Celestial Peak

Chapter 519: Promise

Chapter 519: Promise

The Deity Paradise is split into different parts, where different terrain existed. Ice, Storms, Glaciers, Oceans, Fire, Volcanoes, all of such things existed. There were a lot of great architectural buildings created by the Deities.

The norm was to be as big as a mountain to accommodate a Deity's true form. All of this was scattered throughout the World, with no bearing on where it should be placed.

The Deities' most primal attribute was chaos. They do not follow orders easily hence their inability to socialize with most of the Cosmos. However, they did not care for their kinds were at peace with one another, similar to that of a Clan.

Despite their inability to commit to certain rules, however, a certain sense of singularity existed before them, and that's the idea of Mother's Importance.

In the middle of the Deity Paradise, in a plateau spanning kilometers was a Giant Temple. It was empty without anyone but the highest beings could enter, it was known as the Grand Temple of the Ancestors.

"Did old Sun already left?" Yuan Qing asked.

"Yes, he did. Why you needed him for something?"

"He hasn't returned the spear yet." Yuan Ming stated.

"Oh, so you actually meant that he should return it to you guys?"

"Yes!" the twins answered at the same time, "We ventured to the Ocean Terrain to get that from our Parents."

"You guys don't even use spears."

"So? It's still good to have something to use for barter."

"Is that so, well, I can't do anything about that. Talk to him after this whole thing is over. He'll return after some month or so." 

"That does not make it better. The three wait, Yu was knocked out so the two will be coming after us. We need to stall for time until Wang Ling wakes up." The twins attacked their fellow Guardians in order for them and Qinyang to escape the Deity Paradise.

It was a traitorous act that warrants revenge, "For the last seventeen hours we spent after our arrival was spent running away from the Tiger and the Fire Chicken. We need the spear to contain the Tiger so we can drown the Chicken more efficiently."

"you two really hate Sister Yurong, don't you?" Qinyang sighed as she shook her head, "Either way, we can't do anything about this matter. Butler Sun left and if you wish to ask shelter for Father, I don't know when he'll wake up. Mother and the Ancestors are also still sleeping so I do not think you can do much try not to get end up in stasis, please."

"I won't, the Chicken might, though" The twins scoffed and then asked, "Young Miss, are you sure you don't need to rest? Using both variants of Chaos Qi and then using what's left to save Wang Ling's vessel. You are not the same as the Sword God who achieved an automatic absorption method, you are also not like your revered parents who have bottomless sources to draw from. You should rest, Young Miss."

"Whatever could the two of you mean? I'm well, far from collapsing. Besides, even if I am tired which is I am not, I have the Phoenix Lineage for a reason."

"you're going to die."

"I'll live and even if I did my parents did it multiple times already. I think I can do it as well." Qinyang showed the twins a smile, "I can't rest now if I sleep, it will take at least a month for me to wake up you can't feel what I can I can sense it they are about to awaken I don't want to miss their awakening."

While Qinyang's steps continued, the twins had already stopped as they looked straight at their Young Miss' back disappearing into the Giant Entrance of the Grand Temple of the Ancestors.

The twins sighed seeing Qinyang, she could call out to her but even then, she would not listen This was Qinyang, her stubbornness was unbreakable, "Let us let her be wait, she just said that the mother is about to wake up? We need to postpone drowning the chicken, we need to talk with the Devil Kareem first."

Qinyang disappeared into the great darkness enveloping the inner Temple. She walked through the dark that only she could and two others could see through. The path was long but a single step was enough to bring Qinyang into a massive hall.

An isolated room where no one could enter, not even the Ancestors of the Deities, the First Generation nor the GodKings could set foot in this room where a single being lay dormant.

This empty room held nothing but a single pedestal holding a Giant Egg towering for over fifty meters. Blood red it was marked with a myriad of colors. The egg floated without making a sound, the empty hall was filled with thick pure qi anyone would call a treasure, yet Qinyang barely cared.

She walked up to the egg and brought out a cushion where she sat on her knees. She lifted her hands and sent out her qi on its surface, wrapping it around the Egg, allowing it to respond to her. 

From within, Bai Xue reacted and wrapped her own qi to her daughter's, "Mother I have come home after journeying to the outside world. I apologize for disobeying you, but, I could no longer hold back I needed to find him."


"Thank you for forgiving me I love you too, Mother."

Qinyang listened to Bai Xue. The silence had nothing to talk about, but, Qinyang could feel and hear her mothers' words.

No words were uttered, and to others, this might seem strange, but for Qinyang this was the norm. Talking to her mother through qi connection alone. During the time of long slumber, only Qinyang could speak to her mother and this hibernation had lasted for as long as five hundred years now.


"What did I search for? Um it was"


"Father! I searched for Father and I found him! He's here! In the Mountain Seclusion!"


"He-he's very injured so" 


And as Qinyang listened to Bai Xue she paused and sighed, "Mother"


"Remember what you told me when I was young?"


"you know about what you said you'd do to him when you see him again?"


An ethereal melody echoed inside the Hall. From within the egg, a sound did its best to come out.

Qinyang listened carefully, "...no promises."

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