Celestial Peak

Chapter 271: New Body

Chapter 271: New Body

Her fur disappeared and what replaced it was a perfectly crafted white skin. Her beastly but cute face disappeared and what replaced it was a seductive and foxy countenance that could enchant even the heavens. Her paws was replaced by long slender limbs. And on her head was a beautiful Silver hair with a streak of red going down all the way to her waist. Her body also became a perfectly proportioned body of a woman.

Her body was perfect, her countenance was perfect, her aura was perfect, and she carried the bearing of a true Noble that descended from the highest levels of the Divine Realms. She was the true Empress of Beasts, the Goddess that must be revered.

Her very being was perfect and that is just from her outside appearance alone. Her aura of majesty was truly magnificent. But as Bai Xue noticed that her body had no clothes on and her body was for the world to see.

"I have been without a human form for too long." She commented as she began scavenging for anything in her storage ring. She managed to find clothes meant for the use of a lady, thankfully, she managed to buy some clothes on her way to here.

But before she can change into her set of clothes, Bai Xue first ingested a pill to help heal her injuries. There were no major injuries so such a pill was enough for her.

She chose to wear black tight-fitting clothes and then checked her proportions if it was perfectly suited for her. But as she found it somewhat inappropriate, she wore a white fur-like coat on top of her clothes.

It was fur-like because as a beast herself, she did not like to wear the skin of others beasts for the reason it was degrading. If a beast had been defeated, then it was weak. To ornament oneself with the fur of a weaker beast might result in her becoming weak as well.

It was pretty stupid, but such is just the way of the Spirit Beasts. Bai Xue stretched her body and tried moving around a little bit. It had been many millennia since she managed to stand up on two legs, but as if it was instinct it was no problem for her to walk around with such a body.

"I should try this body out while I am at it." Bai Xue commented and then with a wave of her hand her claws extended out to form a set of sharp golden claws, "I can still use the Phantom Claws with this body, well, I suppose I should try out everything."

She said and began experimenting with the limitation of the body she possesses. Bai Xue was already a Celestial but her movements were rather clumsy when she moved.

Along with the unfamiliar form of combat and her unfamiliar body form, Bai Xue began utilizing her moves more and more efficiently than the previous motion. Bai Xue was a genius and getting used to her own body was a feat that can be achieved in mere moments if she so wills it.

She tried activating most of her bloodline and to her surprise, even in this form she was able to activate them all, albeit they were all slightly weaker than normal. She can also alter her body by giving herself a set of Dragon Wings or Phoenix Wings. Also, she can change her limbs, if it belongs to one of the Four Guardians' minor body part, she is able to shift her body to make it comfortable. Bai Xue found the human form to be rather capable. In the past, she disregarded the human form as her Fox and Black Tiger Form was much stronger than it.

But it seems like she was just lacking in many ways for her to fully comprehend its strengths.

Night fell and Bai Xue lost track of time. At night, many nocturnal beasts began to walk around the Red Lands and with this in mind, Bai Xue did not hesitate to make her move and headed deeper into the Red Lands.

Bai Xue was strong enough to head into the third level of the Red Lands, but she stayed in the Second Layer in order to find some the kind of beasts that is perfect for killing.

It did not take her a long time to find an Albino Regal Gorilla. The Gorilla had white fur and its large body was towering over Bai Xue. It saw her and the Gorilla did not even consider the species of Bai Xue and began to lust over her right after seeing her.

The Albino Regal Gorilla pounded its chest and let out a roar of dominance as it announced, "Woman, rejoice as the Great Me had chosen you to become my woman. Now, prostrate yourself an"

Bai Xue did not let the big oaf to finish its words as irritation in her heart began to rise. For it to claim her as its woman was something Bai Xue found truly annoying and so, she moved quickly and delivered a single elbow coated with lightning qi to the abdomen of the Gorilla.

The Gorilla let out a loud howl of pain. It took several steps backward and then looked at Bai Xue with a surprised expression. The Gorilla pounded its chest even more and its previously white skin became dark-brown in color.

Its red became red signifying that it was enraged, "You bastard shall be"

Once again, Bai Xue cut off its words with a single elbow to the abdomen. This time her blow was stronger than the last making it even more devastating. The Albino Regal Gorilla fell to its knees and then vomited whatever meat it last ate.

Bai Xue saw this and creased her brows, she gathered her qi to her fists and then stared at the Albino Regal Gorilla with great irritation, "Loud trash like yourself should rot in hell." Bai Xue delivered a strong punch that shattered every bone in the body of the Albino Regal Gorilla before turning into a bloody paste still releasing steam as the lightning cooked it.

Bai Xue stared at her fists, "This is a rather good body, it is much stronger than what I previously had." She commented before heading deeper in order to tests her newly acquired strength.

It was midnight when Bai Xue became satisfied and chose to return back to the cave. She was just about to land to the cave when she felt someone was watching her, she turned to the left and said, "Show yourself, I'll kill you if you don't."

A Shadow then appeared before Bai Xue, "Might I know what this Expert Fairy is doing in these parts?"

Bai Xue raised a brow and then realized that her current self was not being recognized. She laughed as she said, "It seems like my Human Form is quite unexpected isn't it? Do not worry, I came from inside the cave, I won't hurt Ling without a reason."

Bai Xue's figure then blurred and reappeared just outside the cave. She turned to the Shadow she was talking to just now and waved her hand before entering.

The Shadow was dumbfounded for a moment but he managed to regain himself. He then turned in and began writing a letter, as for the components of the letter, it was not known entirely but when Xiao Fei'er received it, she was extremely happy about it.

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