Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 629: Poor Fluffy...

Chapter 629: Poor Fluffy...

Chapter 629: Poor Fluffy…

“MEOW…” Fluffy called to him as Zeras jumped into the stream, washing himself clean of all the remnants of blood and impurities that he had suffered through the day’s events before donning a new set of clothes and picking up Fluffy in his arms.

“It’ll be good, Fluffy. I have found a place a little better compared to this one. We’ll always find a way through together, just as we have always done…” Zeras said as the cat snuggled playfully on his face.

How could he not know how lonely it was staying in this place alone? If Fluffy had followed him to the Shadow Oppression Valley, there wasn’t much it could do as he was either practicing his arts or fighting with the devils. And if it stayed here, it would only be able to play with the fishes and jump around in the grass. It was a lonely life the cat was living, and it was too scared to go around causing mischief, lest what Vega did to it the last time repeat itself. So it could only stay here, all alone.

But one day, Zeras promised it would be the most free cat in the world and would have all the attention it needs, not just from him but from others. For now, they had to be focused on the ultimate goal. It was a hard stage of life for them both, with the guillotine hanging over their heads, and they couldn’t afford to slow down at all…

“MEOW…” It gave him a good nod of understanding as Zeras scrubbed its jaw well, causing it to release a satisfied purring sound. He proceeded back into the mountain abode.

Looking inside, especially at the huge bed, he couldn’t help but chuckle. The mountain abode was so comfy, and the bed was as smooth as ever, yet he had not touched it once for close to a year now. It was as if the memories of the bed had been wiped out from his head.

“I miss my stupid and lazy self…” Zeras remarked as Fluffy jumped into the bed. Zeras covered it with the mattress before immediately running up the mountain.

“Slowly setting…” Zeras mused lightly, before taking his attention away from the sun, as he looked down at a book appearing in his hands, focusing on the last stance of the Sword Art Manual.

“Fifth Sword Art: Cataclysm of Star Conglomeration…” he whispered. The fifth technique of the Sword Art Manual was an outright combination of all four sword arts, combined into a single stroke. It held all the attributes and power of the first four sword arts, making it around five times stronger than normal. Yet it was equally the hardest technique to learn among all of the arts, and he had been at it for close to two months now, yet he was only finally getting the hang of it. But his fight today, where he had no choice but to implement all of the remaining levels continuously, had given him an idea of how the last technique would look.

“Time to start practicing…” Zeras said as he rose from the mountain, gently unsheathing his sword, before getting into the various stances present in the technique while trying to also regulate his body, as indicated by the manual, to allow the starlight energy within him to revolve in a way that allowed the technique to be properly practiced.

Quickly, time passed and soon, the early morning came. He rose upright from his stance before gently sheathing his sword.

“Just a little more…” Zeras said, before turning his gaze to the distance, settling on Kenji’s mountain abode.

“Time to go…” he mused as he fell down the mountain abode, swiftly turning himself in the air before landing with both legs in front of his mountain abode. Then he immediately ran with speed towards the distance, rapidly closing in on the outer sect area.


“I have been praying, since my arrival in this sect, about a century or so ago, to bless me. And today, I want to declare something that you have done for me. After a century of waiting on your goodness, today, you have finally sent my helper to me. Now I will become an unofficial inner sect member. Thank you, lord of your graciousness. I hope one day, my other prayers also get answered. Thank you, lord, once more, and help me bless my boss, too…” Kenji uttered his number one routine for the morning, but today, the phrases of his prayer were unlike anything he had done for the past few years.

He had formerly only prayed for a beautiful companion and for something interesting to happen in his life. After Zeras’ arrival, he had prayed to one day have his dream as the Mighty General Kenji be answered. But never in his life had he ever thanked his lord for something. His life was as normal as it could ever be every day. But today was a different day. It seemed his lord was finally starting to reward him for his diligence…

With his prayer completed, Kenji had the biggest smile on his face as he slowly rose from his sitting position and walked towards the door, where he opened the knob. Just as he expected, there was the familiar young man, standing just as he had always done.

“You just arrived here, boss?” Kenji asked as Zeras rolled his eyes.

“I’ve been here for half an hour now. And I know you know that…”

“Hehe. A small joke in the morning is all one needs for a happy life…”

“How can the might general Kenji ever be wrong. That said Kenji, how’s the minor issue I gave to you yesterday? Do you have everything sorted out as normal?” Zeras asked expectantly as Kenji humphed in pride.

“You can always trust me with those boss. I have spoken with the inner sect regulator and retrieved the badges for you and even chosen a perfect mountain abode where we will be staying. Everything resolved…”

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