Celestial Peak

Chapter 310: Abyssal Demons I

Chapter 310: Abyssal Demons I

Opening her eyes, Bai Xue found herself stuck inside a ball of blood, "This again?"

Bai Xue, however, did not have the time to dawdle and be trapped inside a Ball of Blood just like before. She opened her eyes and then had her qi reached all new heights. Her cultivated peaked at middle-fifth meridian and the ball of blood exploded soon after.

As of that moment, Bai Xue had become a fifth meridian Immortal, "This is quite nice. I raised my cultivation so quickly, how nice. But that's just the effect of that mysterious blood, I don't even know the level of that blood and it still remains in my body. I need to be careful."

Amongst the beast, she slew there was one beast that stood out. It was a powerful beast that is beyond the Immortal Spirit Foundation.

"But I don't need to worry over it, for now, it is already dead. It is not a Phoenix so it can't possibly revive."

Bai Xue was relieved, and as she stared at the pile of corpses she apparently slew she kept the carcasses for future use. These Carcasses will be useful later so it was natural that Bai Xue keep it to herself.

"Now, to look for Ling." She resolved herself and then flew up high with confidence and then, with an explosion she sped away. Her only intention would be to find Wang Ling and plan out their next move, but currently, she must first assess her situation and the location she was in.

At the moment with her current cultivation, she can kill up to the tenth meridian of Immortal Spirit Foundation. Bai Xue can survive without a problem.

However, as she was flying, a dreadful qi exploded adjacent to her. Bai Xue did not hesitate to hide. In a thick Foliage, Bai Xue hid and she looked out for anything out of the ordinary.

She looked around the area and at least half a kilometer away from where she was, there was a man whose body was covered in all back. He was not wearing an article of single clothing, or at least that's how Bai Xue saw him as.

The man was not even a man, it was genderless and had no trait that stood out to speak of. Its body was dark and was walking in two legs, however, against their all-black appearance, their head was bone white and their eye sockets only had red dots acting as the eyes.

It was muscular and emanated a dreadful qi. It seemed to be the embodiment of death itself.

"ROAR~!" a single roar shook the entire forest Bai Xue was in and then the tree that surrounded the dark rift began dying out one by one. For hundreds of meters, the death of the foliage hastens and soon a part of the forest was swallowed.

At that sight, Bai Xue's eyes widened, she did not react in any major way and only chose to get away as swiftly as possible. She had finally remembered what this beast was, it was not a human nor was it a beastman or an elf; it was a Demon an Abyssal Demon.

"It's one of that abomination, I need to leave, or else the corruption will also get me."

Bai Xue disregarded everything else and decided to leave.

The corruption of an Abyssal Demon is hard to deal with. Like a sticky poison that will stick to the skin and clothes. Corruption is an Abyssal Demon's power. Aside from when an Abyssal Outbreak occurs, a single Abyssal Demon's powers are its ability to slowly kill their prey.

Being mindless beings of destruction, they are said to rival the Holy Race and Devils. The only difference is that they can traverse the worlds easier than the two races. They are after all beings that corrupts everything, even space itself.

When Bai Xue left in a hurry, the Abyssal Demon noticed her movement and turned to her direction. The Abyssal Demon roared towards Bai Xue's direction and with its unique abyssal qi, it gathered the corrupted land and formed a spear-like pole.

It held it tightly and then with all its strength it pulled its arms and threw the spear. Bai Xue saw the spear coming for her and with all her might she twisted her body and avoided the spear by a hair's width.

She then hurried along, but against her knowledge, this first sighting of an Abyssal Demon would just be the first.


[Guilds? That's just what they call their little sects. To create a connection with one another they must have created these guilds.]

Wang Ling was heading south and by the time he reaches the southern city, Wang Ling already managed to filter most of the information he had gathered throughout the day.

In this layer of the Black Dragon's Final Battlefield, the strongest would be a seventh meridian Immortal. A seventh meridian Immortal is near the boundary of the second part of the Immortal Spirit Foundation.

The eight meridian and above is considered as a new realm as the power it holds easily topples that of the seventh meridian and below.

Wang Ling was very aware of this. However, at the moment it mattered not because the only thing Wang Ling can do at the moment is avoiding strong opponents.

After three hours of continuous flying, Wang Ling and Fjord finally reached the Regal City, it was called as so as the strongest guild is named Regal Guild.

Wang Ling had no intention of dealing with such things as he directly went for the information hub of the South, a place called Immortal's Ear. It was an organization run by the young Immortals who specializes in that certain field.

Fjord was the one who said something about the Immortal's Ear and he didn't act in reservation when he moved went there.

Underneath a tree was a haggard-looking youth, he had a scruffy beard and he was unkempt. But he was strong, he was at the fifth meridian already. Wang Ling approached him and then before speaking, he brought out 1,000 Meteor Stones.

"What is that you need?" The informant asked.

"The location of the 4th ranker, Yan Renhuo."

The information raised his head to Wang Ling and then smiled, "So another suitor is it? Let me warn you, if you so wish to court the Divine Flame Fairy, then you must at least be at the same level as her. But you, a mere first meridian Immortal is already trying? Ask another question, I pity you on wasting your money."

"Don't worry about me, I have my own life and you have yours. What I want to know is none of your business now, tell me where Yan Renhuo is."

The information raised his hands in submission and then said, "Fine, you do not want to listen to friendly advice then so be it. She is at the Weapon God's Mountain, I heard she is trying to make her halberd grow stronger."

Wang Ling thanked the informant and he was ready to leave. But Fjord seemed to have something to asked the informant so they stayed.

Fjord something about the [Beast God's] Resting Place.

"Head to the West and there, the Illusory Beast Mountain Range of the Beast God stands. At that place a lot of beasts exist, it was said that twelfth level beasts are being kept there but no one really knows."

Fjord left with Wang Ling after learning of the information he wished to know.

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