Celestial Peak

Chapter 435: Funny Trio

Chapter 435: Funny Trio

The Universe was vast and it had existed for a long time. Worlds were destroyed and stars are many in between. Gods and Immortals traveled the worlds before, but now it was Sailers, people who could move the clouds and call upon rain were now few in between, but, nonetheless, that was not the greatest change for Wang Ling.

[Three Holy Qi the other two with Hellish Qi. They are completely different qis, their densities differ from one another, but they are one and the same. A complete replica of one of my aspects.] Wang Ling could tell, those were his qis from before he reincarnated for the second time.

Their qis were actually well hidden, but they could not hide what was once his. Wang Ling sat there with his head lowered, remaining undetected, [It's a good thing I met Roan.] 

Wang Ling's seeping out Holy Qi had already been conquered for he had already managed to reel in his qi. Those that would seep out would be dissipated into the earth by Angel. Wang Ling was lucky to have met Roan indeed.

'What is your move, Master? From the looks of it, these five would be entering the Tomb with you. From what little report I managed to read before being almost fucked up, these Impostors kill everyone in the places they go to. Though oddly enough they only kill the combatants and spare the Innocent and unwilling.'

'Did your reports say anything about anyone turning into an Abyssal Demon when they died by their swords?' Wang Ling asked as the last one of the five passed him by.

'Not that I heard of. From the looks of it, those who died didn't turn to Abyssal Demons as their corpses still littered the area. It was a pretty grotesque sight, wait, I have a painting here if you want to.' Chang Ping flicked her wrist and Wang Ling accepted a scroll.

As he discreetly opened the scroll he was given, Wang Ling raised his brows at the amazing details of the blood and guts littering the ground.

"That is one amazing piece of art it really captures the essence of carnage, does it not?" 

An excited voice sounded next to Wang Ling's ears, and when he casually turned to his right, he saw a white demonic mask looking back.

"Hello." A feminine voice erupted from behind said demonic mask, "You don't seem surprised, Grandpa. When I did this there were a lot of people causing a commotion. Like, I know I uncovered their plot for murder, but that doesn't mean they have to kill me. It's not like I would go to the trouble of saving someone's life I don't even know." The girl behind the mask said with delight.

"Grandpa, you say? I know I look mature, but I don't think I give the others the impression like that." Passing the scroll back to Chang Ping, Wang Ling was quite astounded by the little girl, "what makes you say what you said?"

"Your smell? Wait I am picking up something new" the girl with the demonic mask drew closer to Wang Ling, took some sniff off him, and just tilted her head ever so slightly, she was confused, "Weird, you smell different now somehow. You smell no younger than two years old your soul and body's scent does not align what are yo Ack!"

"Please, Young Miss do not act in such a manner. You are disgracing yourself as though you are parading yourself to be taken by this man."

"That is correct, Young Miss, we cannot have you disgracing your lineage by acting like this. Please, do not besmirch its legacy by acting like a no-good lady. Act with dignity."

Two women with elegant words spoke of keeping dignity as they each pulled a lock of the nosy young woman's hair, "Please act appropriately!" The two shamelessly said with apparent laziness behind their intonations.

Two other people appeared, both of which wore a Dragon's Mask. The two ladies' height and stance were the same, their aura was also quite similar, they even wore the same Black Robes. It was quite the treat for the eyes.

"Qing! Ming! You still dare call me Young Miss with all this abuse?" the Young Miss raged.

"This is still withing reasonable degree of abusdiscipline Young Miss." The one on the right argued.

"Hey! Yuan Qing just said abuse did she not?" the Young Miss felt like her life was in danger. She unknowingly hid behind Wang Ling, who didn't say anything as he found what was happening rather amusing. It was like a skit to him.

"Young Miss, do not be absurd we care about you, we will not do anything that will harm you in any way. We have grown up together for such a long time I am hurt that you would ever doubt the affection we hold for you." The one on the left stated.

The Young Miss slowly came out from behind Wang Ling her body no longer shaking from fright, "Ho-how could I have ever doubted you, Qing! Ming! Forgive this sister of yours, I must have been a fool to doubt you!" the Young Miss then hugged the one called Qing and Ming. She sounded truly happy.

But somehow, Wang Ling could tell that the Young Miss was being deceived, like a child being led on the nose by someone holding a candy, [What a fun trio.] he thought to himself smiling under his mask.

"Could the three of you afford to stay here? I think the fun is starting over there." Wang Ling pointed at the path ahead where a group of youths was already breaking the barrier for the Tomb.

Wang Ling watched it collapse like any barrier and when it did, those who opened it were the first to enter and after the first five minutes the first line went in as well. 

"Mister, why don't we enter the Tomb together?" The Young Miss offered to which Wang Ling responded with a shake of his head.

"No, you go on ahead, I only plan on entering at a later time."

"Well, good luck to you, Mister!"

"Have fun." 

Wang Ling waved his goodbyes and after all the formalities Wang Ling finally stood up when the last youth entered the Tomb!

He walked with Chang Ping trailing behind him.

Stretching his body, he cracked his neck and then asked Chang Ping for one thing, "Do you have anything that can withstand my Sword Intent?"

Chang Ping threw an ordinary-looking white sword to Wang Ling, "That's from a Seventh Rank Cultivation Swords Master, it is called, [Heaven's Edge]. It's quite sharp, Master."

"That's good, then, I'll be right back, I'm going to collect some Resources for us, after killing my Imposters." Wang Ling entered the tomb, with a Treasured Sword in hand that could withstand his Sword Intent and takes the brunt of the damages he would suffer.

Smiling, Wang Ling could feel something within him welling up, "It had been a long time since I wanted to cause a slaughter like this." He said as he disappeared behind the barrier.

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