Celestial Peak

Chapter 504: AWAKEN III

Chapter 504: AWAKEN III

The Five Gods rule over this Era as one of the strongest. They wield weapons unique to them and command absolute respect and reverence.

However, before one being, no, before someone from the past was given the power of this Era's cultivation, two of them already folded, one of which burned on her own flames. Wang Ling, the name that had remained respected and revered for thousands of years, even as a clone showed why he stayed in his position of power in the hearts of warriors.

Wang Ling would use every method, tested or not he would kill his enemy through any means. The Revenants were the same, sacrificing themselves so their counterparts would grow stronger to increase their fighting chance, and even baiting their enemies just to confirm a theory.

That's who a Revenant was, and at this moment, one of the Five Gods felt the true ingenuity of such person. The Devil Emperor Revenant cracked his neck as he operated the Devil Eyes, five haloes inside his pupils rotated at high speeds, and everything, from the flow of qi, to the rustling of dust, was filtered for him to see. The peak of the Devil Eyes showed itself, and after the Revenant clad his wings with the 

Though Yan Renhuo was stronger on all fronts and would be able to slaughter Emperor-Classes Abyssal Demons, against someone like Wang Ling who knew where her powers' roots? She stood no chance. In the end, she was taken down as her own power was used against her.

The Devil Emperor Revenant stood a thousand kilometers away from the Sailer. He flapped his wings, and appeared right on top of them holding the sword he couldn't use before, "Blood Seeking Sword: Sunrise Bloo"

He swung his sword, but Kareem held the Revenant's wrists and stopped him mid-movement canceling the technique. Kareem clenched his fist, the God's Mark moved to his right arm, "Devil Emperor Fist: Needle Fist."


The wind howled with his fist that was all there was to it. The fist never even touched the Revenant's skin. The Revenant did not use a single technique, he simply stood there, smirking, "Useless."

Slash! The sword moved horizontally, the vulnerable neck of Kareem showed itself and before it could reach the flesh, two others showed up. Yuan Qing grabbed the Devil Revenant's wrist and pulled it down, "Gotcha."

Kareem gnashed his teeth together. He was so useless that he just stood there, once again, he clenched his fist and steeled his resolve, "Devil Emperor Fist: Monarch B"

"Get out of here, deadweight." From behind, a hand grabbed Kareem by the shoulders and dragged him back to the Sailer, Yuan-Ming appeared before the Devil Emperor Revenant, her fingers extended and her eyes glowing black and blue.

Her hands flowed to her right was a darkness to her left was water, "Origin Water Art + Origin Darkness Art Twin Attribute God Palm Drowning Desolation Palms!"

From the darkness that drew him in and the water that latched itself on his head and body, entering through his pores and attacking every organ of his body, the Revenant could feel the impending doom coming for him.

Absolute control of the elements, this was the power of the Deities. This was the first time the Revenants faced against a true and genuine Deity as even Bai Xue could not do the same as this. 

But the Revenant was sure that this technique could easily be done by ordinary Deities. He could see the strained expression Yuan Ming bears, she was trying to finish off the fight as soon as possible.

The twins knew very well Wang Ling's fighting style. He was one to not hold back even by a little. From what they could gather, he was a man experienced in hit and run tactics that evolve to that of quick slaughter and they were correct.

For Wang Ling who fought coalitions after coalitions of Sects and Clans, he needed to kill and escape so that he would not be put at a disadvantage. To suit this kind of fighting style, a mix of assassination methods mixed with bountiful millennia spanning battlefield knowledge, Wang Ling became a true killing machine. He learned how to optimize his movement, widen his peripheral vision and terrorize a whole world even though he was but a man.

He fights with all that he had, a true definition of a Lion using all that it has to catch even the most insignificant of preys, and the only to counter someone like that would be to set up traps and kill him with a layered ambush.

But that was not on the line of choices they could take at this moment because the moment they turn their back to think, the Devil Emperor Revenant would take their heads.

The water particles invaded the tiny crevices of the body, wanting to turn him inside out, but the Devil Emperor Revenant countered by reversing the flow of his God's Mark The darkness covering his wings went to protect and flushed out the water invading his body.

Finally, an opening appeared. Yuan Ming grabbed the Revenant's head and pulled it down. The back was finally opened, she smiled as she grabbed the three pairs of wings on the right and Yuan Qing grabbed the three on the left.


Flesh was ripped off the Revenant's back. Blood-curdling screech echoed as the wings was taken away from the Revenant's back.

"This should slow him down. Qinyang! Quickly, activate the Sailer and escape with your fa"


Yuan Qing shouted as the distracted Revenant took a swing at Yuan Ming. The Revenant's fist was wrapped in God's Mark while water flowed out of his mouth and nose with blood.

The fist was wrapped in both qi and quintessence of Slaughter.



The gathering of darkness and water halted as Yuan Ming's crossed arms broke with a single hit!


Yuan Ming fell on the Sailer's floor, bloodied, and trembling.

"MING!" Yuan Qing shouted disregarding her original attitude.

"Should you really be worrying about your Twin, Turtle?" The Devil Emperor Revenant spoke as he raised his leg, "Try blocking this one."


Yuan Qing also crossed her arms, but the root of her strength relied on her twin being with her. Though she was strong alone she could not beat Wang Ling alone.


The moment the Devil Revenant's legs came into contact with her arms, the ending was the same bones stuck out from her arms and she fell as well.

The Devil Revenant, though came on top was also out of breath, he could feel his body aching. Blood flowed out of his back, and was also on death's door, but it was at this very moment, that eleven dark wisps escaped the confines of the Domain and floated around him.

"Right on time." the Devil Revenant moved his hand and brought out an abyssal crystal. He crushed the crystal and then, another black light glowed to which the eleven wisps reacted to and merged with. 

Yuan Qing who was still partially conscious saw this and was in disbelief, "You have got to be kidding me that was not his final form?" 

But, as the Devil Emperor Revenant finished eating the black light, he licked his lips, "No, this is my final form but that was not close to the limits of my power. This however"


The Devil Emperor Revenant smirked and released his intent and qi. The wings they ripped off his body regrew and the stronger he became, the heavier the oppression he gave off to not only Kareem by everyone else.

"This is my full power at the moment." The Devil Revenant lightly laughed as he brought out a sword, "Sadly, I still can't form the sixth wing, the Primordial Essence is still lacking."

Chuckling, the Devil Emperor Revenant who flew past his previous limitations raised his sword, "Well, it had been fun"


It was at this time a door opened.

A simple young lady walked out; her silver hair stood out as she looked at everyone on the ground. With her were thick chains that she threw at Kareem, "We can't move without me, so please use that to tow the Sailer away."

Kareem was confused, he did not know what this young Deity was talking about. The despair seemed to have affected her perception of reality

However, as Kareem questioned her sanity, Qinyang just smiled, "Please, make haste" 

Her melancholic smile brought Kareem who was eons older than her moving. The Devil Emperor Revenant noticed that something had gone terribly wrong but, he could not quite put his finger on it.

In fact, as he looked up, he saw something inconceivable he was hesitating to move his sword down for some odd reason, "That's curious this hadn't happened before."

"I'm sure it hasn't." 

Before the Devil Emperor Revenant could notice, Qinyang was actually already in front of him. Between the two fallen Deities and the Devil Revenant, she stood, like a phantom.

Yuan Qing held Yuan Ming in her arms, she looked at Qinyang who was always smiling as bright as the sun despondent. She was smiling, but, it was not the same she was saddened because she knew what was about to happen.

"It seems like I never did get to see him, huh. It appears you two were correct, I should have just waited for him instead of going after him but, it was fun, traveling with you two. At least one wish of mine came true."

Qinyang closed her eyes, reminiscing of the sweet past when she and the twins were but children staring at picture books of the outside world. The three of them wished to travel the Cosmos, and observe the stars together, and though it was short, it came true.

Yuan Qing quickly snapped his bones into place, as tears fell, "No Young Miss you can't do this not for someone like us"

"Qing you know, why we became friends in the first place? It's because you never considered yourself below me despite everything else. So don't tarnish that memory, please." 

"How touching" The Devil Emperor Revenant's hand was still hovering on the air, he took the time they used to talk to suppress the hesitation that blossomed, and now, that all of it had been dispersed, he finally had his hand descend to end their misery.

The sword moved quickly but there was a slash heard, instead, the sound of something heavy falling echoed.

The Devil Revenant looked down, and saw his right arm had already been severed away from his body, by Qinyang's bloodied sword she actually moved faster than him.

"How is that"


She kicked his face and sent him flying.

Qinyang's steps resumed, she looked around, and just as she was about to leave, she left one last word, "Please protect him well."


She left the Sailer in pursuit of the Devil Emperor Revenant, screaming, "Kareem! ESCAPE NOW!"

And just before the Sailer was pulled away by Kareem, Angel looked over the horizon and watched Qinyang's figure disappear, knowing that her final words, were not directed to the twins but to her.

"She could see me?"

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