Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 683: Cold Killing!

Chapter 683: Cold Killing!

Chapter 683: Cold Killing!

He spat out in disdain as Felecie slowly turned her head to look at Zeras, who had his eyes narrowed at the two bearlike guards with furrowed eyebrows.

“We can just wait, okay? Just like everyone else. I’m sure whatever they’re doing inside is very important, and they simply don’t want to be disturbed. Let’s give them a bit more time to finish…” Felecie said, as Zeras slowly turned to look at her and could easily sense it.

Right now, the lady was in pain. Her lips were frozen from the cold and her body shivered from the temperature, her legs shaking from exhaustion. It wasn’t easy for an ordinary mortal to walk for close to five hours straight in the brutal snow conditions, no matter how used to it they were.

“Come with me…” Zeras said to her before slowly walking out of the gathering, much to the shock of Felecie and the crowd of fumbling otherworlders gathered outside.

“Hey! Hey! You’ll get yourself killed!!” Some of the nicer ones roared out to him, but it was like Zeras couldn’t hear their call at all, and Felecie had no choice but to quickly follow behind him.

She knew she couldn’t change her mind now, that they were already in front of the bears. All she could do was trust in him.

“Another one that has come to die! These low-lifes never learn, do they?” One of the guards cackled evilly.

“Oh, this one seems to want to impress his girl, huh? Risking death for such a thing. Tch, how stupid…” The second one replied, noticing Felecie behind him.

“Move a single more step and you both will die, just like the three idiots beneath your feet!” Both guards roared out at Zeras at the same time, and he truly came to a stop after that, pausing at the foot of the corpses before his hands touched their foreheads, and he scanned their wounds quietly, his eyes slowly snapping shut.

“Not only did they kill them, their spear strikes are equipped with a devouring flame essence that eats up their inner organs alive.

They most likely died from the pain of their internal organs getting fried into ashes. Bastards…” Zeras thought in his head and in the next instant, his eyes snapped open, his astral blue eyes alight with a bright light.


The sound of footsteps reverberated as he crossed the place where the guards had asked him to stop, arriving just a meter before them in a blink, and immediately, both their eyes flashed in crimson color as they clenched their spears tightly in their hands.

“Know your place, low life!!!” They both roared, a spear violently piercing forth towards Zeras’s chest, skewering through it like nothing, but it was really nothing as Zeras’s image faded away like nothing.


The sound of katana leaving its sheath rang out behind the guard who immediately felt his presence behind him, and with experienced skill, he instantly changed the motion of his spear, spewing it towards his opponent.

Unfortunately, the image only occurred in his head, as the entire world seemed to roll upside down a few times, and soon he could see a headless body and a figure whose blank eyes stared at him emotionlessly.

“Is… Is that my body? How come it has no head!?”


The sound of a head slamming on the ground repeatedly could be heard as everyone watched dumbly, the head rolling in the snow before coming to a quiet stop, spewing forth blood.

“You bastards, die!!!!!!” The angry roar of the second guard resounded through the entire area, as his spear was raised up, and slashed down towards Zeras’s head.

Holding his katana with both hands, Zeras slashed upwards toward the spear as effortlessly as he could ever manage, yet…


A powerful reverberation boomed through the air, followed by the spear flying away from the guard’s hand, and in the next instant…


The cold end of the sword pierced forth with speed towards the guard’s neck, whose eyes flashed with light, the spiky fur on his neck suddenly growing even more, acting like some sort of defense…

“My iron devil spike skin would shatter his blade or at the very least block the strike, and then, I will slap both of his heads and reduce him to nothing!”

He thought, widening his arms apart to prepare for the strike, yet his body went rigid, as the sound entered into his ears,


It was the sound of a blade roughly tearing through flesh as Zeras’s sword pierced through his neck, entering through the spiny skin like a knife through butter.

“You’re an idiot!” The cold voice of the young man rang out as he violently tore out his sword, blood pouring out like a broken tap and in the next instant, a bright sword light flashed through the world, followed by the peculiar sound.


The sound of the katana entering into its sheath.


A rough landing could be heard as the guard slammed on the ground, his head rolling away from his body, cleanly severed from his neck.


Absolute silence reigned through the entire place as everyone stood stupefied watching the two headless bodies on the ground.

And dazedly, they watched the silver-haired young man walk towards both heads, picking them up, before walking back to the gate…

“Come with me…” The whisper was heard by only Felecie, as if ringing straight into her head as she watched the gate of the inn, kicked open by Zeras, and his back slowly disappeared within.

Reigning down her crazily thumping heart, she could only follow after him, skidding to a stop when she witnessed what was ongoing.

The floor of the inn had changed, the formerly round table that extended all over the space had been arranged in a straight format and a total of about 10 figures could be seen, some of them standing with spears in their hands, revealing they were guards, while a young man and woman sat on the chairs, food and wines placed before them, with boisterous laughter ringing through the table.

They seemed to be having a good time until Zeras barged in and all of them stood stupefied seeing the objects he was holding in his hands.

“Is that!!!?”

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