felt the exhilarating joy of advancement in her own technique.

Not only so but she was also happy to absorb the blood that had been spilled on the ground and on the ceiling. Basically, there was blood everywhere as their bodies exploded into bits.

While she was slaughtering those stupid enough to make a move against her and Wang Ling. Bai Xue's spirit sense that was spread all over the manor picked some movements outside.

Kicking the ground, a cracked appeared and she bulldozes her way through the many people around her and went out of the house through a window.


The wind shattered and Bai Xue saw a man screaming in terror as he started running away.

"You're not going to escape." Bai Xue had a smile on her face and kicked the air. A boom was heard and she disappeared from where she stood.


A body exploded and Bai Xue returned inside to once again restart the slaughter guarding she was currently doing. Bai Xue was currently having fun.

On the other hand, Wang Ling continued circulating his qi inside Dai Xiu's body. She was screaming in pain yet Wang Ling only stared at her.

He was secretly circulating angelic qi in her mind from time to time in order for her to never lose consciousness.

Wang Ling just found out that his two qi was perfect for torture. Circulate hellish qi for pain and revitalize with angelic qi then rinse it do it again and repeat. It was a perfect cycle of true terror and pain.

Wang Ling was contented at the new findings. While Dai Xiu was present and was still being tortured. He shrugged his shoulders and decided to test what else he could do and began doing experiments.

He tried focusing on one body parts and see if it was more effective than a full-body experience.

This torture continued for an hour and as it finished, Wang Ling threw away the limped body of Dai Xiu.

He eyes were rolled on the back of her head and her body was twitching in pain. As her body convulsed, Wang Ling spoke once again:

"I need not need to kill, do what I want you to do and I will set you free. Go now and do what you must, but if you ever try to do something unnecessary, I will definitely kill you without mercy and burn your soul."

Wang Ling basically repeated his first statement only slapping in more threats this time. But compared to the first time he said the threats, Wang Ling's words carried more weight this time and Dai Xiu showed an almost instinctive fear from his voice alone.

Dai Xiu slowly got up and as her body continued to twitch, Wang Ling saw her and decided to go out of the room. He had seized the manor and the fear had very well been craved inside Dai Xiu's core.

His torture was not sophisticated, but it was efficient. It was painful and it could corrupt the mind of anyone. Inflicting them with never-ending pain was something that Wang Ling wished he had in the previous era.

If he had one of those skills in the previous era. He might have been satisfied with his 'previous work' and have the ability to sleep at night without waking up in cold sweat.

Wang Ling had forgotten how long it had been since he had proper sleep. Even when he was in the Azure Skies Kingdom, where he finally found a family and vowed to bring them with him to the top, Wang Ling never really got to find peace.

Thinking things through, Wang Ling frowned underneath the devil mask.

[Is having a family with me going to wash my sins? You previously mentioned I should create a family of own and live with them with happiness.

But now that I have one and is trying to bring them with me to my 'happiness', why am I still plagued with nightmares? Will I really only see peace when I reach the apex?]

Wang Ling's mind was once again plagued with thoughts he did not want to delve on. He previously swears that he would take his family to the peak when he ascends to the apex. On the surface it was something he did on a whim, but deep within his heart, something was resonating, it was a ball of pain and suffering.

The shadows of someone still remained in his heart and the words of that person can be shaken off until he reaches the apex at least that's what he believes.


Upon seizing the manor of Dai Xiu, Wang Ling didn't waste his time doing what he needed to do. First, he went to cultivate his sword in the open for some time before checking up on Dai Xiu on the second day.

He didn't say anything other than circulating some of his qi inside her body. She didn't know what that was for because when Dai Xiu went ahead and neutralized the qi, it was neutralized quickly.

Wang Ling didn't say anything about this and left. He secluded himself and on the next day, he received the letter that will be sent to the other two members of the Chaos Union.

Dai Xiu seemed to have been scared of Wang Ling's threats and showed him the letter that will be sent to the other two. Wang Ling read through the paper and smiled.

The paper mentioned the location and the time of the meeting, the people who would attend and everything else. The location would be a place known as [Chaos Manor], it was three days away from Dai Xiu's place.

Wang Ling got up and had Dai Xiu take him there, they left and with he who was called the Blood Seeking Celestial drowned himself in the thought of killing once again.

The words, "may this bury my thoughts" escaped his mind and Bai Xue who was 'sleeping' like usual heard his voice and felt genuine sadness and a hint of desperation.

She wanted to help him, but for some odd reason, she could not say something. Something was creeping up inside her that made her incapable of speaking.

It was weird for her.

In the end, she didn't get to ask what was bugging Wang Ling

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