Chronicles of the Demon Faction

Chapter 613

Episode 613 Nemesis (1)


Damsayoung looked around.

“This is Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.”

He let out a soft exclamation.

The spectacular scenery of Hundred Thousand Days Mountain gave off a different excitement from the countless famous mountains north of the Yangtze River.

An endless series of peaks. Perhaps, if you look down from the sky, it will look like long, stretched out dragon scales.

Moreover, the weather was quite different from the north.

Even though fall has passed and winter has entered, the temperature is very warm. The temperature was probably such that a northerner who was not familiar with the art of martial arts would sweat.

‘It was so different. It’s as if the political faction and the sad faction have lived with different beliefs.’

And I saw a towering castle in the distance.

“Magic religion.”

Dam Sa-young’s eyes trembled.

It wasn’t because of tension.

‘A land of death where no one is allowed to enter. ‘I came to that land alone.’

My heart was pounding.

In the past, when I was the leader of Uicheon, I could not have imagined the current situation. I only thought that the day I would see the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains in Guangdong Province would be when I had unified the world and had left the final battle against the Demonic Cult.

Who would have imagined that I would lose all my foundations and come to this land alone?

‘That’s why I sent him.’

Damsayoung closed her eyes.

‘No, exactly, I was planning to send it.’

King of Death Cheon Ha-jin.

As the strongest assassin and assassin in the martial arts world, he has risen to a difficult level and is proudly established as one of the world’s top ten masters.

Before he escaped, he had never once failed in his mission.

Later, he didn’t even hesitate to boldly storm through the front door and cut off the target’s head. This is because I knew that the outcome would not change whether I went in hiding or attacked head on.

‘If you think about it, there really wasn’t a guy like that.’

A smile appeared on Dam Sa-young’s lips as she closed her eyes.

‘It was really good back then.’

It was a happy time in itself, even though his ambition to unite the whole world had been dampened and he was intoxicated with all kinds of pleasures due to the power he had acquired.

The greatest authority in Gangbuk martial arts, starting from the bottom and rising to the top of the martial arts faction.

Isn’t it enough for the burning desire to cool down? It may have seemed like a waste of all the years he spent running, vowing to rise to the top of the world, but just sitting in the position of Lord of Uicheon was a successful enough life.

Yes. Perhaps, if the Demonic Cult had not been activated, or if Cheon Ha-jin had been by his side until the end, his ambition would have burned like burned firewood and then disappeared.

And he would have died. As the lord of Uicheon, he would have left a lasting mark on history and then gradually been forgotten.

‘Should I say thank you?’

Dam Sa-young’s smile grew increasingly deeper.

‘Thanks to the four guys who escaped from my hands and became part of the Demonic Cult and came into the world, I too was able to rekindle the embers of my dying desire. Yes, if you think about it that way, it’s definitely something you should be thankful for.’

Living without desire and enjoying what you have would be a happy enough life.

But Dam Sa-yeong’s nature was not suited to such a life. Perhaps he would have enjoyed a brief moment of happiness and then regretted it terribly by the time he died.

Why did I give up my ambition? Was that my only will?

‘Maybe he could have killed the Heavenly Dragon Palace Lord as well.’

He was a man with strong pride as well as excessive greed. If she had continued to live as the lord of Uicheon, Lord Cheonryonggung would have complained, asking if she would not give him the world, and Damsayeong would have done whatever it took to get rid of her.


Damsayoung opened her eyes.

“Even though I raised you as a dog, and until I came here, I thought of you as a low-class animal.”

The smile that had deepened suddenly disappeared. Damsayoung’s face became completely expressionless.

“You are the one standing at the antithesis of my fate.”

If it weren’t for the world, and indeed, for Seo-ryang, he would have died in regret.

Because Seo-ryang went on a rampage, he was nervous, and because Seo-ryang went on a rampage, the invincible demon god Lee Cheon-sang also appeared in the world.

Because of Xi Liang, the world turned into a lawless zone, and because of Xi Liang, the righteous demons found their own reason for existence.

And thanks to Seoliang.

Because there were the Ten Heavenly Demons of the Heavenly Demon Church at that time, he too can now stand here and look at that hundred thousand great mountain with joy.


A strange gust of wind was created beneath Damsayoung’s feet.

A gust of wind that stretched along with the sand lifted his body.

Para la la rock!

The golden dragon robe swayed like crazy in the wind.

It was a truly stylish appearance. Not only was it not enough to complete the power of the Seven Yoga Collections with the blood source, the Damsayeong, which contained all the energy that the Heavenly Dragon Palace had accumulated so far, was already completed in itself.

Damsayoung’s eyes glowed with fire.


Dam Sa-young’s body, standing on a huge gust of wind, slowly moved forward.

It swims freely in the air, with its back turned and a gust of wind blowing beneath its feet.

Now, even giving it a name was meaningless. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Dam Sa-yeong, who broke down the boundaries between martial arts and techniques, subordinated countless true energies to blood source energy and completed the True Dragon Energy (True Dragon Energy), truly that of a immortal.

Kwakwakwak! Fuuuuuuu!

Everything in the path of the gust of wind was broken and broken.

The narrow river was scattered in all directions, and countless trees were crushed and shot into the sky by the gusts of wind.

In that way, Damsayoung moved towards the Heavenly Demon God Church without hesitation.

As if he were protesting that nothing could stop his path.

There was only destruction in front of Dam Sa-young, who combined his Heogukshin (虛極身) and Wind Cheonjutsu (風天術) to cause natural disasters.

How far did it travel like that?


Damsayoung looked up at the sky.


The sky, which had been clear just a moment ago, was darkening at an alarming rate.

Dam Sa-young’s eyes trembled slightly.

‘It’s not a technique.’

Of course. Because he hasn’t mastered the art of magic.

‘Are you saying that even though it’s not a magic trick, you can manipulate the weather at will?’


There is no way something like that would be possible without magic. Even if it is a magic trick, to cause an abnormal weather event, unless you have the power of Damsayoung, you need several days of preparation and a sacrifice.

So what are those dark clouds? Who controls the weather?

It is the sky itself.


Blue lightning split the air without a sound.

That was the beginning.

Crumbling! Flash! Quaaaang!

Lightning and thunder struck all over Daesan.

The ground struck by the lightning exploded like an explosion. The tree was overturned from its roots, and the scattered dirt was hit by another lightning strike and turned into black ash.

It was a terrifying sight.

Dam Sa-yeong watched as if fascinated by the sight of lightning raining down like a net across Daesan Mountain.

Only then did he realize. Why are there dark clouds in the sky and why are there sudden thunderstorms?

“…Magic energy.”

Yes. It’s Magi.

It is not that the will is placed in the magical energy to control the weather, but the magical energy itself initially contains the same power as the thunderbolt of the sky. And the demonic energy is soaring, interlocking with the heavenly energy and resonating with the sky, causing abnormal weather.

‘It is the power of Jeseokcheon (帝釋天).’

Dam Sa-young chuckled.

‘Those who serve the Sixth Heaven Demon King Mara Pasun draw on the power of the Sixth Heaven and use it… That’s also funny.’

Mara Pasun, the king of the world of desire, is higher in rank than Jaseokcheon.

It’s so funny that it makes you dizzy to see a brat who uses the power of a lower god than himself.

‘There is probably no other energy as strong as thunder energy in heaven and earth.’


A red light glowed in Dam Sa-young’s hand.

He also completed the Qin Tian Long Qi and reached the stage where he could even control the Brain Qi. No, he could handle all types of energy that existed in Mother Nature.

‘Now I can properly compare which is stronger, your power and mine.’

Kwakwakwak! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Puff puff puff!

Dam Sa-young advanced endlessly.

A baptism of lightning falling like a shower. Even though it was clear that a human body would not be able to withstand even one hit and would explode, it moved forward without hesitation.

How far has it progressed like that?

Flash! Let’s go!

A bolt of lightning struck Dam Sa-young’s body.

Then an amazing sight unfolded.

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Puzzle!

Dam Sa-young was fine. No, it wasn’t okay.

Jiiiing! Jeeeeee!

Red light was discharged from his right hand, which was raised up to his chest.


The lightning that fell like a shower was sucked into Dam Sa-yeong’s hand.

To be exact, it was agreement. Rather than absorbing power, it circulates the power through the same thunderbolt.

It was a scene that showed that Dam Sa-yeong’s enlightenment was as good as anyone else’s.

It is a realization that rather than blocking, it sympathizes and allows the attack to pass through. Even though he possesses the greatest power of the martial arts world at the time, he is not arrogant and responds gently.

It has become stronger.

Not only martial arts skills, but also mental strength and attitude.

It was then.


Dam Sa-young, who was approaching with a leisurely smile, suddenly felt an unusual energy.


He looked down.

I saw something red in the gusts of wind that were blowing away sand, wood, and rocks.


Dam Sa-young’s face hardened.


Of course it wasn’t lava.


The earth exploded and a column of red-hot fire rose up.

It was a pillar of fire as red as blood. All the trees and stones that touched the pillar of fire melted and disappeared without a trace.

A heat far beyond imagination. It was so hot that Dam Sa-yeong felt the pain of the soles of her feet burning at the moment when it felt like a pillar of fire was rising.



The Jincheonryonggi was laid down and blocked the rising pillar of fire.

Even though I could synchronize the lightning and make it go away, I couldn’t do that with that fire. Damsayoung could also use the Blood Fire God Qi and turn the world into a sea of fire, but there was something fundamentally different about that flame.

Rather than agreeing with them, they might get eaten.



Damsayoung was surprised.

I thought the rising pillar of fire would hit the Jincheonryonggi and spread, but before I knew it, it was caught up in a gust of wind and was rising with the momentum to engulf everything.

The speed was even as fast as lightning. If you continue to practice Heokgeukpungcheonjutsu (虛極風天術), your entire body will burn up and disappear without you even being able to do anything.

Dam Sa-yeong quickly rushed away.


The gust of flames that soared all the way to the sky was struck by lightning and was scattered to pieces.

Dam Sa-yeong, swimming in the air and slowly descending, saw the sight of thunderbolts and gusts of fire breaking apart.

It was truly a scene that felt like it had escaped royalties. Although he was actually in charge of one axis of that power, when he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn’t help but hold his tongue.

It was then.

Seo-ryang’s voice was heard through Dam Sa-yeong’s ears.

“In front of it is the home of our school’s students. It’s none of my business to get drunk on my own power and make a mess, but I can’t stand being a bitch even on my own land.”

Dam Sa-yeong smiled.

Her voice was quite extreme, but she wasn’t angry.

“Floating around looks like fun, but let’s get down now. “Why don’t you come?”

At that moment, the Jincheonryonggi exploded from Damsayoung’s Yongcheonhyeol.


The Damsayeong, who was fired with an explosion, suddenly landed in front of the outer castle gate of the Heavenly Demon God Church.


Even though he rushed with such an explosive movement, he hit the ground. The movement of stepping was refreshing.

Dam Sa-yeong raised his head.

The majesty of Cheon-gong Fortress, the majestic gate of the Heavenly Demon God Church that had never allowed an intrusion by foreign enemies for a thousand years, made him excited.

“…My final life.” I have reached my dream.”

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