Celestial Peak

Chapter 399: Twenty-seventh generation discple

Chapter 399: Twenty-seventh generation discple

Ella and Rea's robes were both off, as Wang Ling lightly touched their backs, circulating pure hellish qi into their meridians. 

From the overflowing qi of his Hellish Qi, instead of throwing it away, Wang Ling used it to purify the veins of the two. He didn't know what would happen other than the fact they'll live but, who knows, he may just be able to create a new technique using them as a basis.

"Circulate your qis to my rhythm ensure you two do not stray else you will experience deviation. You won't die, but you'll lose your mind to the malicious qi." 

The process of cleansing the malicious continued till midnight when Wang Ling's Hellish Qi was fully transferred to the girls. Getting his hands away from them Wang Ling brought out a towel and wiped his hands.

Feeling their body had become lighter, Ella and Rea do what they always do and bowed before Wang Ling, "Thank you for teaching us the ways." 

"Do not worry, it is not too much of a hassle, modifying your cultivation method was easy anyway." Wang Ling fashioned the new cultivation method to a water-downed version of the body refinement technique he had in the past.

[Creating cultivation techniques truly is interesting.] Wang Ling thought as he recorded the events of the night.

"The two of you should rest, for now, I will be returning to my dwelling." Wang Ling said as he stepped outside of the room. He was actually the one who left for their room instead of the other way around. 

He did this because of knew that the process of this cultivation would be hard to maintain. They'll be under constant stress and pain and then after the process, they'll be incapacitated for at least eight hours.

As to how the two could still bow to Wang Ling and thanked him, even he did not know.

Upon Wang Ling's exit, the two looked at each other, to this day they were still bewildered as to the reason of the Grandmaster's kindness. Clearly, it was not to take advantage of them, as he would gain nothing from doing so, and surely, he had no interest in their body.

Wang Ling had shown them undress countess of times; not once did he show them any questionable gaze. He was always passive, the best they receive from him was a curious look that looks beyond their body and into the essence of their situation.

His interest lay in what's happening in their body, his interest was to see if he could fix them and create something that's beyond what the two could ever imagine. But is that how far the kindness of the Grandmaster goes? The two didn't believe so.

"Did you confirm your thoughts, Rea?" Ella asked as she gets into the bed.

"I did, just as I thought the Grandmaster's hands trembled as the mysterious qi flowed into our bodies. When he wiped his hands, I saw veins showing, there were signs of him being strained" Rea said.

"Then, him warning us about us dying if we deviate from the Grandmaster's instruction only may have been meant to make us focus. He was the one enduring. The pain we felt must have been nothing in comparison to the Grandmaster's."

Rea and Ella were trained in espionage and information gathering, they were trained to see through the information that's beyond them so that they can collect information more effectively. When they noticed something was wrong with Wang Ling, they quickly collected information to know what it was.

But, know this fact that he's willing to suffer for them made the two girls happy.

The two of them had long been together since they were young.

At the age of seven both of their parents died at the hands of the demons, they lived by begging but was used by other beggars instead. They were given food enough to survive but never to fill their bellies.

Their bodies would always be filled with bruises and during the biting cold of the night, the only warmth they found was each other's embrace.

At the age of ten, they learned how to steal for a leaving. Moving silently as they did so. They were always successful, until one day, they stole from the wrong person, the Star Seeking Sect's Third Elder.

The two thought they would be killed, but instead, they were taken in as disciples. Their smiles were wide, they were happy they would be given food and a place to stay in, they were glad someone might actually care for them.

Alas, all of it was but a pipe dream. Immediately after getting in, they were subjected to training that almost killed them, training them so that they would be efficient in assassination and gathering information.

At age thirteen they each manifested malicious qi through the methods of the Third Elder it was painful as though they were being eaten from the inside and out, yet the Third Elder simply showed them a grim smile.

For four years they were kept barely alive and used else the other would be tortured. The two were only had each other to keep themselves company and just like how they were in their younger years, they only had each other to keep their bodies and soul warm.

But, now, after Leo stood up for them and how Grandmaster was doing his best to cure them somehow the cold no longer felt that unbearable.


The method Wang Ling developed relies on the usage of hellish qi that he noticed had become much more abundant than in the past. Previously, only Wang Ling and the native of Heaven and Hell could feel its flow, but now, it was different.

Wang Ling could feel the flow of the Hellish and Holy Qi. The world was enveloped in it albeit it's extremely thin.

Of course, Wang Ling sought out an answer for this, and what he gathered was that, due to the Universe getting overturned, the Hellish and Holy Qi now became more accessible.

But it was impossible to cultivate because of their purity. Wang Ling didn't know about the higher leveled cultivator but at his level, it was impossible to cultivate Hellish and Holy Qi. Wang Ling, however, does not care about the laws of the world. 

He's this era's incarnation of the Creator, his very existence was the proof and law, and for him, manipulating the Hellish Qi was natural. 

He was treating Ella and Rea for the reason of him wanting to satiate the curiosity he had built up and also because he had nothing to do. And without him knowing, Wang Ling gained two followers.

Walking around the empty walks of the still closed Sect, Wang Ling was enjoying the moon's radiance. He smiled, but then, he stopped his steps. 

He yawned, "Why don't you step out? I can feel your intention leaking for miles away."

"Hooh, it seems like the talks about you are not just random blabber, it appears the so-called Grandmaster is indeed someone who is somewhat capable." A young man wearing a black cloak and red mask stated with a chortle.

Wang Ling tilted his head, "Does I spotting you mean I am good?"

"Even the men from the Heaven Hell Sword Tower cannot spot me when I decide to hide and they are experts that stand above all."

Showing this mysterious figure, a smile, Wang Ling simply shrugged his shoulders, "Experts you say? What nonsense okay, state your name affiliation and your reason for being here, I am a busy, busy man even during the night."

The man was taken aback by Wang Ling's words and even felt infuriated by how he condescending his words were, alas, the man introduced himself, "My name is Gedal, I am a twenty-seventh-generation disciple of the Sword God, and I seek to test the might of my sword against you."

"Sigh, it is getting late, I have yet to begin cultivation and I am too tired to deal with yapping newcomers. Okay, tell you what, you wish to test your swords, correct? If you agree to refrain from using your spirit qi as to not draw the fight out, I will accept your challenge right at this instant."

The man smiled under his mask, "then that's how it will be." He said as he unsheathed his blade.

All the while the young man did this, Wang Ling picked up a pebble on the side, he then showed it to the masked man, "Okay, I'm going to throw this and upon its landing, we will begin."

The man agreed.

Wang Ling threw the stone as he yawned from his disinterest in the matter.

The masked man saw this and creased his brows, he decided to finish this as soon as possible, [It seems like coming here was a disgrace to myself what an uncouth fellow, showing such discourtesy in a duel. I better finish this in a second, then leave after exposing this fraud.]


The pebble hit the asphalt, the masked man stepped forward, his blade raised and his ready to descend.


But then, he froze, for in front of him was Wang Ling, who used his fingers as his sword and split the man's mask in two.

"You lose, now get out of here." Wang Ling said as he began walking away.

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