Celestial Peak

Chapter 448: Miscalculation

Chapter 448: Miscalculation

From the waist up, Wang Ling was naked. Angel couldn't protect all of his garments for three whole days without getting bored. That was to say that Wang Ling no longer had a mask on. Thankfully, the shower of Magma momentarily hid his face.

With a flick of his wrist, Wang Ling brought out another demon mask. As soon as he did so, Wang Ling felt something coming for him, from behind the shower of magma came an assault.


Wang Ling quickly used both hands to redirect the silent sneak attack [Hooh, not saying anything, so like me. He even used Sunrise blood to maximize the range impressive, my Impostor.] he joked but soon noticed that the one with the Hellish lineage grabbed his companion using his toes and retreated with a flap of his wings.

"I did expect that." He said aloud, surprised that an Impostor pulled a fast one on him, [Well, this is a good indication that I can't read all their moves, I guess. Though they are me, they don't necessarily share the same thoughts as the current me.]

Holding one of the two Impostors by the back of the head, Wang Lin silently observed the situation. Seeing the floating five golden rings on the back of his head, the three pair of black wings, and that handsome face, Wang Ling determined who they were.

[Hoooh, so that's how I looked like. I really do look like them, huh.] 

Wang Ling's mind was preoccupied and as Qinyang touched him by the hands, she asked him, "If it is not any trouble can you help me out? My heart" Qinyang politely asked as she pointed at her crushed heart.

"I apologize, right, I was too preoccupied with a lot of things, wait, I wi" 

Wang Ling was already ready to heal Qinyang, but when he was just about to do so, the two Impostors were already coming for him their swords! A sword quickly appeared on Wang Ling's hands~


"I cannot let you heal someone like her. She has to die now." The winged Impostor claimed as the other dashed towards Qinyang. They would not simply him heal the enemy who gave them such a hard time.

Seeing their attempt to kill the woman made Wang Ling just wonder how much trouble she gave his Impostors, "You must be pretty good." Wang Ling said as Qinyang let out a peal of pained laughter and raised her trembling hand for thumbs up.


The five-ringed Impostor tried sneaking an attack from the side, Wang Ling was already preoccupied but he moved his leg and hooked the other's wrist forcing him to strike his companion!

The Impostors who saw this, however, were still calm! The Six-Winged Impostor did not even falter, he just dove headfirst and slashed at the adversity, Wang Ling raised his left hand to block the sword, and then Wang Ling finally found the window to retreat with Qinyang. A distance was made.

Four Golden Rings appeared behind his head surprising the two Impostors, but soon enough those rings disappeared as he gathered their essence in a single drop.

A drop of golden blood escaped his cut wrist and reached the Qinyang's mouth. The sweet taste mixed with the harshness of Wang Ling's pure and raging qi. The healing attribute it carried filled her body to the brim bringing her untold sense of relief.

Qinyang finally recovered a crushed heart, "I I almost die!" she said as she laughed, "Thank you um what's your name? I only heard you're going to help me if I come here, I am Qinyang, by the way. Wait you smell familiar, oh! You're the one I met outside! What are the chances, haha!"

Wang Ling was taken aback by how this lady who almost just died could show such joyful laughter. Though he did not like rowdy people, he somehow found her rather endearing, "I'll tell you what my real name later, for now, call me Ling Wudi."

"Okay, sir Ling Wudi, wait a minute, I'll catch my breath and help you right away and help you fight them." Qinyang said as she looked at her stumps, "I may have the Phoenix Lineage but I can't exactly regrow limbs in an instant when I am this tired. I also lost my spatial storage so I have no pill with me."

Wang Ling just sighed at her words, "Don't worry about helping me, I'll deal with this myself. I currently do not have the ability to hold back so just stay there and watch"

"What!? Who are you calling deadweight!?

"I didn't call you that you are not much of a thinker, are you? Anyway, just stay here and take this." Wang Ling then threw a crimson pill at her, "That has plenty of fire qi, that should suffice in assisting you to regain your vitality."

Qinyang accepted the pill and began chewing at it like some candy, as she asked Wang Ling, "are you really going to be, okay? Those two are a perfect copy of the [All Father]'s Incarnation."

"All Father's Incarnation? I like the ring of that. Also, they aren't a complete copy of him, they're not even half his worth." Wang Ling said as he walked away from Qinyang. He exhaled and then, turned to his enemies, "Weird, why didn't you attack me?"

"You are someone who possesses the Holy Race Lineage, but you already used it to save the life of that Phoenix, will you still have the strength to fight us?" the five-ringed Impostor asked.

Wang Ling raised his brows behind his mask, "Then come and attack me, see if you can live."

The five-ringed Impostor just smiled at the answer, [Provocations does not work, I see.]

"May I know who you are?" the six-winged Impostor asked.

They could feel it, his qi was similar to theirs, but the tinge of a foreign and unknown qi made them unable to confirm it. Both of them grew ever so apprehensive they chose to stay silent until they could ascertain the situation.

"A simple Sect Master from the lowest Worlds."

The two Impostors were also Wang Ling, they believed his words for they could not sense a hint of lie behind his words.

"Weird, why aren't any of you two going after the girl?" he asked.

The two did not answer.

"You two aren't stupid, I see." Wang Ling confirmed that they were now facing him seriously. They would not let anything distract them, from the fight, from now on any error would result in death.

The three soon became silent. They could feel it, the hint of danger in the air. The two Impostors were a realm higher in terms of cultivation, but they both knew that such a thing mattered not.

This man before them was a special existence much like themselves.

They drew their swords and Wang Ling did himself. They coated their sword with the Quintessence of Slaughter and Wang Ling coated his with the Quintessence of Death.

With every step the three of them sharpened their wills, with every breath they disregarded their doubts, and with every beat of their hearts, they ascertained each other's worth.

They stopped ten meters from each other, two against one, Quintessence against Quintessence.

To his left was the Winged Impostor to his right the Ringed Impostor.

The Genuine Wang Ling against his Impostors.

[Five no, it should Six.] this were Wang Ling's final thoughts. 

The Heaven's Edge hummed and without warnings, Wang Ling was the first to make a move.

Thus, it began.

He crossed the distance and executed a vertical slash. 



His sword was parried to the side by the Winged Impostor. His right hand was sent flying upwards, he was left open on the right torso, the Ringed Impostor attempted to stab Wang Ling's right side.

He was wide open.


"On it!"

Wang Ling gained the power of the Earth and then he raised his leg, gathered his sword intent on his right leg. He stomped on the ground, the earth upturned and the sword path was altered. And with the destruction of their footing, Wang Ling also targeted the Ringed Impostor's right ankle.



A gash appeared on his right. But not too deep for his innards to spill out. At this time, however, the Winged Impostor managed to stab Wang Ling's left arm.

Blood spurted and its use became limited, but in response, Wang Ling moved his left leg to kick and crushed the Winged Impostor's knees, movement also became limited.


Wang Ling's right hand finally regained its movement. 

A technique molded from the Blood Falls, a technique centered around swift movement, and before anyone could react, Wang Ling had already finished his movement.


Twilight Sword: Cosmic Retribution

The Winged Impstor lost his left arm and the three wings on the left side. Wang Ling staggered ever so slightly from the uneven footing.



"AH!" Wang Ling winced as his torso finally received the stabbing wound the Ringed Impostor had been aiming for. 

Slaughter intent ravaged his body, or it should have, but the Death Intent overwhelmed and devoured it no problem.

The Ringed Impostor was shocked, he tried driving the sword deeper, but once again, Wang Ling made an order!



Wang Ling was now at the fourth rank of cultivation, called the Worldly Manifestation Realm. 

At this stage, he gains the ability to manipulate the qi of the world and manifests the element within him. With his holy qi he could create anything, but right now, the flickering white speck of light within him roared!

His body began burning from within, the 357 Minor Paths of the Blazing Secret Pathways opened and even bulldozed through the next 143! All 500 undiscovered Blazing Secret Pathways activated due to the white fire burning within Wang Ling!

Quickly, the Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth Body activated, his right torso's cut closed. The sword stabbed in Wang Ling's body was wrapped in hardened muscles and couldn't move! 

The Ringed Impostor stopped moving altogether! He saw it, Wang Ling's left hand moved!

World Crushing Fist!


The bone of Ringed Impostor's right arm turned to dust!


They both lost an arm yet their eyes failed to show any despair, instead, they celebrated. 

Wang Ling's left hand and leg moved, his right leg could not move because of the embedded sword in his torso threatening to destroy his innards and his right hand had yet to recover from its previous movement!

Compared to the Winged and Ringed Impostors, they still had an arm to use. 


From afar, Qinyang shouted seeing the two Impostors trying to skewer him with their hand! 

"I have miscalculated." All of a sudden, Wang Ling commented.

"That's right, and this is Checkmate." The Impostors announced after his words were uttered.

Wang Ling watched as their hands got closer and closer his face never changed.


Other than Wang Ling, everyone present had their eyes wide open, because right when just Wang Ling was about to run through with their hands, his sword completed a circular movement. 

The Impostor recognized that technique 

"Blood Seeking Sword: Blood Moon" 


A movement that drew out the Impostors' blood and created a moon.

The Impostors' heart was washed with the sense of death. They tried to escape, but couldn't as a leg each were gravely injured, a crushed knee and a crushed ankle.

The Winged Impostor's wings were even destroyed for this matter!

The time they used to realize this fact was used by Wang Ling to regain his stance, "Twilight Sword: Crossing the Void!"


The silent sword slash cut the Impostors' head, and then came the following chaos of the Void!


With a sword embedded on his right torso he spoke:


The bodies were blown to bits by the chaotic qi flow!

He turned around saw Qinyang who forgot to close her mouth and just said,  "I miscalculated the number of moves I needed. How embarrassing."

And just like that, in a span of ten seconds Wang Ling killed his Impostors in seven movements.

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