Celestial Peak

Chapter 200: Worth

Chapter 200: Worth

[Woah, I already know Older Brother was strong, but I think even with my newfound powers I don't think I would be worthy enough to stand by his side.] Wang Yue was staring at the brilliant performance Wang Ling is showing and had her mouth agape.

At 16 years of age, she is already an energy palace stage cultivator. A young genius with the Wang Family and Xiao Clan behind her. She was hardworking and her efforts show at her prodigious ways of archery.

She had thought that she had taken a step forward at the place where Wang Ling and Wang Hong stood, but the current sight was simply too outstanding for her that she immediately realized that Wang Ling was still hundreds of steps ahead of her.

Wang Hong was someone, who, just like her sees Wang Ling as his goal. Although he was a monstrous genius who had been considered as one of the best and had long stood at the pinnacle of the younger generations in the Wang Family.

Wang Hong understands that he was inferior when he is pitted against Wang Ling. Even with his years of head start against Wang Ling was useless for his greatness was simply too great. His light was dazzling just like his monikers.

Wang Hong should feel jealousy and envy towards the one who stole his light. But he knows that everything Wang Ling achieves is not something his mere training her refers to as hard work could amount to.

With an unrelenting spirit and will that strive for greatness, that is Wang Ling. He stands at the peak not only because he is talented and is 'loved' by the heavens. No, he stands at the peak despite being hated by the heavens and because of his perseverance.

Wang Hong knows of Wang Ling's hardships for he is not blind. He has eyes and he could see that every step that Wang Ling takes forward, the number of hits and sacrifices he has to make is numerous.

The only thing he could do at this point as a proud warrior and a brother is staring at Wang Ling's back and run after it as fast as possible without stopping. Wang Ling is a role model for the Wang Family youths, and as he split the very skies in half, it reflects truly reflects his capable swords and might.

Wang Yue and Wang Hong unconsciously turned to one another and nodded. They need not utter a single word for they knew each other's intents and goals.

[We must one day be capable of splitting the skies just like older brother!] They both thought as they stared at the skies and paid attention to the unfinished third trial.

Wang Ling had split the skies with his sword. As night replaces day, Wang Ling landed on the ground like a light feather. Before Zhuan Jie could fall and crash to the ground, Wang Ling made his move against Li Yourong and Xiang Ning.

Kicking the ground, Wang Ling took off and held his sword horizontally. Circulating his qi and sword qi together seamlessly, Wang Ling found his way in front of Li Yourong and with a smirk flashing from his face he slashes forth without any hint of hesitation.

Li Yourong saw this and panicked. She had seen Wang Ling's sword, its capabilities and the danger that it holds. Li Yourong saw Wang Ling's sword coming for her so she guarded with her saber.

But Wang Ling merely murmured, "50,000 swords." His sword became 250,000 kilograms heavy and with a swing a massive wind was carried over but the speed of his blade did not decrease one bit.

Wang Ling's sword carried a terrifying momentum and as it clashed with Li Yourong's saber a grand Clang* was heard as the saber cracked and Li Yourong was sent flying to hit the walls of the colosseum.

She hit the walls and dust blew all over the place. Web-like cracks formed and she coughed up blood.

Wang Ling was smiling but then a figure abruptly appeared behind him without making a sound. But as Wang Ling kept his sword away and clenched his fist tightly, Wang Ling twisted his body and the sounds of lightning crackling was heard.

"Thunder Fist!" with a smile Wang Ling clashed fist with Qin Lim. He circulated the qi that had the hint of lightning qi in it and an all-new Thunder Fist that is a mere fundamental technique was born.

Lightning crackled and as he clashed with Qin Lim's fist, the lightning he had drawn out exploded out in a magnificent view that rendered Qin Lim unable to move. He was paralyzed for a brief second and this granted Wang Ling a brief moment to unleash a kick on the abdomen.


Qin Lim was sent flying towards the other end of the colosseum before crashing into the walls just like Li Yourong. He accomplished all this by the time Zhuan Jie and Xiang Ning fell from above.

"So, are you all finished? This whole fighting should be judged as your loss correct?" Wang Ling asked with due respect.

However, Zhuan Jie struggled to get up from the ground as he utters, "I refuse to accept defeat. If you are to win the third trial, the likeliness of you becoming the Son of Heaven increases, an unworthy person like you cannot hope to imagine inheriting the seat for the Son of Heaven."

Wang Ling raised a brow as he asked curiously, "You are battered and hurting yet you wish to say that I am unworthy to get the seat of the Son of Heaven? In most cases, I do not trust the words of a beaten-up man such as yourself but for the benefit of the doubt, I will ask. On what basis do you dare say that I am unworthy?"

It was not Zhuan Jie who answered but Xiang Ning who was also getting up from the ground, "You are arrogant and disrespectful, your heart is the muddiest of the candidates so do you think our worry is unwarranted?"

"Your faade as a divine being is merely something you most likely fabricated. You "ascended" in a Mini World of the Devils, we have read your reports so you need not doubt of this information. I doubt that you truly have the bloodline from Heaven Realm or if it is fabricated by you and your family's Shadow Pavilion. "Li Yourong who somehow found her way back to the stadium cut in.

Wang Ling looked behind him if Qin Lim who had actually stood up just like the other three would say something but he stayed quiet. But Wang Ling reckoned that he too share the same sentiment.

Wang Ling sighed as he slowly circulated his angelic qi. He looked at the determined four candidates and said, "Your determination is admirable and your worries truly do make one think. But let me first remind you, this is not something you can win with determination alone, your hopes of triumphing over me is slim and as for your concerns you are merely speaking out of your asses."

With that said, Wang Ling suddenly exploded in a glorious white blaze. With his body shrouded with the True Heavenly Flames, Wang Ling slowly rose into the air.

Emanating incredible heat and awe-inspiring might, there was also that hint of qi that is far beyond heavenly qi the people of Heaven's Will Academy was aware of. All of the Holy Cultivators were flabbergasted at this form of qi, only his family especially Wang Yue was not surprised by that form of qi.

Wang Ling looked down upon the four candidates and said, "I have been respectful to you lot all this while and you merely took that as offensive is because you fail to see my meaning behind your feelings of pride. My respect turned to arrogance the moment you tried to justify your incapability of beating me.

"My heart is muddied for I bear a grave question and worry in my heart, my path is unclear yet my will is strong and that will is going to enable me to rise from where I stand. And as for ascension in the Devil's Mini World, I dare say that all those mindless prattles is nitpicking for what right do you say that Devils is not righteous? The term Heroes amidst the Devils exists since before because Devil Cultivators does not merely exist to create evil as they too are other beings just like any other.

"Evil cultivators exists and it is the job of the righteous sects and forces to weed them out. It is not our job to destroy those people who have merely ended up cultivating a Devil Cultivation Technique because of their circumstances. Not all Devils are Evil and not all Holy Cultivators are righteous, the [Devil Emperor] and the [Light Tyrant] embodies these words. And as for those who doubt me, I accept that you point fingers at me but don't you dare point them at my family." At this moment a golden light erupted from behind Wang Ling's head.

Two golden halos with blinding light appeared and as they revolved behind Wang Ling's head, the angelic qi drowned everyone's words and all became still.

As Wang Ling hovered overhead the four candidates and the spectators everyone knew that Wang Ling was the winner of this selection. For the reaction of the students of the Heaven's Will Academy was to kneel before the Greater Holy Lord before them without them even noticing their actions.

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