Celestial Peak

Chapter 218: Preparation of the geniuses

Chapter 218: Preparation of the geniuses

Taking a stroll down the mountain where the Roaring Lightning Stage was built on, Wang Ling showed a calm and collected exterior to the other students. Just like the elegant display of his prowess, Wang Ling held an elegant persona that had women wanting him to accompany them.

But as he was a man with little to no interest in romance or having a child of his own, Wang Ling did not notice nor spent the effort to notice the women around him. He merely looked straightforward and stared at the far off distance.

If he ever notices such affections, only those who had a significant amount of that was worth noticing. But even then, Wang Ling might still choose to tread a path that leads a path up to the apex without looking left or right.

Wang Ling asked a student for directions where the 'beautiful fire-haired beauty' (or so they say) Yan Renhuo had gone to. He was pointed to the direction of the Cored Student's Lodgings.

Being directed to the area where she had been guided to. At a distance, there was a mountain range with a waterfall going down from the peak. A house stood at the peak of the mountain right beside the stream of water.

There was an abode that is grandiose in size, but the design was simplistic. This peak was known as the [Chaotic Tranquility Peak] a contrasting peak of both tranquility and chaos.

At the abode's entrance was a beautiful young lady with blazing red hair. She looked elegant and the way the wind blew her way accentuated her beauty further. This thought caused Wang Ling to raise a brow.

There were only a handful of things he finds attractive of the opposite gender. The first thing would be the lass known as Wang Yue who happens to be one of the cutest being in the realm and can topple an empire without anyone holding a candle to her, this was Wang Ling's thoughts without being biased.

The second one would be his mother because he found her entertaining and kind of beautiful. Third, would Bai Xue's fur that gives comfort he likes her tail, especially which also happens to be the reason why he lets her on his back and shoulders or head.

As for the fourth one, any of his allies really. Unless one is annoying or undesirable Wang Ling does not see a person's qualities through their external appearance, he observes their abilities and capabilities and judges them.

Just like how he judges Wang Yue, her ability to comprehend the complex method of archery is something that deserves praise. Her dedication she had with her gardening and her honest desire to learn more and ascend higher is something good and desirable.

In the eyes of the Strongest Celestial, everyone has their qualities they choose to hone to become a one of a kind gem only those who put in the effort can achieve. And only a few can truly say such 'beauty'.

And base on Wang Ling's views, Yan Renhuo was a gem with great potential who has room to grow even though she is already shining. As to what is the extent of his potential, Wang Ling had no idea.

Approaching Yan Renhuo with both hands on his back, Wang Ling apologized for being late to come. "I have been held up by the old Thunderlord, I apologize for treating my guest this way. I have been told this abode is going to be my residence until I graduate, do you wish to enter?"

Yan Renhuo shook her head, "I have to refuse Brother Ling. I was going to leave and train myself as I have found my current abilities is too weak for me to even climb the ladder of the top eight in the coming Ten Year Bout, so I wish to go and leave and return to the Ancient Scripture Academy to consult my master about something."

"Is that so? I will not hold you back, let me see you to the Academy gates, Sister Renhuo." Wang Ling did not simply see her leave the abode and went with her to the academy gates where they spent their farewells.

Talks echoed around him but he cared not about them and simply went back to his abode. In front of his abode was a vast land with no tree or anyone in sight. So, Wang Ling brought a sword from his storage ring.

He now uses two swords with varying sizes, but Wang Ling did not do that and chose one of his sword fragments, specifically the Bleeding Cloud. Wang Ling raised the Bleeding Cloud in front of him and went to take a stance with the tip of the sword pointed to the sky.

With that as the start, Wang Ling began executing seven strikes that interwove to create a circular path that cut the grass and spread baleful qi around. It was exquisite and every swing of his sword, the sharpness increases.

"This is not it this is not the form of that technique" Wang Ling cursed himself and returned to his original position. With the sword in hand pointing to the heavens, he made his sword travel to the southwest and made it ascend to the northeast and as it connected to the eight extreme directions of the world, Wang Ling finally smiled.

"Connect the eight directions and conquer the world, dye it red and make it bleed The sword of the Bloody Monarch (Wang) is going to see the light of day once again." These words echoed in his head as if someone is saying them aloud.

Wang Ling repeatedly did this action one by one and with every sword strike, his sword became faster. The faster it became the sharper it looked. Wang Ling was becoming sharper and sharper, and soon, with a single slash of his sword, every bit of hi qi was drawn out as if a dam had been opened.

The world seemed to slow down and with a single slash, a part of the mountain had been cut cleanly. With a thump, he dropped to the floor with his behind and sighed in contemplation.

"I can't execute it perfectly yet. Soon, I can replace the Heaven's Vanquisher swordplay with my own style. Soon, my sword will rise, but I wonder if I can connect the eight extremities to create a new sword style to accompany my current self."

With that thought, Wang Ling began to train. He moved and moved and drained his qi without regard to feeling weak.

Time passed and each and everyone who will participate in the Ten Year Bout was quickly making progress to increase their strength.

Yan Renhuo was quickly opening a new worldview for herself and she was becoming stronger by the minute.

Bai Xue was comprehending the Legacy she was presented with and her current progress was nothing short of breathtaking.

Wang Ling was below a waterfall with his eyes shut and an incorporeal being was moving about his body. He was beginning the second ignition of the True Heaven and Hell Flames.

They were not the only one's training as others were looking forward to the Ten Year Bout.

And as the faithful day draws near. The Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tiger will gather at the [Invincible City]!

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