Celestial Peak

Chapter 268: Cosmic Veins and Meridians

Chapter 268: Cosmic Veins and Meridians

To build the strongest being, the perfect vessel must be created. A body of a God molded to become the perfect spearhead to pierce the core of the universe. To create such a tremendously strong physical vessel, one must use the body that connects to the world. The Method of Devils must be used.

This is the words of the Hell Dominator Body Technique and for the longest time, Wang Ling had continuously tempered his body in order for it to become the perfect vessel to house the veins of the cosmos.

The Cosmic Veins and Meridians, the third level in the Nine Heaven Upheaval Art. This is a part of the technique where one must become one with the Cosmos not only through qi, but also through the body itself.

Wang Ling raised both hands to the front and had his palms face one another. A spark of Purple light began to appear in between his palms two days after he kept this form.

He poured his qi into this and gathered the qi of the Cosmos. He disconnected his qi to Heaven and Hell and began a connection to another place unknown even to him. It was a weird but he managed to connect to it through the method established in the Nine Heaven Upheaval Art.

The name of the place of connection is still unavailable to Wang Ling, but it was powerful and domineering. He drew out the qi of this mysterious world and slowly made it seep inside his body.

The qi inside his body were strong, it was the qi that stand atop all realms. But even in the presence of such qi the gray qi did not lose out in any way.

It entered his body and did not bother with the Cosmic Qi Pillars or the Cosmic Energy Palace. It entered his body and passed through every meridians that exists in his body. Body hidden and not were being run through by the Gray Qi.

It expanded his meridians and veins but this is just the first part of a three-part process. The Gray Qi will enter his body and will begin to expand his meridians and veins, but this is just to make the qi familiar with the way his meridians and veins were set up.

The veins and the meridians formed an interconnected path that supports the body and qi. And as three months passed and his body's veins and meridians system had been mapped out, Wang Lind did what any sane cultivator would avoid with all their might he destroyed his veins and meridians.



It was swift and brutal, blood spurted out of his orifices and then his pores. Immense pain run through across his body and the qi that existed inside his body lost the path it used to travel and began running wild. Anyone would have died instantaneously, but not Wang Ling.

His tempered body did not burst into a blood paste, it managed to sustain itself. But even if he did not die, that does not mean he was fine. The pain he was feeling was too much for him to handle but he swallowed the enormous surge of pain coming from deep within.

He stabilized his body and then he began with the second part. With his body red with his own blood, Wang Ling began to gather more of the Gray Qi in between his pains and had it enter his body.

The Gray Qi was not gathered through his meridians, so it was not issue if he had no veins or meridians. The veins inside his body had popped alongside with his meridians, but he had not yet lost his life.

His bodily functions should have shut down, but inside of him was the angelic qi that exploded out with the rest of his qi.

"I can sustain myself for at least a month, after that, I will. I need to focus on reconstructing my veins first." Wang Ling through and began working.

Veins in the human body was complicated. It was made to sustain the body and have blood flow through it without making a problem. One misplace of a single vein would result in death. But Wang Ling did not hesitate to start recreating his veins using the Gray Qi.

The Gray Qi was weird and mysterious, it was nothing but qi, but it managed to form flesh and blood. Though it is not exactly flesh and blood, seeing his veins reforming overtime was something Wang Ling did not expect possible.

[Does this mean I can save anyone who has this problem? If I can fully harness this Gray Qi, just what kind of restorative abilities will I have?] Wang Ling thought that even if he loses a limb or two, if he has reserve qi, then he is going to be fine.

Such a valuable asset must be wielded by him. But he decided to think of how he can get achieve that later as he chose to focus on reconstruction. It took him exactly twenty-eight days in order to fully make a fully functioning system of veins.

He noticed some weird changes like it was wider and much resilient than before making the flow of both his bloodline and blood essence efficient. He moved on to his meridians and just like his veins, it took his time to completely reconstruct it.

But it was much longer than his veins though as it took a total of four months in order to recreate the entire system. But it was all worth it as this new set of meridians were much stronger and wider than what it used to be.

Wang Ling slowly opened his eyes and checked his body, he exhaled as he said to himself, "With this, my body and veins will not have a backlash even if I ignite both bloodlines. My meridians can absorb qi faster and I will be able to have a stronger defensive capability after this one."

With veins meant to represent the cosmos underneath his skin, Wang Ling gained a somewhat decent armor-like body that can contend with a defensive artifact. This made Wang Ling extremely happy.

But this was not the time to celebrate because, at this time, Wang Ling decided to push through and regain his strength as a Celestial. Bai Xue was already a sixth-level Dominion Realm cultivator, it was about time to catch up to her.

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