Celestial Peak

Chapter 502: AWAKEN I

Chapter 502: AWAKEN I

Kareem and the others were quickly making their way out of the gap opened by Butler Sun. They saw the light on the other side and exited the domain. Their group looked behind and a massive white golden dome was erected.

Yan Renhuo touched its surface and felt a resonance of sorts with her flames. The Chaos Flames was the King of all Flames, only the two God Beasts could match its intensity, but even then, this flame was something she could not quite fully control when used to its truest capabilities.

[The Chaos Flame is reacting to the Holy Qi of the Domain, it's easy to pry it open from the outside.] Yan Renhuo's mind raced.

Qinyang brought out a compressed Sailer and threw it up in the air. Quickly, a jade Sailer appeared. It was small, but its speed was the same as Naor's, it was fast and would be able to leave this place in a short time.

Everyone quickly boarded the Sailer, except for Yan Renhuo.

"Human, what are you doing?" the twins asked.

"Go, I'm going back inside for my disciple. Take care of Brother Ling for me." Yan Renhuo then saw Chang Ping was trying her best to go over the Sailer, "Sister Ping, I'll also bring out your children from the Domain I'll do my best to escape with them."

"thank you, Sister Renhuo." Chang Ping collapsed from exhaustion. By now, every bit of the Essence of the Origin had already left her body. Though she was quickly regaining her strength, Chang Ping was still weakened.

Not only was her body but also her soul was weary of the events. The poison was already out of her system but the toll of bearing it for so long and overusing the Essence of Origin would need a while to fully heal.

The twins looked over at Yan Renhuo, "We'll see you later then, human."

"Yes, may we meet agai"

"How touchingnow die for me"


The sound of a sword cutting through space itself reverberated across the air. 

"SISTER RENHUO!" Chang Ping shouted!

The sword moved unimpeded, and as it did, the mountains over the horizon was split in half! The qi of a Devil Emperor Revenant was already terrifying, but, the body it bears with Wang Ling's cumulative experience and abundant killing intent made it all the more terrifying.

The Devil Emperor Revenant scanned the area and saw Wang Ling on Kareem's arms, he smiled, remembering how Butler Sun called him, "There I am!"

The Devil Emperor Revenant smiled; he knew that no one in this group could take him. Kareem was inherently unable to use his full power, the Deities were not strong enough, and Chang Ping was recovering, "Time to end this charade."


The ground where he stood exploded. With a flap of his wings, he appeared in front of them and swung his blade but as he did, his eyes widened in disbelief.

For someone like the Devil Emperor Revenant who just reached this height after absorbing the others, the increase in strength was beyond immense. The sword he held no matter how heavy would felt weightless, and this became his disadvantage, because the moment he swung his sword again, would be the only time did he saw that something had horribly wrong.

The sword that supposedly cut down the Refining God had melted down to its handle and upon realization, a figure clads in gray flames appeared right behind the Devil Emperor Revenant! A hand grabbed him from behind, killing intent filled the surrounding, and at that very moment, the Yan Renhuo finally embodied her name.

The person who controls the strongest fire, the one who could refine worlds with her cauldron, the Refining God showed her fangs. The flames writhed to her rage, gathering at her palm, "True Chaos Flames"

The eyes aboard the Sailer widened in disbelief, "Ooh no! It's the Flames of Primordial CreatioN! Qing! Ming! Defend or we're all going to die!"

"On it!" the twins moved and released their qis, water gathered at their command then a reversed flowing dome surrounded them, "Origin Water Art: Temple of Lord Reversed Flow!"

Qinyang left whatever she was doing and stood at the Sailer's rails and called upon the flames of the Vermillion Phoenixes, "Origin Flame Art: Surging Blaze!" outside of the dome a layer of flames surrounded them.

Origin Elements, the strongest of the elements that not even the Holy Race could control. Born from the essence of the mother of Beast, the Origin Elements could only be controlled by True Deities.

However, no matter, how strong the Origin Elements were, there was one element atop it all.

The flames that created the Worlds, the flames of Creation, the True Chaos Flames, and though this power had been diluted at the hands of a Mortal, two Origin Elements were cast in order for them to defend against its intensity.


The Origin World trembled at the flames' appearance.

This power, was given to Yan Renhuo by non-other than Wang Ling, and with this power, she climbed to the peak of the Universe and now, she used it after spending 17.000 years taming its strength.

Yan Renhuo had always wondered why Wang Ling could use such Godly Powers without meeting any drawbacks, but after learning he was the All-Father, she finally understood. That was when she thought, that the power given to her by him was no measly flame.

It was a power beyond Mortal and even Primordial comprehension, it was an uncontrollable power that would destroy her if misused and she desired to control such flames.

And so, for the past 17,000 years of taming the flames, even after creating the Alchemist Tower, even after being entitled as the Refining God who provides 90% of the Cosmos' Immortal Pill production, this would be the first time Yan Renhuo would use the power she was given to its absolute limits.

This was the first time, the True Chaos Flames would finally be used outside pill concoction and Yan Renhuo had no plans of holding back.

"World Incineration Palm."


Flames erupted from her hands, devouring the Devil Emperor Revenant from head to toe and thousands of kilometers away, over the horizon that Immortals could see a mountain was carved and melted into a puddle of flowing lava.

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