Celestial Peak

Chapter 381: Child

Chapter 381: Child

Wang Ling was still unconscious but his psyche was in a while plane of existence within his mind, it was a place he had been so many times before his mindscape.

In that place he was alone without anyone to talk to, the Gray Figure whose soul existed in the stream of the Holy and True Devil Qi had already created its own existence and left him.

'Well, at least I now have a place to train my technique during my sleep.' Wang Ling said while acting as though this was perfectly normal.

However, while he was thinking in this manner, Wang Ling felt another presence a sword manifested in his hand, and then swung it without any hesitation.

He turned around and stopped his blade only when it reached the neck of the enemy before him, "Who are you, no, rather, what are you?"

"I do wonder, what do you think I am?" 

Before Wang Ling was a white figure, it had the distinct feature of long glowing hair and short stature like that of a young girl but it had no facial feature.

It touched Wang Ling's sword, gently pushed it away, "do you really not remember me?"

The white figure was saddened, it began stuttering, panicking as though something big happened. It wished to get to Wang Ling, it walked to him in silence, "Plea-please, remember, I-I don't want to be forgotten again, please remember me Father."

"What are you saying?"

Wang Ling wished to understand her, sadly, the more she spoke the more he failed to understand what the hell was going on. Father? He did not remember having a child with anybody, was his union with Bai Xue resulted in the creation of life?

If so, then how did their child managed to infiltrate his mind? All of this made no sense, but then, a distant memory surfaced.

"No, I have met this being but when? Where? I know it had happened, but ahhhhhhhh! That time I saw you before when the gray figure appeared before me and "warned" me about the False Nobles when I reached Royalty are you the personification of the Holy Qi? No, should I call you the Angelic Qi?"

The being was happy by his words, it smiled and jumped into him with open arms, the being hugged Wang Ling as tight as it could, "It does not matter how you refer to me. I have missed you, father."

Its words struck Wang Ling and upon coming into contact with him a stream of information flowing into his mind.

The image continued to flash as if it wanted to be assimilated.

His mind was in a chaotic mess, memories that did not exist before overtook him, the figure of a man holding a young girl's hand appeared.

Holding onto his head, Wang Ling could barely hold on to his sanity. He held onto it in desperation and fell to his knees. The image brought him to a time when there was nothing but darkness and the girl giving life to worlds.

"Ack! What is this?" 

The little girl held onto Wang Ling's head, whispering to him, "Do not fight it, Father, this is the memory you need to receive, the memory of the past the Gray Figure as you call it stopped me from imparting stop resisting and accept everything."

Through the white figure's wishes, Wang Ling saw the truth about the Holy Qi, its birth and its existence, and something beyond.

At first, there was nothing but then, in the darkness a man appeared and birthed the stream of life. 

This stream had no form, but through its presence, worlds and laws existed, the elements flourished and life bloomed because of it.

The stream at first had no sentience, but under the presence of the Creator, it grew a mind of its own. 

The stream came out of its very existence, the stream that creates life was a part of the creator thus, it sought out its progenitor or its father. 

It learned how to walk and took the shape of its creator, it was lonely, it sought after the companion of its creator or its father. It did not know what it was doing, it did not even know why it existed, only that it didn't want to be separated from its Father.

There were only two beings who knew of her, the Mother of Beast, the Progenitor, or otherwise known as the Creator.

The little girl was alone, she governed the qi of heaven and none could see her despite the number of beings who use her existence.

But it didn't matter because this existence only needed its father, the one who created the flow of Holy Qi. However, the eventual death of the Creator and the Mother of Beast's regression occurred, no one could talk to it anymore.

However, that was not everything, when the General of Chaos died and hid in the stream of the Holy Qi and the True Devil Qi, it locked up the figures that govern the flow of both supreme qis. 

The figure was imprisoned as its place was taken by a part of the General of Chaos so that it could hide from the eyes of the First Creations. 

The incarnation of the Holy Qi appeared inside that blackness it sent it and, in that darkness, its childlike mind began to seek out the father is used to hold hands with.

In that darkness, it was alone, it did not have any contact with the father it so loves, lonely, detached, and afraid. Emotions surfaced under the pressure, it grew a mind, a heart, understanding, and comprehension.

"Where am I? Where is my father? Where are you father? Please answer me I do not like this where are you?" no one answered.

In that darkness, none answered its call.

It was trapped, unable to leave, unable to return to his side. Then a miracle occurred, its binds disappeared, the General of Chaos had loosened its hold, and it managed to escape the darkness.

Quickly, it dashed, searching for the father it so dearly missed, it traversed the stream of the Holy Qi, billions of kilometers it walked, to no avail. 

Wang Ling, at this time, had already died.

Time passed; the qi of the Universe disappeared yet it didn't stop, and now, after so long, the psyche of the Holy Qi found the father it so dearly loved.

It latched onto Wang Ling who had become the incarnation of the previous Creator. Other than the Mother of Beast no one else could see it and at this moment he had something he wished to say to the being.

He knelt down, "Child there is something that you must know."

The white figure released Wang Ling of her hold, it looked at him through its featureless visage. It was expecting him to 

"Your creator, the one you so loved is no longer of this World or anywhere else for that matter."

"What do you mean, Father?" the figure was confused, "Are you not, the one who I journeyed with for so long? Are you not the one who wields the power of Creation? Please father, do not abandon me in this way."

Wang Ling held onto its shoulders. In this mindscape everything was under his control, he could summon a sword and even bestow his memories to another being, touching the figure's forehead with his, he showed her the last moments of the one it calls creator.

It took a while, but as soon as it ended, its steps staggered. 

"He-he, he's gone father he-he is gone" it laughed, not wanting to believe the truth it had been shown but when the truth settled, the figure broke into tears despite not having any eyes.

Unable to form its words, the figure grabbed Wang Ling, it pressed its face on his chest and wailed on his chest.

"Fatherrrr." The child that came to life searching for its father's love, had lost its purpose the moment it thought it had found hope.

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