Celestial Peak

Chapter 170: Lair of the Serpentine Turquiose King

Chapter 170: Lair of the Serpentine Turquiose King

The cave they wandered in was a lair. Looking closely around the spacious cave, Wang Ling could see dozens of holes with different auras coming from inside.

Dozens of true saints were surrounding them and the one in front of them was no ordinary Serpentine Turquoise.

[Its bloodline is about to mutate. Shit, its control over water is strong, I can't deal with this thing.]

Black Turtle is the King of all bodies of water. Whether it be a lake, a river, or an ocean. The Black Turtle is its ruler and could control it with ease.

Legend has it that even the three Beast Deities will be swallowed by the ocean if they ever fought the Black Turtle there.

The beast in front of them was merely a variant of the Black Tortoise line. But it still possesses the ability of a Black Turtle to some degree.

[Its territory should be the only place it could control.] Wang Ling mused as he stared intently to the big Serpentine Turquoise

As Wang Ling planned on how to deal with the whole ordeal he got himself into. The large Serpentine Turquoise moved its body and hiss at Wang Ling who stood in front of him proudly.

"Human, you are standing before the King of this place, should you not be begging for your lives after you killed one of my people?"

"You will kill us either way, why bother with begging you? Are you a Serpentine Turquoise King or are you still a worm that is trying to transcend your blood?" Wang Ling answered by using his qi to have his voice travel towards the ears of the Serpentine Turquoise.

The Serpentine Turquoise hissed as it could feel the sharp intent that was beneath Wang Ling's eyes. It was unpleasant and deadly, his words had also managed to anger the King.

"I am a proud Serpentine Turquoise King, I am the ruler of my Kingdom do you think your insolent way of insulting the King of a Kingdom will go unpunished? Kill them!" The Serpentine Turquoise King gave the order and turquoise light emerged from holes that was scattered around the lair.

Three Serpentine Turquoise came from above slithering towards their direction. Its maw was widely opened, a green streak escaped from their glands as the infamous quickly venom filled the lair.

Another three came from all three sides, a total of twelve serpents appeared. Their bodies were large and was little over 20 meters each, they swan around Wang Ling and Bai Xue with their venoms at large.

Surrounding Wang Ling and Bai Xue with green venom, a venomous ball was created. It would only be a matter of time before Wang Ling and Bai Xue would die.

The Serpentine Turquoise sneered, but soon enough, it caught sight of two figures emerging from the ball of venoms.

A Blue Dragon and a human emerged. The Blue Dragon roared and shook the lair. It swam around the waters, it moved like it truly belongs in there.

Bai Xue had transformed into a ferocious beast, and as she combined her frost qi and the lightning qi she had been harboring inside,

The serpents were surprised to see that someone managed to come out of the venom alive. But that shock did not last long as their instincts warned them that something was coming.

With a body that stretches over 20 meters, her size was on par with the serpents. She opened her maw and bit into one of the serpents.

With a pained hiss, Bai Xue did not hold back and injected the two qi into the veins of her victims. With her frost qi she froze their veins and meridians and using her lightning she destroyed their now frail veins thereby killing them inside out.

Blood flowed out of the bodies of her victims. Bai Xue did not hesitate and moved towards another target. One serpent that was enraged upon seeing her retaliation succeed pounced at Bai Xue.

The serpent was fast, it swam faster than Bai Xue and managed to wrap its body around her Dragon form. The Serpent got ready to bite into Bai Xue's long neck, but all of a sudden the dragon began to shrink.

A Black Tiger with a size of little over 2 meters jumped out of the space created by the sudden transformation. Bai Xue kicked the water and clouds appeared on all four paws.

"Phantom Claws!" She roared as she raged over at the serpent that tried to restrict her movements.

Blood escaped the body of the serpent and died shortly after. Bai Xue returned to her Dragon form and without holding back gathered qi in her mouth, "Frost Breath!" she blasts through a serpent.

Bai Xue's spectacle caught the sight of many opponents, they wanted to go towards her direction but behind their backs was a feeling of overbearing killing intent.

A dense and horrific killing intent coming from a human spread to all corners of the lair. A momentary pause occurred as Wang Ling's killing intent almost froze their blood through fear alone.

With two swords in hand, Wang Ling kicked the waters.

"Ocean's Lull!" Wang Ling's senses extended and then had his sword qi, angelic qi, and hellish qi come as he brought out two swords of varying lengths.

Golden halos appeared behind his head. Choosing not to bring out his wings as it would only slow him down underwater, Wang Ling chose to circulate his True Devil General into his veins.

Devils possess a strong body and as a being who had long step into the path of a true devil, Wang Ling's physical strength was enough to terrify anyone.

With a kick, Wang Ling was like a torpedo. His eyes gleamed his killing intent devoured the hearts of his opponents, Wang Ling brandished his sword and slash forth. With his sword as sharp as it could get.

Frantically circulating his qi, he slashed out, "Judgment!"


Water was not a good companion of swordsmanship, it gets in the way and slows the sword almost to a crawl. It dulls one's blade and slows one's reaction.

However, with the strength to rival and even surpass that of a dragon, swords illuminated by black and white forced their way into the path that leads to the necks of the serpents.

A head had been separated and blood now dyed the waters. The visibility dropped, but with Wang Ling's eyes, he managed to see through everything.

Frantically looking around, Wang Ling sensed four serpents were quickly coming his way. With quick movements and ferocity to rival that of a rabid animal, the serpents wanted nothing but to tear Wang Ling to pieces.

Four opponents were coming at him from three different angles. Two in front and one each on both sides.

Wang Ling was unperturbed, his swords shone with great brilliance his smile widened and the Extreme Yin Yang Art circulated.

"Vanquishing Blade!"

Wang Ling slashed forward even though the two serpents were meters away from his. The serpents sneered at his stupidity but their sneers disappeared as a wave of sword qi slashed out from Wang Ling's sword.

The wave of sword qi was accompanied by three other qi and as it traveled the waters, Wang Ling gravely injured two serpents.

He turned to the serpent that was on his right and found out that it was already a mere two meters away from his. The serpent had its maws wide open.

Wang Ling slash out, the sharpness of his sword had not dulled and as he slashed forward, Wang Ling managed to split the serpent in two.

Another serpent was coming his way from the back, Wang Ling could feel it heading for him.

Yet he was not worried. Because as the serpent neared, Bai Xue rushes from above and bit into the serpent's body. She dragged it away from Wang Ling and Wang Ling who stood on top of the serpent he just killed kicked it down and quickly made his way towards the Serpentine Turquoise King.

Wang Ling got ready and as if the qi of the world gathered on his back, he bursts with a force so great that both his swords shone brilliantly.

The Serpentine Turquoise King roared at him and used the water to control Wang Ling. But with Wang Ling's qi protecting him, Wang Ling powered through and with two swords in and killing intent running wild, his very being resembled that of a reaper.

The Serpentine Turquoise King saw this and was just about to ignite its bloodline, but Wang Ling was faster to move. Getting closer to the Serpentine Turquoise King, Wang Ling's bloodlines was ignited his body surged with great strength and what seemed to be a giant behind him.

A golden figure with two swords appeared, it had no eyes but a single slit was on its forehead.

The Yin-Yang Symbol on its chest shone brightly. Wang Ling roared and his sword qi rose in purity and sharpness.

He slashed out, the golden Saint Soul on his back did the same.

A sword slash was made and the lair became silent.

Wang Ling had his eyes widened, the Serpentine Turquoise King managed to protect itself as it bombarded Wang Ling with wave after wave of water.

It slowed down Wang Ling's sword and managed to keep it from completely separating its head from its body.

Wang Ling's sword managed to travel a quarter of the way. The Serpentine Turquoise smiled at Wang Ling's failure.

But Wang Ling reciprocated that smile as his qi switched into lightning qi.


Wang Ling's lightning flowed through the veins of the Serpentine Turquoise King. It caused the Serpentine Turquoise King to roar out in pain.

Wang Ling's lightning qi was not as potent as Bai Xue's, but it was enough to paralyze the Serpentine Turquoise King for a moment.

Wang Ling smiled, he kept his swords away and at that moment, Wang Ling turned back and saw Bai Xue holding the Serpents at bay.

He turned around as the serpent king was incapacitated.

Wang Ling dashed forth and swan quickly for the exit. He dragged Bai Xue with him who promptly turned back to a white fox the moment Wang Ling passed. She collected the blood essence as they left.

Wang Ling saw a serpent was blocking the exit. With his bloodline ignition still in effect, Wang Ling slashed out, the golden figure once again appeared. It slashed out together with him and Wang Ling easily slew another serpent.

He exited and the serpents who wanted to kill him followed suit. Hurrying to get out of that place. Wang Ling pushes his body to the limit and seconds later.


Wang Ling was finally out of the water, the serpents were still on his tail and as he was out of the water, he circulated his flames and a ball of flames was formed.

"White Sun!" he threw the ball of flames and as it was about to reach the water, he clenched his fist, "Detonate!"


He killed three or so serpents before running out of gas.

Wang Ling collapsed, and with a ball of blood and a human in tow, Bai Xue left in form of a dragon with phoenix wings and clouds surrounding her.

At this time, Wang Ling and Bai Xue had yet to know what his actions caused, but the entire Eastern Seas will know his name.

After all, an hour after he left, the Eastern Seas of the Water Domain had turned bloody red from the killing he and Bai Xue had created.

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