Celestial Peak

Chapter 379: Master

Chapter 379: Master

"It's here, mister!" 

Wang Ling saw the blaze that engulfed a town. 

"Please he" the boy did not get to finish his words when a gale of wind passed through.

Wang Ling moved, his eyes directed at the Abyssal Demon infected village, his sword did not have an ego, but it still hummed in the hands of a true Master.

Wang Ling became battle-ready; he did not rage he was silent; his eyes showed his concentration and then he reached his first target.

An elderly fell, she closed her accepting her fate, the old life she had led was about to come to an end. 

Slash! CracK! 

But then, the humanoid Demon before her was cut, its body turned to shadows before she could notice, a gust of wind passed through and she looked to the side. A man wearing white swiftly cutting through the men and women who had turned to Demons.

A sword against the hoard of Demons, danger abounds, his sight straight and his sword straighter. Wang Ling dashed, for some reason, his body was moving swiftly, as if the wind had come with him on this journey to kill.

'So, the wind is aiding me.' He thought to himself as he felt his body being carried.

'This body that is devoid of strength is being helped by the element of the wind. No, it is not the wind, rather it is the Holy Qi lending me its strength but why?' 

A simple question he did not know the answer to, but what could he say? Wang Ling enjoyed this very much.

The wind was not under his command, it moved when he does and it doesn't when he tries to take control. The wind was under the command of something foreign, and that was the Holy Qi. 

As if the Holy Qi had an Ego of its will was to simply make Wang Ling improve upon his movement, 'How curious and here I thought I know the mystery of my own strength.' He continued his movement feeling the danger seeping through the air.


"Abyssal Demons really are strong!"


The winged Abyssal Demon came to him when he was in the middle of a hunt. Its soulless eyes stared at his, and Leo stared back. 

Fearless and unfeeling the Demon struck with all that it had, moving quickly to devour the being in front of it. The Abyssal Demon failed, Leo moved to the side, he simply let the Demon passed through, and then stabbed its body believing it was enough.


It was a clean strike, his knife cut through its hide made of oozing aura of death, yet, it didn't die.

Leo was carried off together with his knife, he wished to retreat but he knew that the moment he brought this Beast to where his Master was, then Wang Ling would be disturbed. 

'The master can experience qi deviation if that happens.' Without any hesitation, Leo fought with the Abyssal Demon to protect. He didn't yield, his body crashed into trees, and he bled, he was weak, but he didn't fall so that he could achieve his goal.

And then, Leo was brought here, to a burning village where a number of the villagers have already turned to Abyssal Demons themselves. 

Without hesitation, Leo fought against the winged-demon while helping people he did not know of escape. Leo grew up listening to stories of their clan fighting against Abyssal Demons, and maybe through that his bravery sprouted forth.

He swung his knife to save the lives of the villagers!

The knife that was meant to kill was currently being used to protect.

"Get out of here! I'll cover for you!" a young man clashed with two humanoid Abyssal Demon and another in the form of a Winged beast. While the family of three escaped Leo protected them, no one could protect Leo.

A total of thirty tendrils sprouted from the three Abyssal Demons.

Leo jumped back, not to run, but to defend. He swung the knife the knife of his that had an eight-inch-long blade deflected the tendrils.

The knife was no weapon for combat, but in the hands of a master, it was a deadly weapon that could deal swift offense and a nigh impenetrable defense. If it was on the hands of a master that is.

Leo was everything but a Master

He deflected three, but the oncoming twenty-five was already coming his way. All moved in haste, and in a split second his body was pierced by seven of them!

Eighteen more was coming his way, it was a deadly assault, Leo knew he was about to die fate dictates that his life would be lost! 

But who gives a fuck what fate wants!? His Master told him there was no such thing as Fate, the moment you give up your life because of fate then you are nothing but a fool!

Even when his body was pierced and the sensation of rotting assailed his senses, Leo stood his ground forcing out his body to move according to his will, "Blood Seeking Knife! Phoenix Slau"

His hands managed to travel halfway through, but the tendrils were too fast. The remaining slipped past his defenses and it was at this time that his body was pulled out of the way.

"I know not much about you Leo, but seeing what you just did, I think I got a grasp of who you are." Wang Ling finally got to his disciple before the tendrils did. He took his place, with a chipped sword at hand, "You are a fool a kind fool."

Wang Ling swung his blade, ten of them were neutralized either by the blade or by the gale his sword produced. Eight more remained, it was going to reach him, or so it should.

The force of his swing helped Wang Ling twist his body, he turned his figure and then appeared before the other three he then slashed.

The two humanoid Abyssal Demons' skulls cracked then broke into two pieces, the Abyssal Demon Beast, however, lived

Wang Ling's sword got nicked, "Seems like Abyssal Demons made from beasts are stronger. I am nearing my limit, so I am going to end this now before I "


A cry echoed from the winged-demon and through its call came crawling Abyssal Demons surrounding Wang Ling and Leo.

One, two seven ten twelve

"This is not good." Wang Ling smiled despite it all.

A young man stepped up, he stood beside Wang Ling holding a knife.

"Escape, Leo." Wang Ling said.

"I wish to help, Mas " Leo's words were interrupted as his neck was struck.

Wang Ling grabbed the boy's collar and then gathered his strength and threw him away from the battlefield. Leo skidded on the ground, his back scratched, but for Wang Ling, that was acceptable. 

"I don't need to argue with dead weight." 

He took a deep breath, "Now, where were we." 

As such, the fight began.

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