Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 677: A Devil 1

Chapter 677: A Devil 1

Chapter 677: A Devil 1




The sound of a resounding knock could be heard on the door, as Zeras’s eyes furrowed in slight irritation, and his gaze pierced through the door, settling on the shaking figure just outside.

“I made sure to lose her; just how did she still manage to find me?” Zeras couldn’t help but wonder. When he had sighted the girl tracing him, he had made sure to disappear before coming back to his room.

But here she is, 2 hours later, and knocking on his door.

“Go ho—” He had yet to say it when the door was opened by her, her head peeking through the small room.

“Oh, thank you very much for letting me in,” she said to him as Zeras raised an eyebrow.

“I never asked you to come in.”

“Oops. That’s what I heard,” she said as she turned her gaze away from Zeras, looking at the side where the fire chandelier was placed. Quickly, she ran to it, trying to make a fire.

“At least close the door…” Zeras grumbled, swiping his hand towards the door and forcing it to close.

“How did you expect me to light a fire in the darkness? I’m not a cat, you know,” Felicie replied. Zeras’s eyebrows creased.

Because he was a cultivator, he couldn’t notice the darkness present in the room, and it held no difference to the day for him.

But the same couldn’t be said for Felicie, who couldn’t even see her fingers at all.

The thought of flinging her out from the window, which could potentially break both her legs and give him his much-desired privacy, seemed so enchanting to him, but he reined that down.

He walked over to the woods, gathering the sticks to one place before clicking two of his fingers, creating a spark of flames that landed on the dried woods and quickly brightened them up.

Assaulted by the sudden feeling of light, Felicie’s eyes shut close, but soon they adjusted to the brightness, and she opened them up.

Her hands immediately stretched towards the flames, the much-needed warmth now closer to her than ever. Once she stopped shivering from the cold, she looked to the side where he sat, his eyes furrowed at the content of a large book.

“Thank you for—”

“Go home!” he said to her, with the same cold voice that he had always given her the first time.

“I can’t go home now. I just ran away from it,” she replied, but he didn’t seem to care at all, his eyes still staring at the book with focused attention.

And that was her chance to get herself into something better and warmer.

“You don’t turn your gaze back, okay? I’m going to change my clothes now,” she said to him, her voice holding a bit of a threat that didn’t seem to work at all, as his attention remained on the book he was reading.

Her eyes not leaving his back, Felicie quickly searched for a new dress and adorned it, with her fastest speed.

One that caused her to turn the back of the sweater to the front, and she had to go through it once more, her eyes racing in her chest for being stared at unfairly.

But her fears never came to pass, seeing he didn’t even move an inch at all. And that drew her curiosity, wondering just what captured his attention so much.

Arriving behind him, she could see the book, which held something like a map, and also some strange symbolic words that she found a little hard to decipher at first glance.

“Hmmm, is that the Slavictono language. I thought it was a language lost to time. How did you get your hands on a book written in it?” Felicie asked curiously, finally managing to catch his attention as he raised his head to her.

“You can read the letters?” he asked as she nodded her head.

Just like Zeras had thought, the first page of the book really has already been unlocked, and on it he could see the map of a place, beholding an extra ginormous tower.

Strangely, the tower that was indicated was none other than the Tower of God within the Ten Thousand Transformations Sect!

But there was a problem. Even though he understood the content of the images, he couldn’t understand the words written below the image.

And that seemed to him like the true secret held on the first page. Trying to remember if he had ever come in contact with the language proved to be of no avail.

But hearing she understood it, made his eyes flash.

“Yes, I can,” Felicie said, looking cautiously at him.

“Then come translate it,” he said to her, as a hint of realization dawned on her. It seems it’s really important to him. Then this is my opportunity!

“I’ll only do so, based on a single condition,” she said, as Zeras raised an eyebrow.

“You must take me to the Tower of God!” she declared, resulting in him scoffing in mockery.

“Why should I listen to your condition?” he asked her.

“Because, without listening to me, you won’t be able to get your answer,” she said, believing she had the upper hand.

“I can now see why your uncle doesn’t want you to go…”


“You’re too naive. I just ‘saved’ you from getting raped, and you came into my own house?” Zeras said as he slowly rose from his seat, the air in the place coming to a chilling stop, and a dark aura filled the room, one that caused Felicie to slowly retreat away from him, but he only closed in further to her.

“Why did you think I saved you? How did you know I just don’t want to use you to quench my own even more fiery desire?” he whispered like a true devil as Felicie got backed onto a wall, a hand slamming just beside her head and stopping her from escaping him.

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