Celestial Peak

Chapter 409: I'm going to Slaughter the World

Chapter 409: I'm going to Slaughter the World

"Here, is one for you, now go and rest for the time being."

"Thank you, benefactor."

"Here is one for you. Make sure to chew it thoroughly or your bodies will not be able to process it properly! There's no need to hurry, I prepared a lot of them for the time being."

Wang Ling's quiet voice sounded out as he handed potatoes to the starved children. He's giving them small portions as he did not want to experience indigestion later. They were plagued with hunger and if he feeds them a large amount of food with their physique and situation, they'll most likely break.

He learned this fact the hard way after almost dying from his own brashness when he was but a young runt who stole food from his master. 

After giving everyone food and Water Wang Ling finally he began checking up on the children's bodies, determining their bodily function to check up on their health and capabilities to train in martial techniques.

[Most of them have deteriorating muscles, the impurities in their veins are thick. It's not impossible to cleanse their bodies but it will take a while. I can help them do it but it will consume me if I do so. I already have Ella and Rea to take care of they need to do it on their own. It will take a long time but I have that time.] He smiled as he moved on to check up on the next child.

These children were lucky to receive help from someone like Wang Ling not just because of his experience but also because of his qi. There were many who had infected wounds and if not for his Holy Qi that purifies everything the need for cutting the limb would be necessary.

He was moving from one child to the next patiently and then helping alleviate their pains if he could. Alidia watched this with bright eyes, she could not believe he's the same man who made her cower to the point of urinating herself.

[He's either really kind or he has godlike acting skills must be both. But I have to say, those eyes the children are giving him are not normal. They look like they are looking at God instead of a savior.] she knows the look one gives to a savior, she experienced it from them firsthand, and compared to what she received to this, she's far cry from having Wang Ling's level of charisma.

This thing continued for the entire night and even then, Wang Ling did not stop. He went to tend to Hela and Vaki, the two he took interest in. The two's situation was far more severe than the rest.

Vaki had a very high fever and was experiencing Spirit Deviation from practicing Cultivation without a proper method, "Must be trying to find a way to escape."

He liked this kid; his desperation brings the best of him. 

He moved to Hela whose situation was much better than Vaki's. Her problem was only her physical body, and nothing else. Her body was riddled with wounds, most of which infected. But just like with the others, Wang Ling took care of it. He did not spare any effort in doing so and carefully healed her. The tongue couldn't be retrieved; however, his qi wasn't potent enough.

[Her body is not suited for cultivation but her will is strong enough to cultivate a good spirit. She needs to find her own path if she wishes to succeed from now on though I still don't know if these two will be willing to become my disciple.] 

Wang Ling was still left unsure, but nevertheless, he's quite intrigued about what's going to happen next. He smiled at the thought of cultivating a Sect and leading an army of his own very creation. 

Midnight, Wang Ling finally finished everyone's treatment and refreshed his mind with his Holy Qi. He then went and searched for the bags of rice he prepared the other day and got ready to prepare the gruel for the next day.

He's not really lacking in money has he took some funds before leaving, but at the moment Wang Ling was thinking of ways how to earn money. But the money he wanted to collect was not just for his daily use, but also to turn him into someone who could buy worlds.

This world was ruled by the strong, but it revolves around the idea of money. Ingredients, materials, accommodation all of that needed money and Wang Ling knew that if he wants to move forward the Lopus Family's funds won't be enough.

[I can't extort too much from the other families else they'll think they are entitled to mine. I need to control them instead I think I'll begin dabbling in weaponsmithing and alchemy as a whole, trade with the Towers and local powers. After creating my force, I should also annex other Territories and start charging them Taxes. But to justify that, I will first need to find a way to spread my name... I'm going to think about that later.] Wang Ling was having a new kind of battle inside his mind.

While thinking about these kinds of things Wang Ling felt someone approaching him and then looked behind. He looked up and down at Alidia and then shook his head before returning his attention to the equipment before him. 

"What are you doing?" Wang Ling could not help but ask Alidia seeing how she had cut her wrist, "Are you tired of living? Like I said I can kill you with one swift strike if you want to."

"What? No! This is the Heaven Hell Sword Tower's way of creating a blood pact, cut the artery and let it flow. I cannot close it on my own, it has to close by the person I wish to follow." Alidia explained. 

"I don't exactly know who you are or your problems but I know how other's ethics and morality works. You should know that I am going to kill a looooot of people and children. 

"I will conquer this world and claim the throne for myself, I don't care how many I will trample on to reach my destination but I'll do it nonetheless. Think of me as a hypocrite who claims the value of life and still resolving himself in killing million, I don't care because I do not hide in fake ideals."

Wang Ling stated.

"I, Alidia, am willing. I value life and wish not to kill, but after seeing this place I now understand that sometimes, death is necessary to cleanse the world. Though I cannot accept the slaughter of many, I can learn to understand them if it is you, Great Ancestor."

Wang Ling just yawned and with a finger, Wang Ling touched Alidia and stopped the bleeding, "Don't worry, you won't have to worry about slaughtering children I'll be doing it myself if need be, and speaking of slaughtering, I guess I should explain how many more I'm planning to kill in this journey of mine."

And so, the night passed, Wang Ling gained a follower and two disciple prospects. That night Wang Ling explained Alidia his plans of annihilating the Slave Trade in his regions and accepting those he freed into his Sect.

Alidia had nothing to say to his objectives and then, a week later when the children have regained their strength Alidia quit her job from the Tavern and left with Wang Ling. 

Many thought she's following him to pursue the unrequited love she held in her heart. Wang Ling did not care for her intentions and just continued his steps, not stopping at anything.

Five Months Later, he would return to his Sect with over 278 previous slaves following him and bags of treasure from clearing all the slave traders and auction houses. 

News of his endeavors would quickly spread under the name, Wang Wudi.

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