Celestial Peak

Chapter 413: Masked Swordsman II

Chapter 413: Masked Swordsman II


"What was that?" Vaki asked.

"That's just Mister Alin getting beaten by the Master again, come one, let's hurry, before Master catch wind of our escape!" Leo said as he jumped down of the walls.

He was followed by Rea and Ella and then Vaki and Hela. The five of them escaped the Sect and joined the busy Nightly Streets of the City. 

When they stepped onto the Night Market, their eyes brightened, even the two unfeeling ladies, Rea and Ella had their eyes glow in delight. 

"I-it is beautiful, right Hela?" Vaki asked Hela beside him and she furiously nodded her head in agreement. This was their first time spending their time in the night life of the City.

The resplendent light of the rune lamps on streets was nothing new to them, that had already been built in every room of the Sect Dorm. The streets of the Sect also have said Rune Lamps, and as they were staying on Wang Ling's abode as their master was still treating the blockades in their meridians, the sight of such a device was normal for them.

However, the hundreds of people walking about was new to them. Leo was the youngest, but he's the Senior Martial Brother of the five and as they stayed there like statues, he grabbed Vaki's hand who held onto Hela's and at Rea who held onto Ella's, and then brought them to the side of the road.

He rummaged around his clothes and then began handing them bags of coins, "Okay, all of you are free to go on your individual dates. You can use up all the money, we're not short on them oh yeah, make sure not to create any trouble, but if you were to go up against anyone who's haughty and treats you like shit, I give you the permission to use violence.

"Oh yeah, if you are beaten up by someone just make sure not to say the name of Master. It is not that he's going to be ashamed of you, it is just that if he learns that we're going around throwing his name around for petty fights, he'll be really disappointed." Leo knew that Wang Ling did not like how youths from big families hide behind the name of their Clan and Masters.

When the two of them were still staying in the mountain Wang Ling made sure to educate Leo about hiding behind the name of others. 

"If you ever try to use my name and abuse the prestige it has, then I will make sure to strip you down and hang your body in the middle of some Plaza. Remember, you are only allowed to use my name if, and only if, you are on the verge of death let them know who will avenge your death though if you survive, I won't do anything but train you so that you can take your own revenge." Wang Ling already established a Sect.

The strength of a Sect was its solidarity and number of forces but that same strength weakens its disciple. Wang Ling wanted to create a Sect that have disciples that's not reliant on the name behind them. He wanted to nurture the disciples of the Sect to become monolithic when they go out of the Sect.

"Let the prestige speak for itself, by speaking of it you are merely tarnishing its light." That's one of the very few lessons Wang Ling would often speak to the people of the Sect. 

His direct disciples, of course, would do their best to honor this order especially Leo who was threatened while being taught this very lesson they wish to uphold the Sect's values.

Their group split in three, other than the first order Leo also warned them to return to this spot by midnight. He also told them not to go to the Red-Light district, and as they went into their separate ways, Leo realizing something crucial he's alone.

There were five disciples, four of which were on a relationship. Rea and Ella were a couple, Hela and Vaki had their own thing of not being lovers but more than friends, then there's Leo, alone with his knife as his only lover.

Upon this sad realization of his young life, Leo began walking, thinking to himself, [Will I grow stronger if I become a loner like Master? He's always alone, right? Wait, doesn't he also have a lover of his own in the past? Nah they were close friends if I remember correctly.] he was trying his best to find the silver lining of his loneliness.

Leo just began walking around town, enjoying the sight of the golden night where the city was bustling. From what he could remember before Wang Ling took over the Sect this City was not the same. 

The City Streets back then were bustling, but distress was behind their smiles, the inability to even remain smiling stemmed at the fact that they were incapable of trusting the Sect. The Sect that they were under had just killed a Family, the truth of their actions was revealed and the populace began losing confidence.

The taxes imposed on them was also huge, and the number of assassinations was plenty in between. The Star Seeking Sect seemed like it had illustrious image, but they were scum through and through.

Now, the people were laughing more brightly than ever. The Sect Master hardly places taxes on the small businesses and the Lopus Family controls the large ones so no one gets used. The fear of human trafficking decreased exponentially after the Sect Master went to purge the Region, and the Aristocrats now rarely struts around the land throwing their weight all over the place they could still remember how they were all almost massacred by the Sect Master. There were a lot more benefits on the Crimson Snow Sect's establishment, like more job openings on Spirit Farms, and better connections to Towers, and lower prices in medicine, but overall, it meant the Region was growing in the right direction.

[Even the previous Slaves who become disciples are now walking around town with smiles on their faces.] Leo was beginning to see why Wang Ling was revered as the Hero of the past.

While going around the Night Market he bought a lot of food and drinks, he avoided any alcoholic beverages and was having fun but then, he felt something drip on his hand. 

He looked at it and creased his brows, [Blood?] Leo looked around, [No one seem to have noticed, that means this blood came from somewhere that's most likely doesn't attract the attention of the people] he looked up and then went to an alley then used the walls as his stepping stones to reach the roof.

[There's one!] he hurried to another roof and found a severed arm. Leo would have gone to report this to his Master all ready, but as he picked up that arm, Leo's eyes suddenly widened because from what little qi he could feel from the arm, he could only discern one thing, [This is Master's arm.] 

His mind became disoriented and without thinking straight, he began looking for his Master Leo grew worried.

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