Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 660: Heated Moments

Chapter 660: Heated Moments

Chapter 660: Heated Moments

“Huh?” Zeras could almost not believe what he was hearing. Fluffy ought to have awakened twice by now, and he was the one responsible for not allowing that. What was the priest trying to say?

“Do not mistake my words for blaming you. It was something you were not aware of; you know too little about your companion,” the priest said to him as Zeras hmmed.

“Then tell me what I don’t know about him,” Zeras said as the priest downed his glass cup and poured another one from the mug into Zera’s cup and his, filling them once more to the brim.

“Firstly, there are special categories among Void Cats that you should be aware of, and those are determined by the color of their stripes.

The first one is the single-colored stripe, the lowest and most common of bloodlines among the Void Cats.

The second is one with two stripes, the fairly majority of the Void Cat population.

The third is the three-colored cats. Those are the highest and most pure form the majority of people ever see before they die.

So much so, that the last form is almost always forgotten: the fourth-color Void Cat! The one with the purest bloodline among all else. One fitting to be crowned king of the Void Cats at their full potential.

And this cat of yours, as you can see as day, is one of them. A four-colored cat. A natural king!” He exclaimed, picking up the cup from the table and raising it up, as Zeras also did the same, acknowledging it before they both downed the cup.

“Unlike all other Void Cats who just naturally grow as time passes, not really requiring much to grow, the fourth-colored cats are different.

They undergo something called awakening where they shed their weaknesses, and they fully awaken their true power!

Your cat, according to my information, ought to have already experienced his first awakening around two years ago and be ready for the other just three months ago.

But he has undergone none at all. You understand my point now, don’t you?”

“You say the awakening provides strength to him, don’t you?”

“Yes. That’s correct.”

“My companion needs no strength! He will always be by my side, and I will be worth more than a thousand armies given a single mission to simply protect him.

There’s no need for any troublesome thing such as awakening,” Zeras replied calmly as the priest smiled brilliantly, raising his cup up and downing it.

“Perhaps I should let you be aware of the complexities behind the awakening. The first is that, to the Void Cat, their awakening happens when they are totally relaxed, a state in which they know well they are free from any danger, as the awakening takes months of slumber before it could be completed.

No Void Cat will undergo it without finding an absolutely safe place where the chances of getting disturbed are close to impossible.

It’s not a conscious effort by them; once their body senses that they are in a relaxed state and environment, they immediately undergo it. You understand my point, don’t you?” The priest asked, with a grin as Zeras’s eyes flashed.

“State well your point…”

“If your side is so secure, how come he has not undergone his awakening yet?

If your side were truly as safe as you described, his body would have already recognized that, granting peace of mind, and it would have immediately undergone the awakening.

But he hasn’t. That goes against your claim don’t you think? Perhaps your side has never been for once safe enough for him?” the man said as Zeras’s expression, though calm, flashed with a deadly light.

“Trying to turn my back against my companion will be very lethal for your clan.

A lethality you would all never be able to survive; not even the tiniest ant present in the area would remain standing after,” Zeras whispered gently to him, a silence reigning over the area as the wind gently blew around the place, flaring both men’s hair as they silently drank their tea.

Yet the sudden pressure was almost enough to halt time around them, strange sounds emanating from the space surrounding them.

“You’re very hot-blooded, perhaps a little too much,” the priest said calmly, his voice reigning down.

“I consider myself as simply protective,” Zeras replied to him just as calmly.

“Might I ask what plans you have for your companion for keeping him by your side all this while? Do you want to turn him into a battle pet, or…”

“Never call him a pet in any fancy way the word could be called. He is a companion, staying by my side, under my protection, safe and secure…”

“That’s very selfish of you…”

“How so?”

“You treat him no different than a pet. When was the last time you listened to what he truly wanted? Or doesn’t he have a will of his own?” The priest said, as Zeras sipped his tea. “Besides, just like you have goals, your companion also does.

He is a king! Thousands of our Void Cats race are getting in line, were they not treated unfairly.

The guardians who are supposed to protect us have all suddenly gone into slumber, no longer responsive to our call.

He is the only hope of the various Void Cat clans and anomalies that are being suffered unjustly, not only in this universe but even those in the outside universe.

Such a massive responsibility, involving the life of countless others, each one not in any way lesser than yours.

And all you do is simply ogle him on your shoulder, like he is some type of tool. You’re no different from those bastards, thinking of everything as you owning it!”

“Don’t compare me to those bastards, oldie. And my companion wasn’t blessed with any goals when he came to this life.

Your so-called guardians are the ones who failed at their job of defending you all.”

“So it’s fine if everyone of his race dies then, when he is the only one with power to save them? Huh?”

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