Celestial Peak

Chapter 303: A beastman

Chapter 303: A beastman

The city of Fleeting Wing was reached by Wang Ling in a manner of weeks. The Heavenly Dragon Selection shall start in two months' time from now.

"Such a grand city" amazed, Wang Ling exclaimed. The Fleeting Wing City was unlike any other of the so-called minor cities on the Celestial Spirit Realm. The elves claimed it was a minor city yet the size of it was bigger than Invincible City.

The Gray Figure remained neutral in terms of its reaction. It need not react too big as it was all too familiar of the sight.

Wang Ling entered the city not needing to pay any toll. The city was free to be entered and no guards could be seen. Unlike the Celestial Spirit Realm the Lower Heaven is much more liberated.

But upon entry on the City, Wang Ling noticed was striking difference that stuck out like a sore thumb there were no Spirit Beasts in sight. Though they may just be somewhere else in an area of the city, Wang Ling thought of the worst possible situation. The Gray Figure also noticed such a thing and could not help but shake its head.

"The Lower Heaven is unlike the Celestial Spirit Realm, their artifacts and formations may be top-notched, but their worldview is rather ancient. Boy, prepare yourself, what you may see is not something you often see in the world below. After all, peace between races has found stability, but here, that is not that case."

Wang Ling heavily nodded his head. But anxiousness arose from his chest. If such is the view of the Lower Heaven to beasts, just what kind of future will Bai Xue, his companion will end up in? Will she end up dead? Or worst, enslaved by them?

The Gray Figure noticed Wang Ling's subtle change in his reactions and assured him with some needed lip service, "I don't know what changed, but if the culture is the same when I left the Higher Realms then with the fox's beauty, she will not be killed. She may be forced to become a maid or a concubine."

But such words only caused for Wang Ling's heart to be rattled. The Gray Figure's non-existent face contorted and then hurriedly changed his words and reassured him once again, "There's also the chance she is picked up by a Beast Clan or Sect and turned into a Core Disciple, successor boy, calm your heart, you are attracting unnecessary attention."

Waking up from the unconscious display of his strength and killing intent, Wang Ling saw that a number of people around him had already put up their guards against him. Even against Immortals, his killing intent was still denser by a couple of times. After all, they may be Immortals, but they have not lived up to 70,000 years so his killing intent that had been cultivated for numerous years was uncontested.

And him being at the City Gates, where there are a lot of people present, both who are going to leave and enter are there after all. Many eyes befell onto Wang Ling.

When Wang Ling finally came down, he was already prepared to apologize and immediately leave the area, but some youth with a large frame and bronze-colored skin came from his side. The youth had a large smile on his face and he wore a tribal-like leather clothing.

Only a part of his upper body was kept hidden and showing his well-defined muscles, that seems to have been chiseled by the gods themselves. As for his lower body, he was thankfully covered up by pants crafted from the hide of some hairy beast.

The youth was relatively handsome and when he approached Wang Ling he was full smiles and vigor. Showing his set of white teeth, he let out a hearty laugh, "Hahaha, I have always thought that you plains dwellers are nothing but sissies who reeks of their mother's breast milk; but dear Lord Beast God proved me wrong, to think a warrior is before me. How wonderful! Warrior of the Plains, mine name is Fjord of the [Eastern Beast Mountain Tribe], tell me what thy name is!"

Wang Ling was pleasantly surprised, but he seemed to be not alone with such a reaction for the people in his surroundings are also surprise in the sight of this youth.

"It is one of the Beastmen tribe, what honor for us to see such a Grand Warrior, hmm, is he perhaps one of the Royalties of the Empire?"

"Maybe so, he speaks of the [Eastern Beast Mountains], so there is a chance. I wouldn't want to provoke him if I were you. But who is that young man that Beastman has taken interest in? So much killing intent, is he a member of the Slayers?"

"I do not know who he is but he must be someone magnificent. I can tell that he is still young, maybe 80 years old? Or even 70, he may just be a genius of some major power that had been cultivated in secret."

Wang Ling could hear numerous things from the people around him, and from what he gathered it would seem that the ruling class of the Heavenly Dragon Empire is Beastmen and those of the Eastern Beast Mountain or something is possible Royalties of this place.

[Hmm, it seems like even the Elves couldn't tell me anything.] Wang Ling was rather pleased and displeased to know that there are things he didn't know of. If Beastmen rules the world, then Bai Xue would be accepted by many, but there's also a chance that Beasts and Beastmen have a problem with one another so peace is never acquired. No matter what it is, it is rather troublesome no matter what the case may be.

As his thoughts process every possibility the state of the world may be in, the Beastman Youth approached him once again and tapped his shoulders multiple times, "Warrior, are you alright? Are you plotting to kill someone?"

With such a strange question, Wang Ling shook his head and he bowed his head as he greeted the youth, "I apologize for not responding earlier, Wang Ling is my name, and I am sorry to disappoint you for I am not a warrior of the plains. I am but a wandering swordsman seeking to prove his mettle against strong opponents."

The Beastman's eyes shone in Wang Ling's confident response, it was quite rare to see a human with confidence as high as Wang Ling's. A human would normally be restless in the face of a Beastman genius such as himself, this human in front of him was rather interesting.

"You seem confident with your strength, Wang Ling, you are a First Meridian Immortal just like myself. This is my first time set out in the world, I have been searching for formidable opponents to face and as you also wish to prove your strength, why don't we have a duel? What do you say?"

With a hearty laugh, the Fjord was readily challenging Wang Ling in a duel. Normally, Wang Ling would rather avoid such a duel, but this is not a normal circumstance. This is not Celestial Spirit World, for all he knows, he may just offend this Beastman if he was to decline, so with a smile, Wang Ling accepted the challenge.

"I accept, but I wish to set a rule. I am currently in a journey for Cloudless City so I can join the Heavenly Dragon Selection, I wish not to go overboard and have heavy injuries before I can fight there."

"Hoh, it seems like you and I are fated to meet here. I am also headed for the Heavenly Dragon Selection, I would love to face you there but I am already itching to face you right here and now, Wang Ling, try not to bore me like those arrogant bastards who only know how to bark but no bite."

Wang Ling jump backward to create distance on the two of them. Standing before Fjord, Wang Ling took no weapon out, a sight that caused Fjord to raise his eyebrows, "Did you not say you are a swordsman? Why are you taking out your sword?"

"My sword is only meant to kill, I cannot take it out without risking my opponent heavy injuries. I hope you do not take any offend of this, Senior Brother Fjord."

"Haha, do not worry I understand, in response I took will refrain from taking out my War Hammers. Let us see who will stand on top without our weapons also ", Fjord was just talking but as he laughed and kicked the ground he disappeared and then reappeared before Wang Ling. With his right hand fully drawn back, he showed no mercy and unleased a devastating force that caused the wind to explode, all while still speaking, " do not call me Senior Brother, the two of us are not related to each other in any way and I am only 64 this year!"

An astounding speed coupled with a strength that is leagues above anyone Wang Ling have ever faced. This Fjord is not some idiot, he carries strength behind the words of arrogance he had spouted from his mouth. But against sheer strength, Wang Ling will never waver, he is far stronger than any normal Immortal. And ever since he had become an Immortal, Wang Ling had gained the strength that can shatter a mountain with a single fist.

With his eyes showing a greyish crimson glow, he followed the impossible speed of Fjord's fist and without fear, Wang Ling cared little about what may happen to Fjord and let out a howl to meet the opposition.


The ground cracked and then caved as Wang Ling and Fjord's strength caused the ground to explode and cave. Their collision even managed to blow the other Immortals away, and the unfortunate Celestials who stuck around even suffered some minor injuries as the wave of immortal might shook their foundation.

A contest of pure strength beholds itself for the people to see. And in this contest of strength, Fjord was astounded as Wang Ling managed to hold his ground against his strength, [We're the same strength? No he's stronger!]

Wang Ling roared and his strength exploded. His clothing ripped apart as his fist met Fjord's but as a proud Devil King, Wang Ling's body is not something a mere Beastman can go against no matter what lineage he holds and Fjord was blown away in the next instant.

Fjord spiral through the air as he lost the contest of strength, Wang Ling could have followed up but he didn't.

Fjord crashed to the ground his fist trembling with pain, his body he had been so proud of had met its match and was overpowered. He was dazed, unable to connect the dots on just how did this human managed to draw enough strength from his scrawny body to meet and even overpower him.

This is so unnatural, but as Fjord woke up from the daze Wang Ling put him in he did not look at Wang Ling hatefully nor did he show any displeasure of the results. He only showed astonishment, "Wang Ling, just what are you, are you truly human?"

Wang Ling stood there, with his hands numb and only showed a relaxed smile as he answered, "I am, please do not doubt my race. So, do you wish for more?"

"Haha, worry not, I already found my fill. I wish to fight more but I will be breaking my oath of not fighting seriously and I may risk injuring you so I will not continue any longer. You said that you are going to the Heavenly Dragon Selection correct? May I tag along? We are heading to the same place after all."

"Unfortunately, I cannot do that. Having a companion is against the orders of my master. I apologize, Fjord."

Fjord showed a dispirited expression but soon regained himself, "Worry not, also if you so wish you can refer to me as a brother, I have seen your strength and being Brothers with someone of your caliber is something like us Beastmen approve of. But of course, if you are willing, I will also refer to you as a brother."

"I am more than willing to, Brother Fjord. I shall be leaving now."

Wang Ling entered the city, but was stopped by a guard, "The destruction you have caused must be accounted for by money reconstructing landscape takes effort and money." The guard sternly enforced.

Duels are legal, but the destruction caused by the duel must be accounted for. Wang Ling was hesitant to pay, thankfully, Fjord stepped up to pay, saying, "I lost, take it as the prize."

Wang Ling readily agreed and left for the transferring array.

Fjord was by his side, and Wang Ling found this unwanted and he turned to him. But before he came to say anything Fjord already spoke up, "We are not traveling together, I am merely going the same direction as you are." Or so he says.

Fjord's attitude was as so, and Wang Ling did not say anything about it. But when he tried turning to an alley for no reason, Fjord followed his still. He thought it was by coincidence, so Wang Ling tried taking another path, but Fjord still followed closely behind.

When Wang Ling went to the Spatial Transportation Array in what the Lower Heaven calls the [Spatial Transfer House] Wang Ling asked to be sent to the Cloudless City, Fjord was still with him.

When he arrived at the Cloudless City and found an inn to stay in, Fjord was close behind him with a smirk on his face. When Wang Ling tried asking, Fjord only laughed saying, "I am not with you, it is just a coincidence/"

So he says as he entered the room right across Wang Ling's.

[I found someone who has the type of skin that is thicker than that of a Dragon's, dammit.]

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