Celestial Peak

Chapter 450: 56

Chapter 450: 56

"It is always weird to regrow arms, I know it is mine, but it just feels different than before, you know? You get the feeling, right, All-Father?" Qinyang asked as she changed with Wang Ling's back turned to her.

"I don't know, I haven't grown an arm in so long so I forgot the sensation. But I remember it not being a problem for me."

"Really? I imagine the All-Father would have no problem sacrificing an arm or a leg in a fight, considering how you fought the two earlier."

"Don't get it wrong, kid, I will do anything to win even if I have to cut off my limbs. The only difference between us is that I can't regrow my limbs as fast as hmm, that's weird, why am I telling you this? I know I have gotten softer and talkative with age, but why am I telling you all this?" 

"HA! It must be because the All-Father and I have gotten closer this we we might be becoming friends."

"I am conflicted. But if that is the case then stop with the mention of All-Father, it is becoming too much of a chore to have such a name. Just call me by my name of Wang Ling, just remember to not say it when we are in the presence of strangers." Wang Ling answered back.

"Okay" Qinyang became silent as the rustling of clothes became prominent. Peace finally returned.

Wang Ling was quietly remembering the elaborate meridian paths Qinyang had in her body. He didn't just heal her to be a good Samaritan, but also to gather information about his lineage. Through the twins' and Qinyang's account, he had confirmed that this lineage was that of the Phoenix Beastmen. 

Though Wang Ling had killed and eaten Phoenixes before, he had not actually met one who had a human form. Thus, he was left unable to even make anything out of the situation. But with Qinyang as the start, he now managed to visualize the paths.

Using his Heavenly Flames, Wang Ling blazed through the remaining minor paths of the hidden pathways. With him now having the Heavenly Flames the once hidden meridians showed itself without so much as a problem.

The Heavenly Flames now the catalyst of the Overhaul Pheonix Bloodline became even more important, [But it is a shame, that I cannot call upon Suzhen, if she was here, I could have her scour the pathways.] he was disappointed that an easier way could not be achieved.

"I am done now, All wait, it should be Wang Ling, right? Hehehe."

When Wang Ling saw her laughing in such a manner, a sense of dread appeared in his heart.

"So, where are you going now, Wang Ling?" Qinyang asked as she laughed.

"Going to find the twins, I earlier sensed over five dozen of my Impostors, if you are here fighting the strongest two, then they must be fighting more out there. If I got this whole Impostor thing right, they are trying to thin out the rest of the living." Wang Ling stated.

"Oh yeah, they said something about eradicating everyone inside the Tomb. I tried to stop them sensing soon after sensing their presence but me idling by here will result in more deaths! I need to move quickly!" Qinyang snapped out of her delusion.

She quickly tried unfurling her wings forgetting she had already used her bloodline ignition for the coming week. Her eyes widened and quickly, Qinyang circulated her qi around the sole of her foot!

"I will see you later, Wang Ling sir, I will be helping the Yuan Qing and Yuan Ming, they are quite helpless without me. In our group, I am like the leader, you know. They are at a lost without me." Qinyang bragged with a wide grin as the ground below her caved underneath 


Qinyang quickly said her farewells and sped away leaving only a depression on the ground and Wang Ling with a mere eleven percent of his qi. He sighed, thinking, [She's moving quite fast. Should I go after her or just walk? I need to conserve my qi I'll just walk.]

Wang Ling already made the decision to take a leisure walk to keep himself invigorated when he slaughters the Impostor, when, from afar he saw a bright azure light coming his way, "Is that the twin headaches?" 


Smoke billowed as Wang Ling and the twins looked at each other. He looked at their hands, both of them were holding a rope that tied every Impostor who were all knocked unconscious, [That is impressive.] Wang Ling thought to himself.

Well with their remaining hands he saw them dragging Qinyang by the collar as they brought her back to Wang Ling as brutal as possible, "You are choking her, you two."

Yuan Qing and Yuan Ming looked Wang Ling in the eyes as they let go of Qinyang's collar, the two of them approached to an uncomfortable degree, "Who are you calling headaches? For your information, you are the headache considering we had to capture all of these Impostors!"

"First of all, that has nothing to do with me, and second, why did you even have to keep them alive?" Wang Ling walked towards the over seventy Impostors and then crouched next to them, "Did you two felt guilty killing me?"

"Nope." The twins answered at the same time, "We were merely trying to avoid strengthening the ones you two were fighting. But seeing how the two owners of the Catalysts are dead, we can now kill them."


"Figures" Wang Ling just sighed and before the two could even do anything, he already swung his sword a single time. He split every single one of the Impostors in two before summoning the Heavenly Flames, "Burn." 

Wang Ling calmly uttered as the flames devoured the now dead Impostors. After turning them all into ashes, he swung his blade once more to dissipate trash.

Turning back to the twins who now carried the newly unconscious Qinyang, Wang Ling asked them, "So, was that all of them?"

"Should be we marked every one of them before they leave unless one of them slipped into a different dimension then no one escaped from the pursuit." Yuan Qing answered as Yuan Ming helped Qinyang up.

Qinyang coughed a couple of times, "That's good, then damn it, my neck hurts anyway, with this, we managed to protect the future generations of the Living World." Qinyang happily announced with a joyous laugh.

"Good to see that you are happy. Oh yeah, of the 1,134 youths who entered the Tomb, only 56 remain." Yuan Ming Qing suddenly said.

"what?" Qinyang was confused.

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