Celestial Peak

Chapter 154: Domination II

Chapter 154: Domination II

Wang Ling looked at Han Shi's body that was lying on the floor and the sweet temptation of resources made him speak with himself.

[Not now.]

The previous era where he ruled with fear and power was slowly creeping up behind his mind. Not that he was rejecting it, but killing right now would be trouble so he stayed his hands.

Wang Ling looked at the crowd and then asked them a single question, "Does this mean I get his ranking?"

Silence, complete and utter silence.

It was a question directed to the people who were watching. But no one answered, their mouths were opened making them unable to speak.

One hit. One hit was all it took to thoroughly beat up one of the strongest that in the academy who is under the dominion realm.

It was too much of a shock for them to just accept such a thing just happened. Han Shi was not someone ordinary.

It only took him 35 years of his life to reach the peak True Saint Stage. Considering how strong and competitive the students of Thundergod Academy, Han Shi is no easy target.

It would have been just fine if Wang Ling was some well-known student or someone who was also at the peak of True Saint Stage. But he wasn't.

He was a no-name person that nobody knew. His cultivation was also not on par with Han Shi as he was only a Grand Saint Stage cultivator.

He was someone unknown. He was so unknown that nobody knew who he was. That is except for one specific elf that was watching from the crowd.

She was a beauty and was at the peak of the nascent soul stage. She was the little miss of the Evergreen Clan from some elf clan. Being a part of the Evergreen Clan and having the privilege to meet the First Young Master before, Aiane already knew that it was Wang Ling who stood up to fight.

She was just about to stand up when someone from the shadow suddenly appeared. It was a middle-aged man with the strength of a half-step dominion realm.

Wang Ling stared at the middle-aged man who looked much older than how he looked like. He opened his mouth and asked a question.

"Are you the one overseeing this event?" Wang Ling was calm and had no look of being flustered. The middle-aged man classified Wang Ling as someone extraordinary.

The middle-aged man nodded his head and said, "Check your identity plaque and see for yourself. The rankings had long changed after you defeated him."

With an oh*, Wang Ling took out the identity and checked his identity plaque. He fiddled with the plaque and managed to find the Roaring Thunder Board.

Information rushed in his mind as Wang Ling saw an azure board pop inside his mind. On the board were names of different people. It was the ranking of the Roaring Thunder Board.

His name was posted in the rankings and was currently in the 92nd place.

Below him was Zu Yun at 93rd place and at the 91st place above him was someone named Cao Ying.

This was the first time that Wang Ling had observed such a thing. He was not a part of any big sect or academy before, so this kind of thing was foreign to him.

Although there was a ranking in the previous era. That was a ranking system used to rank the various celestials of the whole realm. Of course, he was the top ranker.

Seeing Wang Ling's actions, the other people in the crowd did the same and checked their identity plaques.

They checked the plaque and saw the name of the 92nd place had indeed changed. From Han Shi, it was now Wang Ling.

It was an unknown name to many other than Aiane and soon, questions began to boil. Curiosity arose from this newfound information.

They stared at Wang Ling curiously while some with greed for the position he held. The middle-aged man remained indifferent but still asked him after remembering something important.

"Are you the same Wang Ling of the Wang Family?"

"That is me." Wang Ling answered nonchalantly.

The middle-aged man became even more intrigued and found it fascinating that another genius was appearing from the Wang Family. Though Wang Ling was not a monstrous genius like his younger brother, the middle-aged man was still intrigued.

"Alright, I should not bother with any of the student's problems. I will leave now, a heads up, the challenges can be accepted or declined without a problem. But there are consequences, decline three times to people of lower ranked than you are and you will be kicked out of the rankings and the person before you will be brought back. These restrictions will apply to you until you reach Grade-B. Also, don't try anything to exploit the system of rankings, the academy is always watching."

After saying these words the middle-aged man flew away and disappeared. Wang Ling deduced from his words that there were people watching the fights of the academy. The rankings should be decided by those secret observers.

Wang Ling was intrigued. But his curiosity disappeared soon after, students who saw his win as 'luck' were starting pop out. These youths were either peak-grand saint stage or already at the true saint stage.

He held an inward smile.

[Oh, my white banner will have to wait. Idiots are already appearing so there would be no need to taunt them that much.]

Having a ranking while still having lower cultivation than the rest of the rankers was too good of a bait. Wang Ling knew of this fact. He was originally planning to use that rank as bait to others and if the bait loses its function, he will jump to a higher rank and hold bets to the rankers.

But it would be nice to hold the betting longer. Smiling, he first announces something before accepting any challenges.

"I am Wang Ling, the man who held the 92nd rank of the academy. I will accept any challenge presented to me, but there is a price to be paid. I want 100,000 points for every challenge."

Wang Ling announced his rule and made many people frown. Their points were earned by effort, and 100,000 points were not something so easily gained. The challengers who were about to issue their challenge to Wang Ling halted as they rebuked his words.

"Stop acting so greedy, we all know the rule and you must accept our challenges else you'll be kicked out of the board."

Many agreed with this statement. But Wang Ling only smiled wider as he argued.

"Then so be it, if I fail to accept three challenges then I will be kicked out. However, the said ranking will be returned to Han Shi. Do you wish to fight him who's already at the peak of true saint stage or some nobody at the grand saint stage?"

Wang Ling's words shut them up.

Hel continued as he said in derision, "You bunch call yourself geniuses correct? Why don't you show me your worth? If you are cowardly and think you will lose your 100,000 points to someone at the early-grand saint stage then get out of my sight. I'll fight with true warriors of the academy. To those cowards mix in, you better get lost before I make you do so."

Those who were attempting to challenge Wang Ling had their spirits raise as they were ridiculed by some nobody.

They cannot turn their backs anymore and pretend that they didn't step forth to challenge Wang Ling.

If they turn back now, they will be branded as cowards. Their pride will be hurt and their names will be tarnished.

In the end, their collective thoughts became.

"Trying to beat this bastard is better than being called a coward."

Wang Ling saw their burning eyes and thought, "Idiots."

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