Chaotic Craftsman Worships The Cube

Chapter 714

Chapter 714

Pulling Thera long to Anailia that day, the grin on his face wouldn’t disappear.

Not because of what he was going to test, not because of the things he made or any more progress in his various projects, what was thrilling him to no end was a level, sitting at the top of his card and singing out his progress with one more going to his ridiculous job, leaving him only needing to finish it to be able to finally say he was done and move on to his next one.

Which means I need to go to the adventurer’s guild soon to get all of the adventurers, mages, and mind users I can get my hands on. Let’s see, I should arrange things to try and have them arrive for when this stupid quest is supposed to end, I should be done it before we leave so long as I push myself and if I need to get my soul fixed up, well, that’s just life at that point. God, I’m so freaking close! Even more power, here I come!

It was tempting enough that it made him want to head back to the shop then and there, only resisting the impulse for the sake of his experimentation. While not a soul that had been influenced by its vessel the way the beastform holders had to take advantage of, it was possible there would be different benefits to any of the ways he might materialize a soul into another and he needed to know for sure, with preparations required to check what the results would be as they went along through Thera’s family home, looking for whatever familiar face they could get and end up with Writ as he walked along with his son, the young half-spirit beaming when he noticed Thera and running over.

“Awe, look at you, you’re getting so fast,” Thera gushed as she scooped him up while the youngest half-spirit laughed in her arms. “Aren’t you just the sweetest?”

“Ha, he’s got a bit too much energy I’d say,” Writ told them. “Trying to tucker him out a bit to get a nap in him, but how are you two? What brings you by?”

“Ah, I was hoping to find Pelenia for a moment if she can free up some time,” Ben explained. “I get it’s not the best timing, but-”

“No bother, no bother, I think I know where she is so I’ll lead the way, come on.”

They followed along, through the halls and down flights of stairs while Thera kept entertaining her younger cousin, making small talk along the way.

“So is aunty out right now?”

“Ah, you know how Lux is, she’s going all over to clear out hospitals as fast as she can. It must be a hundred a day at the least she’s doing when she’s not tagging along for some exterminations.”

“I’m sure they’re all grateful to have her around.”

“‘Course, but we’ve been hearing the same about you. A lot of people are appreciating your work, Thera.”

“Ah, I’m really not doing too much, especially not compared to her. I’m just helping where I can.”

“Which is plenty. Don’t count yourself out too quickly now, Lux has heard your name come up around more than a few healers you’ve worked with and I guess the little spirits are talking about you all of the time too from the way she says it.”

“...I still don’t know what to do about that.”

“Ha, what’s there to do? They love you, isn’t that good enough?”

The conversation broke as they were led into a full room, Pelenia at the head of it and surrounded by her staff and various advisers that made it clear they’d interrupted, even if the queen looked relieved for the intrusion while Writ spoke up.

“Hey Pelenia, the kids were looking for you a bit,” He called out through the eyes staring them down while she jumped up.

Reading on this site? This novel is published elsewhere. Support the author by seeking out the original.

“Then I suppose I’ll need to take a small break. All of you, relax for a few minutes while I handle this.”

“But your majesty-” One tried before immediately being cut off.

“A. Small. Break. What’s the point in my husband ensuring we’re all kept safe if you all still want to work me to death in the end? Now all of you wait there, I’ll be right back.”

She didn’t give them room to argue as she went out, signing in relief before taking Seren from Thera’s arms for what emotional healing the small child could provide.

“You all really should come through to interrupt a bit more often,” She told them. “I really don’t mind.”

“I do,” Thera muttered back. “Why exactly did you want to be queen when you hate doing the work?”

“I only hate some of it and I wasn’t exactly expecting to deal with all of this in my lifetime when I went for the role, you know? It’s positively ruined my fun.”

“Well, we’ll keep this quick anyway,” Ben said, cutting in before they could really start arguing. “Is there any chance you could get me some blank cards Pelenia? Like, as many as you can?”

“Give me an actual number and I’ll see what I can do. You need them today?”

“I do and ideally a thousand of them if it's not much trouble but at the very least one hundred. Really though, the more the better so I’d take whatever you can get your hands on for me.”

“...You know, it might be easy to forget because everyone gets them for free but these really are quite valuable, what could you possibly need so many for?”

“Running some experiments and they’ll help me gauge the effects. If things work out then there might be some useful results for the planet as a whole.”

“Mmh, fine, in that case, Writ would you lead them to the lounge? I’ll send for someone to bring you whatever I can but this is added to your evergrowing debt by this point, Ben. I want grandchildren.”


“If you can convince your daughter then sure.”

Ignoring them, Pelenia walked off while they were taken to another room, finding it already occupied as they went in, with the great space spirit Ogilt sitting quietly on a couch, slowly looking at them and nodding.

“Ah, Ben, hello. And my… Nephew?”

“Niece, Ogilt,” Writ said as he walked over, patting the spirit’s shoulder. “The little lady would be your niece.”

“Ah, my apologies.”

“It’s no problem,” Thera said, looking a little uncomfortable. The only time she’d met her newest uncle in the past had been when Ben had first come back and if she were being honest, she hadn’t cared too much at the time. He hadn’t been a priority in comparison and she wasn’t the most interested in that side of the family expanding either. Half of them were complicated enough for her that she didn’t want to see how a new member would react to her existence, though it didn’t seem like it would be poorly so far.

Slipping from his father’s arms, Seren moved to sit on his newest uncle’s lap, looking perfectly content as he finally drifted off while the great spirit held him, seeming to have become used to such a thing in the weeks he’d been there.

The room fell quiet soon after, none of them knowing what to say and it lasted for a few minutes until Ben forcefully broke it, looking at his fellow captive.

“So, how are you finding being here?” He asked Ogilt, getting a weak response for his try.

“Shameful. How could living amongst my handiwork be anything but?”

“...Okay, how are the other space spirits managing?”

“Fine, I suppose. They don’t leave the city’s limits but they’re making do.”

That didn’t sound fine for a race that craved freedom so much that they’d left to explore the stars but there was nothing for him to say to that. They’d been held for so long that if they needed to take some time then so be it, it wasn’t his place to judge when he had no way to help, especially if the one who led them seemed the worst off of all.

All those few words succeeded in was killing the conversation once more, bringing the room back to an awkward silence until Pelenia came in a while later with one very full case.

“Alright, you’re in luck. Birth rates have dropped enough when word that the invasion was finally arriving got out that there’s a surplus, I was able to send for about two thousand so try to make the most of them you can and if you discover anything worthwhile then let us know.”

“Oh, sweet. Will do, you’re the best Pelenia,” It was all they’d come there for and all they needed to do but on an impulse he changed his plans ever so slightly, focusing in on the great spirit as they were getting up. “And Ogilt, come with us.”

“Hmm? Why?”

“Have you left the building since I brought you here?”


“Yeah, so that’s why. Come on, I’m putting you to work.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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