Celestial Peak

Chapter 407: Hela and Vaki

Chapter 407: Hela and Vaki

Hela will turn 11 years old tomorrow; she came from an impoverished family where her father farms for a living and her mother weaves bamboo hats. They were poor but, on her birthday, her parents always go out of their way to buy six dumplings, four of which would go to her birthday girl and each to her parents.

That would be the gift she would look forward to every year. A simple gift, but something she cherishes deep in her, heart, but Hela knew that such a thing would never happen, after all, her parents are already dead!


A kick hit Hela's stomach, a painful way to start the morning hell. She gathered her breathing, her eyes that had lost all their light, she didn't want to fight but she also did not want to feel pain thus she instinctively followed.

Hela staggered to move, and upon waking up they were given porridge that's more water than rice. She began, and like usual she went to her usual spot, to the side of the mountain's edge that faces her previous home.

She was silent throughout the process of eating, she simply ate and drank, internally counting the seconds she could spend in that place. She found peace but after five minutes she gathered her strength and stood up.

She returned the cracked cup she was given and then accepted the heavy pickaxe the children her age used in mining Red Qi Shards. Trekking the steep pathways of the Erbas volcano, the young feet of the slave Hela was very much tired, but she didn't dare stop. The moment she clogs the pathway the people watching over them would strike her with their whips.

Hela did not like pain, she didn't like experiencing pain, thus, she would do anything to ensure she doesn't suffer. Climbing up the volcano and after reaching the peak the steaming craters made it feel like they were inside a furnace that baked them. 

The children whose ages ranged from ten to fourteen all worked to the best of their efforts, none of them wished to die. They knew the consequences of showing weakness they'll be culled and then, they would be killed.

'I do not wish to waste the life mother and father gave me I will live.' Hela thought to herself and just remembered how her mother and father died protecting her with their body. Under that blaze, they gave her their lives so she could live. She might be a slave, but at least she's alive still. Hela did not want to waste this gift. 

Every slave in this place where rejects, those who could not be sold to the market and now used as labor and profit. They were dispensable and could easily be replaced, but they were still given breaks at noon. One could choose to descend and escape hell or just stay there, bake and wish for the swift release of death.

Hela did neither, she left but not down, she went to the direction of where her previous home was located. She stayed there seated on the edge of a cliff, munching on a piece of hard bread, accepting the peace she's provided with.

After counting down the time, however, she decided that it was time to return. She stood up, but her hand suddenly slipped and fell from the cliff, her eyes widened but accepted her fate without care.

She closed her eyes, thinking, 'At least I did not die from killing myself mother, father I'm about to come to you."

He accepted her and got ready to die, when, all of a sudden, a hand grabbed hers. She opened her eyes and saw someone had caught her hand. He was a young boy, the same age as hers, and he was simply passing by when he caught sight of Hela about to plummet to her death.

The boy didn't think and just went to her rescue, he wasn't even sure if he'd be able to catch her, but he didn't waste any time thinking. He caught her and with all that he had pulled her up from certain doom.

Hela looked down, her heart in trepidation.

"Hey! What are you doing over there!?" a watcher shouted and he readied his whip. The both of them heard this call and quickly, they stood up. 

"Let's go, we're going to get in trouble. Can you stand?" Vadal asked and Hela nodded, she did not speak

The day ended and the boy did not leave Hela's side, he was worried about her, and from time to time, he would check up on how she was doing, and from time to time he would get in trouble for it. 

When they descended to the base of the mountain and went back to the cave system, the boy followed Hela. The boy was worried about her and she was apprehensive by his approach.

That night, the young boy stayed by her side, and asked her, "What's your name? Mine is Vaki."

He introduced himself with a wide smile, but Hela couldn't answer with words. She stuck out her tongue and showed him how it had been cut. She saw his pitying eyes, for some reason, Hela did not like that.

"So, I can't know your name can you write?" 

Hela nodded, her parents wanted her to grow up with prospects, so, they did their best to teach her. They knew they can't give her any richest, so, they gave her the gift of knowledge instead. 

With a stone, she wrote her name on the ground.

"Hela? So that's your name, nice to meet you." Vaki said and Hela nodded her head.

From there, the two got to know each other. Vaki learned Hela's story through her writing it and she learned of him by telling.

Vaki was different from Hela, his parents did not die, both were alive, but they sold him for money. 

"They told me that I will never amount to anything so they sold me to a slave trader for a few coins." He told Hela his story with a smile on his face. 

The two of them had different lives, both of them had different endings, but, then on, the two of them slowly became friends. They didn't have anyone thus, they looked out for each other.

The more they stayed together the more they understood one another. They found the strength with each other, covering for each other and making sure none would get left behind. She even showed him her secret locations and told him the reason why she goes there.

Before long, the idea of being apart no longer appeared in their minds.

But then, one night, Hela heard coughing she opened her eyes and did not find Vaki by her side. She stood up, worried, and when she found him by a corner, she saw him coughing up blood.

Seeing this, Hela tried running to his side, but he stopped her from getting any closer, "No, don't come any closer I think I'm sick, I don't want you catching it. I'll be fine, I'll be well tomorrow, go back to sleep now."

Hela did not move, but Vaki's smile deterred her from getting any closer, "It's okay go and rest, Hela." He said as he coughed.

But, despite Vaki's words, he never got better. Day after day, he would get worst, and the more he did the more the watchers eyed him, thinking if they should dispose of him.

"Ahhh ai, work for bot as~~!" Hela waved her hands and got everyone's attention. She did not simply say those words and for her friend, she began working hard so he won't get dispose of.

The watchers smiled at the sight of a mute doing all that for her dying friend. They did not find it pretty, rather, they found it amusing and funny. They found it hilarious that she clings to the idea he'll live.

But Hela did not care, she continued working, and working, and working, doing her best so that Vaki wouldn't need to do much. But, Vaki still collapsed on the job. The Watchers saw this and took out their whip.



Vaki's skin was torn open he was in pain, but he couldn't get up. He had no energy, he couldn't muster anything and, in the end, he just accepted his fate.

He waited for the final blow that would end his life, the blow that would crack his skull open and end his life.


There was no pain. He opened his eyes, and there, he saw a smiling Hela, asking him, "R yu, okey du nat worry ai sabe, yu dis tyme."

She said with her broken guttural sounds.




The sound of the whip hit her back echoed the pain was inconceivable but she continued to smile as her tears fell.

"Hela that's enough please that's enough." 

"Ai protek frend"

When Hela survived her near death accident, it was then that realized how she wished for death and how she missed her parents. That night, she cried, ever so lightly.

She was lonely then, but with Vaki, her friend, she found a way to live through the loneliness. She managed to cope with him.

Hela didn't like pain. She hates pain and would do anything to avoid it, even if it meant living poorly and being treated like trash. But she hated seeing her friend get hurt, and she would stand in the way of pain if she could save Vaki.

Tears flowed down her face, and so did blood. She accepted the lashing from the Watchers and covered for her friend, this lasted for minutes, but in the end, she fell to the side.

"Protekfrend" she mouthed off.

"You're going to keel over eventually and you had to make me work for it. You fucking bastard!" a watcher kicked Hel in the stomach, but she was not sent flying, her body still covered Vaki's.

Seeing this the Watcher's face twisted from anger, "YOU DARE DEFY ME!? I AM YO huh?" the Watcher's words stopped, he found something amiss his world had actually gone upside down.

Vaki raised his head, his eyes wide as he watched the Watcher's head fly. He was not scared, neither was he in awe, he was simply worried, and asked the man in white robes, "Please help my friend." Vaki asked to help Hela, who had yet to stop protecting him.

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