Celestial Peak

Chapter 241: Bastard II

Chapter 241: Bastard II

Killing one's opponent in the Ten Year Bout is a taboo and must be avoided or else the faction that commits the killing, unless it is considered as an accident or unforeseen will be destroyed by the Origin World.

The people of the Central Regions view such a concept as normal. The future of the realm lies on the prospects of the numerous geniuses and in an event supervised by the Origin World, the concept of death must not be met.

They can kill one another for personal grudges when they are outside of the borders of the Sacred Lands. But when they are in the midst of the Red Lands and is in participating in the Ten Year Bout or the Century Recruitment no one is allowed for death to occur.

And with that in mind, the poison Xie Liu had used was something of a great shock to many. However, since no one from the proctors stepped forward to intervene, there was a public understanding that the poison of Xie Liu was non-lethal.

However, non-lethal does not mean that no pain is being inflicted on Bai Xue's body. Piercing and Sharp stings coursed through her veins and expanded throughout her body.

As if a rampaging Dragon was going around her veins trying to devour her soul the beautiful white fox twitched on the ground without making a sound. She greeted her teeth and tried forcing the poison to come out of her pores.

[Why the hell is the Dragon Bloodline not taking effect? I'll try that one then.] While lying on the floor, her qi was changing as if was natural. Ten of hundreds of different qi exploded out of her body as it tried to counteract and suppress the poison.

But even the Dragon Bloodline that is said to have a high resistance to poison could not defeat the painful poison running through her veins. But Bai Xue knows she can suppress it if she is given enough time.

However, there lays her problem. This is not a simple time where she can take her time, this is a competition where her opponent will attack her once she is down and Xie Liu was not so kindhearted that he will wait for Bai Xue to take control of the poison.

And as he stared at Bai Xue lying on the floor groaning in pain, his irritation at the sight of her shot up. His veins bulged as he kicked the ground before proceeded to kick her in the stomach and send her flying high up the air.

Bam! A clear sound of flesh being hit was heard. It was hard and clear, a hit without any hesitation, a clean hit was made for everyone to hear and those around could almost feel the pain Bai Xue had to bear when Xie Liu's feet hit her body.

Bai Xue was a being that had lived for hundreds of thousands of years and over these years the pain she had felt could not even be comprehended by any Saint. But even she felt bad when Xie Liu's assault hit her in the body.

"Ugh!" Bai Xue groaned as she hit the ground with a thump.

Such a sight only infuriated Xie Liu even further and delivered another kick to Bai Xue's body once again and again and again and again, however, try as he might, he could not make her make respond the way he wanted her to respond.

"What? Why the hell are you not screaming? Scream, make me hear your screams, scream in pain, let me savor that voice of yours." His voice was subtle that only he and Bai Xue could hear what he was saying.

His words made Bai Xue move her head and look at him with a pitying gaze. Even with her weakened body, she still managed to open her mouth and say, "You're a pathetic bastard." She then proceeded to chuckle and giggle as if she was mocking the opponent who managed to bring her down.

Her words managed to elicit a reaction from Xie Liu who seemed to be in his own little world, "What did you say? Who the hell of us two is pathetic here? Do you even know what poison that is coursing through your veins right now? It is the [Devil's Punishment Poison]. The poison that could make even a Dragon howl in pain. Once afflicted, it will quickly drain one's strength and spread throughout the body and will slowly increase the intensity of the pain at first it will feel as if your limbs as being crushed, after five minutes it will feel like you were mutilated, then after a ten minutes it will feel like your body is being crushed, and finally, once you reached twenty minutes it will make you feel as if you have been dragged to hell itself as you experience a kind of pain that drove even a dragon insane. And as of this moment, you are reaching. Ten minutes."

As his voice fell, Bai Xue felt the immense pain Xie Liu had been talking about. It felt as though her body is being mutilated. However, she still did not make any sound nor did she react any different, it was only the intensity of her glare that had changed. But the poison was still undoubtedly doing its job, it just couldn't elicit any form of reaction from her.

This caused Xie Liu to crease his brows. He had always liked hearing the helpless howls of his prey when they are afflicted with this poison because he wanted to see and justify that his reaction to taking it was only natural.

Painful memories flowed, the time when he was picked and thought he had managed to live only to be subjected to pain every single minute of his childhood. Xie Liu could not reel in his emotions and his eyes became bigger than normal, he brought out two daggers and without any hesitation, he threw it at the direction of Bai Xue and stabbed her hind legs with a poison-laced dagger.

His movement was quick but it was still non-lethal so none of the higher-ups decided to intervene. Xie Liu looked at Bai Xue and said in a calm voice, "Scream."

Bai Xue smiled at him and said, "Shut it."


Another dagger burrowed through her other hind leg, "Scream for me and I will end this. I have increased the dosage and in ten seconds, the pain you are feeling will reach the third phase."

"Fuck off."

"So be it. Experience hell before the Higher Power intervenes." And just as he said those words, ten-seconds finally came and the pain immediately flowed across her body. Xie Liu expected her to scream, but the only reaction he had was a giggle.

Bai Xue titled her head to the left and slowly tried moving her feet as if she was slowly regaining her strength, "You call this pain? Are you serious? This nothing but a tickle. Do you think this is enough pain to garner a reaction from me? Who do you think is the one before you? The pain of having your limbs torn to pieces is normal, having your body crush and your internal organs rip apart is nothing short of ordinary. Who do you think I am?"

As she said those words. Bai Xue slowly got up. Her strength was slowly being regained. The Hell's Punishment Poison was a potent drug indeed but its effects only last for as long as the third phase of the poison and once the third phase comes and goes, the poison will lose its effects.

So, Xie Liu hastening the effect of the poison was nothing but a great help to Bai Xue. But that does not mean she did not hold it against him making her remember many unpleasant things.

"Exchange a limb for a life, exchange both limbs for ten life, and exchange your body for an army. Pain is nothing like this." Bai Xue regained control of her body and the lightning that had been brewing inside her body exploded out.

Xie Liu was shocked but he moved and kicked the ground and assaulted Bai Xue once again. He kicked her body and tried injuring her body. His hit landed, but Bai Xue merely blinked at his assault.

Bai Xue shook her head as she said, "You should've made me fall asleep when you rob me of my strength. Now, I'll show you what true pain really is."

With that said, her qi rampaged out of her body and she was clad in lightning. Her qi was running wild, but all of it was directed at Xie Liu. Xie Liu's skin slowly started to be rendered and his veins began to be destroyed as he screamed on top of his lungs.


Bai Xue creased her brows and was just about to increase the intensity of the lightning, but a figure appeared right beside her. It was the Principal of the Hundred Refinement Academy.

"That is enough, he had already lost his consciousness." He said as he cut off Bai Xue's lightning away from Xie Liu's body.

Bai Xue raised her head and looked at the principal and for a moment, the illustrious principal felt fear running in his body. His blood turned cold in mere moments. The eyes of Bai Xue were that of a true savage beast.

Bai Xue regained herself after seeing the reaction of the principal, "I apologize for scaring Sir Principal."

"No, you did not scare me the least." He responded.

Bai Xue went down the stage and hopped Wang Ling's shoulders to rest. Wang Ling then asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yes I am, but I am not participating anymore."

"Why is that?"

"I fear that I will kill everyone when I step up to that stage."

Such is the price of making Bai Xue remember the past she did not want to remember. 

Many want to bury painful memories while others try their best to remember. Bai Xue was the former.

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