Celestial Peak

Chapter 420: World Domination I

Chapter 420: World Domination I

A crying phoenix rose up to the sky, its radiance everlasting and its cries piercing. But it soon ended with the slash of a knife's glowing edge.

Blood flew out like a fountain, red trailed with the flap of the Phoenix's weakening wing, and with a desperate cry a boy's voice echoed, "PHOENIX SLAUGHTER!"

A boy garbed in simple clothing stood at the peak of the highest mountains. He was unafraid as he faced the might of the legendary beast, his cries did not falter nor died out against the other, he was prepared to fight it without limiting himself.

A single war cry against a bloody beast echoed for hundreds of kilometers. With his cry the knife and the dying blaze of the Phoenix's lifeblood prepared to clash once again, in this valley of dreams that expanded for thousands of kilometers, the boy was prepared to repeat the triumphant dream he held deep within.

Yet as his sword traveled from south till north, his knife cracked and slowly he felt pain in his abdomen. He lowered his head and found a sword had been embedded in his stomach, the boy stopped momentarily and got devoured by the Phoenix.

"AHH!" Leo woke up with cold sweat drenching his back, the nightmare he just had was vivid, and then, "Ack!" he felt the stab wound he had received from the mysterious masked swordsman. It took him a while to collect himself and then, "MASTER!"

With anxiousness plastered on his face, Leo stood up. He attempted to leave the room he was in so he could avenge his master, "You look okay for someone who got stabbed."

A familiar voice entered his ears he turned to the side and saw Wang Ling quietly sipping tea while tending to a white sword, "Master you're alive!" Leo jumped to embrace his master and Wang Ling didn't dodge the kid only made sure to keep the sword away.

"Yeah, I'm alive and I am thankful and touched by your sacrifice, my dear disciple. Now, as your reward, you may feast your eyes on this." Leo was just about to cry when Wang Ling used his finger to turn his attention to the beautiful woman training on the way of the sword.

Leo was completely awestruck by her beauty, "Master, who is she?"

Wang Ling looked at Leo's stupidly lovestruck expression and then turned to Chang Ping who was quietly practicing her sword and then said, "That woman is your Martial Sister, she's the first student I have ever taught. She's your Eldest Martial Sister."

"Is that true, Master?" Leo asked as his worries got whisked away by the radiant beauty standing before him. His jaw almost dropped at the sight of the fairy and as his heart beat faster and faster he knew, that at that moment, "I think I am in love, Master is it okay to court her?" he asked not caring about anything else.

Wang Ling looked at his poor disciple's state and just said, "Okay, but just so you know that's the same Masked Swordsman who penetrated your body."

"ooo wait, what!?!" the fact dawned at Leo and as his fantasies withered with the passage of seconds, his jaw that had dropped signified another thing at this point he was now more apprehensive of the beauty before him.

[With the seed of his Chang Ping being his first love cushioning the fact that she's the same person who ran him through her sword then I would hope that it softened the blow that she almost killed him. Seeing how he's still confused; I think it did its job quite nicely.]

Leo didn't die from his encounter with Chang Ping, but he did almost cross over after having been stabbed by her sword. Of course, this would result in an imprint on Leo's still young psyche possibly creating a Heart Demon and one day falling into bedeviling when he grows.

Wang Ling wanted to nip this in the bud before it could blossom thus this little charade. Chang Ping caused the heart devil, use her as the cure, then let him of the truth. This way, Leo will have another view of Chang Ping other than the one who stabbed him.

[I think it went well.] Wang Ling thought to himself seeing that Leo no longer held that weary expression, but more of an anxious and complex one.

With Leo ending with heartbreak, the day started.

That day, Wang Ling introduced Chang Ping as his First Disciple. Wang Ling had Chang Ping talk to the other four and then taught her his techniques while also cultivating during the night.

Chang Ping also took care of teaching the disciples from time to time.

Her beauty had affected the Sect as several suitors from all directions began pouring in as they heard of her beauty. Some tried to court her while others just arrived to admire her.

None of course managed to claim her heart.

Three more months later, the Lopus Family and he managed to set the Sect on a straight course. Of course, they still had to take care of the Abyssal Demon's onslaught from time to time, but thanks to the training Wang Ling gave to the Lopus Family people, the deaths lessened.

The Alchemy Tower and Heaven Hell Sword Tower also assisted heavily in their endeavors thus creating a time of peace. 

The Alchemy Tower helped them for his lessons, and the Heaven Hell Sword Tower to ensure the prospects of his Sect would consider joining them. Of course, only the Alchemy Tower really benefited from this exchange.

Because of this Wang Ling managed to breathe without worrying. The weight on his shoulders lessened and managed to begin his preparations.

Another two Weeks passed.

Wang Ling called for the Main Line of the Lopus Family, including Dalia who came to visit the children of the Sect. 

Dalia also personally arrived to check on Leo's wellbeing. The mother of Seran that Lucius killed had already taken it up herself that she would take care of Leo who too had lost a family member in the unfortunate incident.

She was also one of the people taking care of the servants who take care of the disciples. She helps in keeping them in line so that they would not act out. 

In the Grand Hall, Wang Ling sighed as he said, "Let us begin conquering the Entire World."

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