Celestial Peak

Chapter 230: Annoying

Chapter 230: Annoying

[I am alone with no one in sight. The others and I must have been separated this is convenient.] He thought.

While he was thinking on his own, he tried surveying the area and floated up to the skies. He looked around but aside from the trees, no other living things could be seen as far as he is concern.

There was no life. With that said, Wang Ling stretched his back and took in a deep breath. It had been a while since he found such a soothing place. It was at this time that Suzhen (the serpent) spoke, "Father, please let me out, I also wish to move."

Wang Ling did not complain nor grumble and let her out. Suzhen came out of his body with a tiny little body. She was as big as Wang Ling's arm. She was made of flames but her body was distinct. Her scales seemed real and it truly felt like she was truly a beast.

Her heat was contained within her and she looked like an ordinary snake on Wang Ling's hands. Looking around she found the area suitable and looked at Wang Ling for confirmation on what she is about to do.

Wang Ling nodded his head, "You may burn it all down. Also, while you are at it, you can go and practice your flight so you will become more agile."

Suzhen's face 'brightened' with delight and she dove to the forest nearby and started burning the trees down. From her and Wang Ling's many training sessions, they had learned that aside from Wang Ling's qi, Suzhen can absorb flames and this also applies to things she burns.

It was a process they called [Amassing Blaze]. Suzhen was just a newborn, but Wang Ling could see her enjoying burning a whole forest without any regards to the consequences they might face.

Minutes passed and considering none of his companions could come to his side. He came into the conclusion they were either too far away or they are separated from one another dimension-wise.

The latter does not seem feasible so he stuck to the former. But that also concludes that the size of this Mini World was far larger than normal.

"Well then, this trial is going to be a hassle." Wang Ling said to himself and sent Suzhen to speed things up and halt the spread, "Absorb the flames, I can feel the space of the Mini World to be rippling in different places."

"Yes, Father." Suzhen obeyed his command and absorbed the flames. When she returned to Wang Ling's side, it was two inches longer. Considering it was in its compressed form, that was a significant increase.

"So, time is already up?" He said silently and observed the surrounding space. Although Wang Ling was not the lord of the Mini World, there were dozens of ripples happening around making a large scale ripple all over the place.

The time allotted to them as a headstart to see if they can get a better grasps of the world was over and the rest of the representatives were entering the world. With the world beginning to have more and more ripples Wang Ling already knew what was happening.

Because Suzehn cannot be seen by anyone else just yet, Wang Ling kept her inside his body and was just about to move. But soon, a voice echoed out.

"Alright! Listen, this is nothing but a simple event." It was the old man's voice again, "You have entered a world that is modeled after the Red Lands. Although its size is not even a fourth of the original it will do. The rules is simple, take the jade stick of your opponent and crush it. Once the Jade Stick is crushed, you will be pulled out of the Mini World, likewise, those who have had their Jade Stick destroyed would be pulled out as well. Death is not permissible, now, BEGIN!"

A loud announcement and this caused many to move. Even Wang Ling who was always staying at one place began to move at the shout of the old man. He was not sure how many people are in that place so he did not dare take his chances.

After all, the geniuses present were not normal. If the smoke attracts too many geniuses, they might just decide to team up and get rid of him. He had no basis as to why geniuses would do such a thing, but he cared not about the logic for the moment and simply thought of the probability.

So, he moved faster and faster top find an opponent could take on. He wanted to find an enemy earlier as possible so he can leave. If he delays any longer, find an enemy would be much harder than what it should be so it would be best if he leaves now.

Wang Ling flew with breakneck speed. His eyes began searching for enemies and as he hurried along, he heard the wind being split apart from the side. His instincts shot up and warned him about the oncoming danger.

Having felt something coming his way, Wang Ling hurriedly twisted his body. He brought out his fist and used a single finger coated with sword qi as a means to meet the danger.]

"A spear!?" Wang Ling uttered in shock upon realizing just what kind of item was flying towards him.

Without any time to prepare, Wang Ling thrust his fingers forward and sound of torrential waters being pierced was heard. It was his old technique, the Piercing Wave. A technique used to neutralize the swift strike of others, but as Wang Ling tried neutralizing the force of the oncoming spear! Something unexpected happen.

[It's not enough?] His finger sword was actually not enough to meet the sword. So, with great difficulty, Wang Ling had to twist his arms in order to redirect the flow of the spear.

The spear flowed like a torrential wave, and as it pierced through one of his formidable defenses, Wang Ling was surprised that it resulted in him losing a finger as it broke.

Healing would take time, an hour or so would be needed. At the moment, Wang Ling's right index finger was turned useless.

But as Wang Ling redirected the spear away, he heard a voice, "Wonderful, I thought I would at least have taken an arm with that sneak attack! You truly are something!"

A mocking voice was heard and that voice grated Wang Ling's ears.

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