Celestial Peak

Chapter 386: Left behind

Chapter 386: Left behind

"If I accept you as a half-disciple will you stop this?" Wang Ling asked the still kowtowing Jiru.

"Yes, to have such a position would be the greatest honor of my life."

"Just so you know this kid would be your Senior Martial Brother, is that okay?" Wang Ling pointed at Leo who just entered the scene.

"I understand." Jiru was determined. Wang Ling just taught him methods that would improve his alchemy several decades ahead and that's not including Wang Ling's grace of strengthening his flames. 

Jiru was thanking the Transcendental beings for being attacked. His suffering ended up becoming benefits beyond his imagination!

Wang Ling could see it in Jiru's eyes, and as he smiled inwardly, he "reluctantly" accepted Jiru, "Then with this, you are to become my half-disciple."

"Thank you, Grandmaster Wang."

By this time, Leo had already stepped out of the house as to noy get dragged into the weirdness of his master's antics. Irta saw him exiting alone and burying the anger he had in his heart, Irta asked Leo with a friendly tone, "Was the Grandmaster still healing Alchemist Jiru?"

Leo shook his head, "No, he's accepting Alchemist Jiru as his half-disciple." 

"seriously?" he was in disbelief.

"Senior Leo speak of the truth; I have indeed blessed in this life after Grandmaster Wang accepted me as a half-disciple." Alchemist Jiru confirmed as he and his new Master exited the house.

Wang Ling disregarded the shocked expression of Irta, "Leo, come on, let's eat." 

Walking pass Irta, Wang Ling was led by Leo to the feast prepared by the villagers. Leo hunted the meat that was served in the feast, and that night, other than Irta who was left incapable of thinking straight, everyone celebrated.

The next day arrived, just when the sun was about to rise Wang Ling the entire village was already up and was bowing before Wang Ling who saved their village. 

Wang Ling raised his brows as Leo was actually approached by several men and women of the villagers, calling him teacher.

Alchemist Jiru leaned over to explain the situation, "Senior Leo taught the villagers how to cultivate and fighting techniques using the sword and knife."

"Oh, is that so?" Wang Ling was impressed. He smiled his thoughts unknown to anyone by him.

Leo walked over to Wang Ling as he waved to the others.

"Seems like you're pretty popular, Leo. Did you teach them your family's cultivation method?" Wang Ling had also been using the cultivation method that Lucius had been using.


"Hooooh, I thought those were secrets? You sure you're okay with spreading it around?"

"Well, the family is already destroyed and it will only disappear if I don't teach it to others. Having others learn it will be much more beneficial. Also, I told them that the technique is from our Sect and if they wish to learn everything, they must join us in the future." Leo said thinking about a future where the Crimson Snow Sect had grown to tremendous extent.

Last night Leo was too shock seeing a member of the Alchemist Tower bowing and asking for Wang Ling to accept him as a half-disciple. But after thinking it through such a sight should have been natural.

[Master is a monster with unfathomable power and experience. Though I did not expect him to be proficient in the way of Alchemy. With Master I know the Sect will grow tremendously, we might even overpower the Three Giants of the World! Wait, now that I think about it if Master can do Alchemy we can open new paths do business, and earn money without needing the other Families too much. We'll be self-sufficient and if we can connect with the Alchemist Towers or the other Towers we'd be able to hehehehe!] 

Leo was giggling away, his mind overloaded with many possibilities. He was already eleven this year, a bit young but already mature. The past events of his Family's destruction and Wang Ling's teachings led him to have a broader perspective.

Wang Ling did not know the exact thoughts going through Leo's head and seeing him laugh in such a manner would be problematic if not for the fact he had seen his kindness.

[He's not a bad kid, but I need to lead him better so that he can walk a path that's not defiled by rotting corpses.] 

The Typhoon Calamity Method is a Rank-4 cultivation method, and for Leo to give it to others with the price of nothing but a promise they will join his Sect in the future made Wang Ling see Leo at a new light.

The path the boy tread upon would be filled with light if this goes on and it was Wang Ling's job to ensure it would not be tainted by darkness. Leo would grow and as he does, he would experience many more things.

[Not spreading the Typhoon Calamity Method would have more advantages but this is fine.] Wang Ling did not wish to teach the boy to be greedy.

"Grandmaster Wang, we are now going to depart, please use my Storm Eagle." Alchemist Jiru offered the mount he had used to accompany Irta to the village.

"What will use then?"

"He shall take Lucal's Red Talon Raven," Irta said as the man with him looked at him with bewildered eyes as if asking him:

'Then what about me, Young Master?'

To which Irta answered, "He can stay here for the time being and I shall send someone to pick him up."

Alchemist Jiru looked at Lucal, "Is that okay with you, sir Lucal?"

"N-no problem, it would be my honor." And with a wry smile, Lucal gave up his mount.

Wang Ling had Leo sit with him and then they departed with haste.

Lucal watched them leave not knowing that it would be three weeks later before he could go back home.

A week later, after some stop overs, their group of three would reach the Sword Lake City. 

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