Celestial Peak

Chapter 306: Carnage

Chapter 306: Carnage

Unable to open her eyes, Bai Xue felt a headache that is enough to make her head split. She was in pain all over, but her headache overshadowed all pain. She wailed as she does not know what is happening to her, she wanted to call for someone, but no sound escaped from her mouth.

She cannot discern what form she is in, whether it be a human form or not, she can't tell. But she can tell that her bones are creaking and creating nauseating sounds. Fear had long disappeared in her heart, but as she stayed there unable to move, the inexplicable feeling of losing control over her own life surfaced.


At first, she called the name of Wang Ling. Even with her soft voice, Wang Ling could still hear her from hundreds of meters away. Right now she needs to confirm what had happened.

Despite her calls, no one answered back. Wang Ling was nowhere at a hundred meters of her. With that realization, Bai Xue became somewhat clear-headed. She became worried about his situation more so than her own. But on the back her head she knew that he will be fine, his capabilities are not to be scoffed at after all.

[I need to focus, I need to assess my situation. First, my body is riddled with injuries, and I cannot open my eyes. I have no idea what caused my inability to open my eyes but my injuries should have stemmed from the lightning tribulation, what happened then? I can't be sidetracked, questions later, I first need to heal myself to gain mobility, I need to move.]

Bai Xue resolved herself to healing her body first. Starting with her senses, she enhanced her sense of hearing and then began observing her surroundings through sound. Her Phoenix bloodline may not have as potent effects as Wang Ling's Holy Lord Bloodline in terms of healing, but she still managed to regain most of her strength after meditating.

Her hearing returned in three days' time, and the headache that haunted her promptly disappeared. But her eyesight has yet to still comeback making it rather inconvenient. But now that her hearing came back, Bai Xue could finally observe what is happening around her through her keen hearing.

With her hearing and qi perception, she managed to discern what is happening around her much easier. And right after she regained her hearing she could hear the sounds of quick footsteps and the whistling of the wind.

[What's happening? I can't tell what is causing that sound, I need to move I what is that?] Bai Xue questioned as the movements around her promptly disappeared with a sharp whistling wind. It was unfortunate but she couldn't hear anything any longer.

No, there was something, but it was faint. It was silent but weak but she could hear the soft groans coming from the left. She can't tell who or what is causing such weak whines, but she can at least tell that it was there and it was an uncomfortable experience.

She can hear the faint breathing slowly disappearing, a flame of life had been blown out.

[What is happening? I can't tell anymore, oh, strength it is flowing through my veins, this is amazing. Just what is happening? Thi-this kind of feeling, it's similar to when I consume the blood of a Deity!] Bai Xue reveled in the unique feeling of devouring the blood of a Deity.

And soon enough, her bloodlines that had been unable to activate and ignite because of her severe injuries exploded with strength. Bai Xue's body exploded with vitality, and soon enough the wounds visible all over her bodies started disappearing little by little.

The heaviness in her eyes slowly lifted as her other senses returned. When her sense of touch returned the chilly wind of the night and the warm liquid trickling down her bare skin. Her sense of smell picked up a mix of metallic smell, there's also that pungent aroma present that can make a man nauseous. Her sense of taste registered a metallic taste that was somewhat sweet. And lastly, her eyes bare witnessed the pile of lifeless bodies of numerous beast.

Bai Xue's eyes widened, the carnage was normal for her. But in front of her was something that made her eyes widen, piles of beasts that has the lingering aura of a twelfth meridian Immortal was present.

She can take on a dozen sixth meridian Immortals without a problem if she tries her best. She can take on a seventh level Immortal one on one even if she was a first meridian Immortal. But she can't, not in her wildest dream take on someone above the seventh meridian.

But before she was a pile of twelfth meridian Immortal and some beasts that are above it. It was a scene that even rattled the immovable Bai Xue. She can tell that this pile of dead bodies was created by her.

The pain and excitement that came from somewhere she did not know remained present as she regained control of her body. The blood that flowed in her body had already been mixed with numerous beast even without her initiating anything.

"What is this? Did I do this? Where the hell am I even?"

But as she questioned such things, her body that changed without her knowledge reverted. She noticed the blood red hair of hers was changing to its normal white color. The mark on her forehead was disappearing and her tails were being retracted.

As for the number of tails, she cannot tell. Bai Xue did not manage to count them before it reverted to the normal three which also ultimately disappeared. Bai Xue stood on two legs as she stood there, confused and dazed.

She never realized that her cultivation had already skyrocketed to the fourth meridian of the Immortal Spirit Foundation.

Two days of thinking made Bai Xue think things through but never managed to come into conclusion as to what happened. But as she let things go, she began absorbing the blood of the deceased. She then took the chance to get the souls that had been damaged and the ones that can be reeled in, she also took their cores away, their value was something that can rack a fortune.

Her mind straightened and discerned the qi of the world to be of the Lower Heaven her previous home.

After weeks of painstaking collection, Bai Xue did not leave that place and decided to cultivate instead. She absorbed the blood and then tried raising her cultivation, all the while thinking, "I'll look after Ling after this. With his strength, he should be invincible below the eight meridian Immortals. He'll be fine."

Bai Xue then closed her eyes, she never noticed that underneath the plethora of bloodline she possessed her original bloodline was boiling as if it was being called.


Wang Ling experienced quite an experience soon after he registered for the selection. Wang Ling had been exempted from the qualifiers and was currently having tea at a restaurant passing the time until dawn settles.

By dawn the competitors should be done with the competition and the representatives for the Heavenly Dragon Selection would be decided by then.

However, as Wang Ling took a sip of his tea, he sensed something from outside the restaurant and turned to the nearby shadows cast by the buildings. He turned to one particular alleyway and Wang Ling stared for a while before deciding to stand up.

"Excuse me, I wish to leave now." With a single call, Wang Ling managed to attract the attention of the waiter. The entire customers of the restaurant had been staring at Wang Ling so it was easy for them to notice his subtle movements.

Wang had just become the first to be exempted from the Heavenly Dragon Selection and his age had been publicized. He was a 45-year-old Immortal, it was natural for him to attract the attention of people.

Whether that attention is good or bad is something for Wang Ling to decide. Stepping out of the restaurant, he turned to an alleyway and then walked into that direction. Wang Ling stopped as he walked and then spoke, "What does Elder need from me?"

Wang Ling asked, and then an old man wearing yellow clothing appeared a laugh escaped from the mouth of the elder, "Hohoho, you look pretty good for someone so young. I doubted if I should grant you entrance but it seems like you are quite capable indeed."

Having listened to the words of the old man, Wang Ling had an idea of what he was talking about. He turned around and gave the old man a passive look, "Is Elder an Emissary?"

"So you are aware, this will make things easier. I see promise on you, young man, do you wish to go to the Black Dragon's Final Battlefield? I just need you to prove something."

[That was easier than I thought.] Wang Ling did not hesitate and nodded his head. But he had to ask one last thing, "What is that you want me to prove?"

"That you are no weakling!" With that said the Emissary extended his hands and then tried grabbing for Wang Ling's face.

Wang Ling jumped back, but the hands of the old man suddenly showed red flickers, "Hehe, you're not going to get away that easily boy."


An explosion happened in the middle of the city and the nearest building shook as Immortal might exploded out.

Wang Ling's body went spiraling over to the restaurant and he crashed to the glass window and suffered minor injuries.

Raising his head with great difficulty he saw the old man slowly out of the alleyway with a large grin on his face!

"Hehehe, boy, I have always loved seeing such expressions."

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