Celestial Peak

Chapter 422: More than a Master

Chapter 422: More than a Master

Under the full moon, Wang Ling had his disciples gather around him. 

"What is it, Master? Was there something we missed while reviewing the fight? I know I hesitated in hurting them, but I think I did well." Leo who experienced his first kill in his life asked.

"Was there something wrong with the medication, Hela did?" Hela wrote her question on a paper.

Vaki and the rest also asked a couple of things, but in the end, none of them got it right. Wang Ling sighed as he smiled, "All of you did well in today's fight. Didn't they, Chang Ping?"

Chang Ping simply bobbed her head but said nothing. The disciples could not help but feel proud at the words of their master. Their master was a man of many secrets, but his identity was not one of them, and to be praised by such a man made them happy.

"It is all thanks to Master's teachings that we managed to show such results."

"We shall further our pursuit of the techniques you have passed down to us to give glory to your name." Rea and Ella followed. They were stiff as always but their expressions have considerably mellowed out a lot.

Seeing them like this only made it harder for Wang Ling, alas, the complacent life was not for him anyway. Witnessing his students of his own grow and learn from him had been enough for him. If he could, he would not initiate change, but this was all an inevitability.

"I am proud of you all. Truthfully, I didn't think you all would be able to improve this much in such a short span of time. Though none of you have reached Qi Refinement Realm as of yet, I know that you all will do it one day. If Leo can reach Qi Cloaking Realm, then there's not a single impossible thing in this Universe."

"Master, why are you using me as an example like that?" Leo cried against injustice and the others laughed as he felt aggrieved.

"Don't feel bad, I meant that as a compliment. After all, as I told you, you have no ounce of talent when it comes to cultivation. Though you are lagging behind in terms of qi, you are leading them in terms of spirit and hard work. The fact that you are improving is the fruit of your labor. Also, do not feel down because you lack talent, even those like you would be able to climb to the peak, just look at Chang Ping? Her talent was mediocre at best but now she's one of the strongest humans in the Universe."

"Master, I would appreciate it if you do not use me as an example as well." Chang Ping also complained.

"I cannot promise anything." Wang Ling could care less about any threat.

Then after a while, when Wang Ling finally settled himself, he finally gathered the heart to speak aloud, "I am glad that you five are improving and despite your pasts, none is burdened by the weight they carry. You have shown not only improvement in strength but also in terms of your heart and mind. I would love to teach you more, sadly, I would be leaving."

"Huh!? Why all of a sudden!?! When are you leaving? Where are you going!?!" Leo was the first to jump in fright to his words, "Did we do something to displease you?"

"I just said that I am proud of you five, so why would be disappointed?" Wang Ling was confused, "I am merely going on a journey to find my lost instincts. I have stayed here for far too long, the fangs that have stayed with me for so long is slowly disappearing. With Dratia and the Lopus Family taking care of the matter with Conquering the World, and with the Sword Intent I left in the Sect I am now without a reason to stay in this world."

Wang Ling had fulfilled his mission in this world, he planted the seed of the Crimson Snow Sect and was continuously growing in power. If he wanted to hasten the growth and influence then the best for him to do would be to go and leave this world.

However, his disciples didn't think so, "Master, please, don't leave we still have so much to learn from you please don't leave us." 

These five were orphans, they have no family to call their own and the Sect other than each other. Though they were of different ages, and have different philosophies from one another, deep within they saw Wang Ling as someone more than a Master.

They who had their fates stolen from them saw him as a light who led them to a brighter future. He was the one who brought them together, let them learn the value of their own strength, and was the one who helped them pave their own path.

For all of them, Wang Ling was someone that had gone beyond someone teaching them techniques. He had taught them their own worth. He thought them they were not alone, they were no mere tools to be used and that their lives did not revolve on anyone's palms, and that they were not slaves who should bow to others.

They were saved by Wang Ling, and to them, he was more of a Father than a Master. Someone smiling to comfort them, someone spending his strength to help them, someone caring to fight for the death for them.

Wang Ling was a pillar to them, and for him to announce that he was leaving was beyond devastating.

Tears fell as they found it impossible to find the right words. They looked at Wang Ling with begging eyes, "We can grow stronger faster, master techniques in days, if wish us to. Just please don't abandon us too."

[To think I would be hesitating like this, I have indeed become much softer than before. That must have been why I was hesitant in taking major risks in fights.] Though Wang Ling sacrifices limbs to attain victory, he considers that nothing but an ordinary way of thinking.

He was an invincible person in the past, but because of losing his ferocity to attain victory, he was beaten by Chang Ping, his student. Though he did not die that was not the point. If he wanted to beat the bastard, Emperor of Death, then he must reclaim his position at the top.

[I have become weaker; I have stagnated and because of this I am doubting my strength. I am taking less risk, that's why I have yet to find a way to merge my two qi or even free the Hellish Qi from the darkness. I need to hasted my recovery.]

Taking a deep breath, he steeled his heart, "I am not going to abandon you, but I am giving you a goal. I am leaving knowing you five will be able to follow me and as I go on my journey, I will leave trails of my journey. I will not wait for anyone, I will be the strongest in this Universe sooner or later, but I know that none of you would disappoint me and will follow me sooner or later." 

Wang Ling did not lie. 

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