Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 675: Strange Woman

Chapter 675: Strange Woman

Chapter 675: Strange Woman

“A new customer…” Cody said, stopping his curses, quickly sitting upright, covering the upper part of his face, and beginning his usual advertisement.

Just as he had expected, and as everyone had always done, she managed to stop before him, her eyes furrowed at him. That came as the first step to success for Cody—to gain their attention!

“Hello, pretty lady. What can I offer you? A map to your deepest desires or a point of the way to one which you want to really know about?” he said, with a mysterious smile. The orange-haired lady watched him with furrowed eyebrows, her eyes focused on the area above his head.

To Feliece, the young man was interesting based on the strange aura she had seen on his head. She could almost faintly know and hear what it was, and it couldn’t help but make her giggle softly.

“Hmmm, might I ask what makes you so happy?” Cody asked, swiping his hands over his head and finding nothing.

“You’re a thief, using the cover of a trade,” Feliece said as Cody’s eyes flashed in shock, yet he was more experienced than that.

“That is not true, my lady. All my goods are genuine. You can try to buy one with the pretty necklace on your neck or those handsome bangles, and check for yourself…” he offered as Feliece giggled once more before shaking her head.

“No. I’m not here for a map. I’m here for a person…” Feliece said as Cody scrunched up his face a little, still feeling the tinge of anger from getting scammed by that low bastard just a few minutes ago.

“A location to a person, huh? You’re in luck because I have such a map with me. This map…” Cody began his act, picking up an especially large scroll among the bunch. “This scroll here, my lady, enables you to find the location of a person, no matter the location. It will be like a beacon of light calling you from the distance. But first, you must describe him, and I will write it down with my magical pen. So do tell me his physical description…”

The young woman obliged, quickly giving the physical attributes of the person, a person who Cody more than knew of. His gnashing teeth showed the fact, even though he tried to rein it down as much as he could.

“You know him, don’t you?” the lady suddenly said. Cody raised his head, his eyes flashing with a certain thought, and he smiled devilishly in his mind.

“Of course, my lady. I know that bastard. Just the most hateful, wicked, and deceitful devil that you will ever see in your life. Nothing more than that…” he said as shock flashed in Feliece’s eyes.

“Can you tell me what he has done wrong?”

“Oh-oh-oh. Doing that will stain your pure mind and ears. All I can say is that he conned me out of a good deal. He bought from me a map, and when he was asked to pay for something of the same value in return, he gave me a horn that immediately became dust as soon as he left. A tricky bastard, isn’t he?” Cody said, clicking his tongue, yet he was flabbergasted by the series of events that occurred a moment later.

“I’m very sorry he cheated you. Here, take this as a form of recompense for what he did, okay?” Feliece said, as she took a single one of her gold handwear and passed it to Cody.

“Huh?” Even Cody himself was beyond shocked at the event as he simply stared at the dazzling bangle. His hand automatically took it, still in disbelief.

“Goodbye now, sir…” she said as she continued on her way under Cody’s shocked gaze. But before she could finally disappear, he roared out to her.

“Check the closest inn! He should be there! But be careful! It’s not a place a lady should be!!!!”

And then she disappeared from his view completely, and he was unsure she could even hear it at all.

“It is more than clear. She is no cultivator and oozes with the aura of the aboriginals. Hmm, I hope she doesn’t die first before arriving where she wants…” Cody thought to himself. Yet his eyes sparkled when he saw the golden bangle. “But no doubt, I finally have a good day. I must show it to that blind bastard…” he said out loud as he took a ring out, flinging it forward and quickly disappearing into the formed vortex, a small skip to his steps.


“Barely a good place to sleep for the night,” Zeras mused, looking at the small room he was in. A single living room, with a simple mattress at the end, a small group of sofas in the middle of the room, and a dusty study table at the side. It was something he had come across after searching through the large abandoned place.

“At least I’m not paying a dime for it…” he mused to himself as he walked towards the dusty table, swiping his hand over it, resulting in a large wave of air that immediately blew away the dust. Then he settled on it before bringing out the large group from his spatial ring.

Finally, he would be able to view just what the book contained. And immediately, his hand grabbed hold of the cover, about to pull it open when suddenly, his ears perked up as he heard a familiar voice that came from more than far away, yet was ringing in his ear directly.


“Strangely familiar…”


“What do you want from me, I can give you my gold rings if you really need them for your troubles…”

“Awwwwwww! How kind of you my dear. But you know, those can be taken off your dead body late. Hahahahaha, all you need to do is stay put, young lady, and you won’t be hurt at all, hehehe…” The voice was single and brimming with lust and a hint of playfulness, resounding behind him.

Two other men walked towards the orange-haired lady who slowly retreated in horror.

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