Celestial Peak

Chapter 396: Three Months

Chapter 396: Three Months

The fire raged on, and Wang Ling didn't shy about accepting the flames of the world. He opened his bloodline ability as soon as he could and absorbed the spirit energy that had the element of fire.

His body reacted and true to the hypothesis the Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth began working. The power of this body worked, but he didn't notice that something else was growing within him.

His cultivation grew the longer he stayed in that place, when the fires died down Wang Ling, however, did not open his eyes. He went on and remained in that burnt pagoda, forgetting every semblance of time.

Upon the discovery of the constitution the mysteries of the body had been unearthed the soul finally occupied every part of the body. A silent process began, something Wang Ling did not even notice taking place.

His soul moved in place and when it did, Wang Ling's body morphed, his physique changed to meet the soul inhabiting it. Like a blueprint, the body was slowly molded to match the soul and the more it did the more Wang Ling received the remnant strength his soul held.

The Immortal Energy he had before dying seeped into the being of his body allowing him to bypass the walls of his cultivation. Early, Middle, Late, and Pinnacle, all four sub-stages opened without him even trying.

[This is good.] he thought to himself while using the remnants to fix the body's impure parts. He had already undergone a cleansing but, that mattered little to him. The impurities of cultivating the spirit energy of the world still cling to his being.

The fact that he has no qi pillars that strains the impurities and automatically turn his qi to Supreme Spirit Qi was a simple fact that's holding him back. Because his previous method was gone him searching for new methods without any lead becomes a catastrophic disaster.

The Nine Heaven Upheaval Scripture was one of a kind in the previous era, in this era, the thought of cultivating pure qi was close to an impossibility. But for him to cultivate Chaos Qi he would need the Hellish Qi but without the binding agent that separates the two, then Wang Ling nowhere close to recreating his strength.

[I'll think about it after reaching a higher realm.] Right now his knowledge about cultivation was limited, but the higher he climbs the more opportunities would open the more he would be able to collect knowledge, [This is why I need to enter the Eternal Library Tower.]

A place of knowledge, if he could just go to that place and research, then he might be able to create a starting line for himself, [Well, if I can't enter that place then I'll just collect everything in this world, and if I can't still create anything even with this whole world's resources then I'll take over the other worlds.]

Demons may abound, but to Wang Ling, without his Chaos Qi, there's no hope in destroying the Emperor of Death (The Gray Figure). 

[I'll take over the Universe if necessary.] Wang Ling's mind revolved as black substance escaped from his pores and as it did his cultivation strength soared once more. 

The barrier of the Qi Refinement Realm was broken and Wang Ling's body now dwells a much purer spirit qi. Without him knowing Wang Ling just underwent an ablution that led to his sudden breakthrough.

His organs, bones, and skin were now stronger than it ever been. The Qi Refinement Realm, he's now a step closer to achieving the pinnacle of cultivation.

[Seven more ranks to go and I'll be able to reach it.] he said as he opened his eyes and saw the sun rising from the east.

Dawn arrived, Wang Ling awoke in the midst of a burnt pagoda, his change of clothes had long turned to ashes. He stood from where he sat his body cleansed from the fire that devoured the Sect. 

With steps ever so silent Wang Ling walked out of the burnt down Pagoda and as he did he found a new set of white robes to put on with a note laid on top.

-Please change into this Master- 

It was a letter from Leo. The letter went on for longer but it only detailed how the Lopus Family arrived in the Red Land City. It detailed how the Family took over the Sect in a matter of weeks.

[Does that mean I have been meditating for weeks?] Wang Ling didn't even notice the passage of time had passed for so long. But what's even more fascinating at this moment was that he could now see the ever-expansive sight of the Sect being rebuilt by the Lopus Family.

He descended from the mountain soon after Wang Ling wore a change of clothing. Walking down the mountainous path Wang Ling attracted the eyes of the people. 

Upon reaching the bottom of the mountain, Wang Ling was met by two female servants, both of them bowed before Wang Ling, "We greet the Grandmaster."

"Who are you?"

"We are servants."

"Before that?" Wang Ling asked with prying eyes.

"we were both the Students of the Third Elder." The one on the right said.

"Third Elder cannot seem to recall who that is, tell me who was he?"

"She was the only woman of the group." The one of the left answered.

"Oh, she was one of the first two I killed, she died a horrible death."

They showed no reaction other than a slight enlargement of their pupils, [that woman must have been quite the bitch for her students to react to her deaths like this. I thought they're trying to kill me, so it is admiration behind those eyes.]

"So, what's the two of you Core Disciples doing as a servant of the Lopus Family?" 

"We were recruited by your disciple, he said he was willing to take us in so that the Lopus Family could spare us."

[Hooh, so my disciple is in that age already? Wait, just to avoid any misunderstanding-]

"Did he try recruiting the others as well?" 

"Yes, but they shouted that they will never bow down before the likes of the Lopus Family the First Young Master Irta killed them all."

"I see, seeing how you're alive that means the two of you didn't fight back. Well, the both of you did show delight in me mentioning the death of your master, I reckon you wouldn't be holding any affection to this place."

The two servants showed surprised expression but didn't say anything.

Wang Ling simply patted their heads and then asked them, "So why are the both of you here?"

"The both of us were sent here to await your descent from the mountain peak."

"We were told to bring you to the current Sect Hall as soon as the Grandmaster descends."

"Lead the waywait something's been bothering me for a while."

Wang Ling looked at the two young ladies, both of them did not have heaven-defying beauty neither did they look malicious, but he felt uneasy around the two, "Both you stick your right hand in front of me."

The two servants were confused but they eventually reached out. Wang Ling touched both their pulses and found a systematic flow of qi, "The two of you friends? Or beyond that?"

The two blushed.

"Lovers, I see, that explains the Malicious Qi in your veins. Well, that explains the situation." Wang Ling sighed, "Okay, lead the way, I now understand the situation."

The two servants bowed without asking anything.

Wang Ling watched the two walk and couldn't help but say, "Just a friendly reminder, the two of you will die in three months." 

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