Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 115: Sign of Trouble (1)

Chapter 115: Sign of Trouble (1)

The Gan River.

A river that travelled through the Jiangxi Province from north to west, before flowing into Lake Poyang and thus the mighty Yangtze River. 

Located along this river was the city of Nanchang, a strategic location that connected the prosperous East and South coasts. 

There, King Jinseong had decided to settle.

Situated near lakes and rivers, access to freshwater had been established since ancient times.

In addition, the land was fertile and rice fields developed easily. 

As if proving that, the group passed by a rice paddy field that spanned as far as the eye could see just a few days before reaching Nanchang. 

In the rice field, the stalks of rice were ripening into a glittering gold. 

Looking at it, Jegal Sung smiled. This is a rich year. No one will starve, unless theres an unusual problem.

At his words, Do Jin-myung shook his head. Once the war begins, all that rice will be used by the military.

That is why the war must end quickly.

The two chuckled. 

Watching them, the Sage of Bright Rock sighed deeply. You guys sure are relaxed.

He glanced at the corner of the wagon. 

The wagon they were currently sitting on was wide enough for ten people to ride, and a young man currently occupied one corner.

Everyone else sitting there were all old men, so it was an unpleasant sight. 

What was a young man doing with all these old men?

Moreover, all the other people on the wagon were masters of Murim, but there was an unknown young man sitting with them, so others could not understand it at all. 

However, if only the onlookers knew who that young man was, they would lose all feelings of distaste.

Well, they would feel a different type of horror instead. 

The Sage of Bright Rock groaned as if he was suffering from a headache. 

Who was the young man?

The zenith of the 100,000 demonic practitioners. 

A nightmare. 

There were many secrets regarding the Heavenly Demons identity, but they would remain unknown. 

Still, Bright Rock could not help but keep his guard up. 

Dont be like that. There isnt a better way than what he suggested.

But Sichuan, Qinghai, and Gansu

Bright Rock sighed once more. 

Woon-seong had made both a promise and a demand in return for helping King Jinseong. 

The grudge between the Orthodox and the Demonic Cult was deep. It was clear that it could not be easily narrowed down. 

If King Jinseongs plan was successful, then the Demonic Cult would be declared the state religion, gaining unprecedented power and support. 

This was difficult for the Orthodox side to accept. 

So Woon-seong had proposed a compromise. 


Then this is what we will do.

Everyone turned to Woon-seong at his words. 

He met each of their gazes before explaining. 

I know we cant make those deep grudges between the Orthodox and Demonic sides disappear at once. But in order to drive out the Cult of the Inverted Sky, which has spread throughout the world, it is true that you guys need my cults power.

Jegal Sung swallowed. 

So my cult will retreat after everything is over.

The Sage of Bright Rock jumped in shock. Youll retreat back to Mount Heaven for nothing?

Woon-seong shook his head. With a resolute tone he replied, When did I say it would be for nothing? His eyes turned golden and he stared at Bright Rock. And I dont think I mentioned the Heavenly Mountains.

Bright Rock, who met Woon-seongs eyes, trembled. 

Even without the Intimidation Qi, the Sage of Bright Rock felt a chill run down his spine. 

It was a change that had happened because he knew that Woon-seong could snap his neck at any point. 

Bright Rock closed his eyes. Fear of him has been etched into my bones

Woon-seong chuckled to himself, seeing the attitude of an otherwise prestigious person. 

Sichuan, Qinghai, and Gansu.

Woon-seong listed the names of three provinces and Jegal Sung stiffened. 

It was because he understood why Woon-seong had mentioned those three names. 

Your price is those three provinces?

Of course.

The Sage of Bright Rock, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly shouted, Nonsense!

Those three provinces could be considered the edge of Zhongyuan. 

These provinces were adjacent to the Demonic Cults territory, so they were considered the corner of Zhongyuan.

As such, the price Woon-seong had asked for was relatively small compared with the total land mass of Zhongyuan. 


Theres the Kunlun Sect in Qinghai! There are the Emei, Qingcheng, and Tang Clan in Sichuan. Are you asking us to give up those three provinces?

The sects of Murim were like local rulers. 

As long as they were there, they would remain as the basis of power in the region. 

Woon-seong could not say that Bright Rock was wrong in protesting, as people would not easily give up their foundations. 

But he smiled coldly. Bright Rock, do not try to test my patience.

At the same time, a tremendous amount of energy erupted from his body, pressing down on Bright Rocks shoulders. 


Bright Rock was forced to sit back down. 


Bright Rock tried to fight against the pressure, but the overwhelming strength of the aura laced with fear did not allow him to do so. 

Woon-seong continued to speak, his aura continuing to press down on Bright Rock. 

The Qingcheng and Sichuan Tang have already handed themselves over to the Cult of the Inverted Sky. They are no longer the Orthodox sects you consider them to be.


There was a thoughtful murmur.

It was as Woon-seong said. 

The Qingcheng Sect and Sichuan Tang Clan were deeply involved in the Martial Alliance, and thus the Cult of the Inverted Sky.

If there was a war, the Qingcheng and Sichuan Tang would not be on their side. 

The Qingcheng Sect and Sichuan Tang Family Clan will disappear by my hands anyways. It is considered revenge on those who tried to eradicate the Spear Master Sect.

Bright Rock had no objection to those words. 

However, Jegal Sung suddenly spoke.

Then what would you do about the Kunlun and Emei sects? And also the other, smaller sects that reside in those three provinces Though the roots of the Inverted Sky had spread deeply through Murim, not all of them are rotten. But youre not going to erase them all together, are you, Cult Leader?

Jegal Sungs question stabbed at the core of the problem. 

But Woon-seong had already prepared an answer. 

Im not trying to put those areas under the Demonic Cults rule. Originally, the Demonic Cult wanted to go to Zhongyuan.


So what I want is for my people to freely move around in at least those three places. As long as the other sects, be they large or small, show no hostility, we will also treat them as they do. 


And if people who live there want to migrate because of my cult, we will pay for the costs.

Jegal Sung was a bit overwhelmed by these words. He could tell that Woon-seong had already made big concessions. 

Given the terms of King Jinseong, the Demonic Cult had a reason to stay in all parts of Zhongyuan. The Orthodox could do nothing, even if the Demonic Cult decided to push all the way to Hebei Province. 

Nevertheless, Woon-seong had limited the area of religious activity.

This was an act of consideration and concession for genuine sects who did not get caught up in the Cult of the Inverted Skys schemes, such as the Kunlun. 

What if they ignored this concession?

Probably a large group of demonic practitioners will invade Zhongyuan.

Then Murim would truly shake at its roots. 

Jegal Sung knew that better than anyone. 

However, this was not a matter he could decide on his own, even if he was considered the Great Scholar. 

Ill think about it.

Woon-seong nodded, smiling. I look forward to a positive answer.

Even though Woon-seong said he was looking forward to the answer, in fact the response was already set in stone. 

If the Orthodox did not get the Demonic Cults power, it would be hard for them to contain both the Imperial Court and the Martial Alliance. 

They had no choice but to accept Woon-seongs proposal. 

Not only that

Even though its only three provinces, if the Demonic Cult can be active in those areas As time passes, the deep misunderstanding between the two sides will decrease. 

That was what Woon-seong was after.

Decreasing the hostilities and letting the Demonic Cult settle in Zhongyuan. 

None of the Heavenly Demons had ever been able to do so. 

Perhaps that had not been Woon-seongs original goal but it would still be done because of the Heavenly Demon named Hyuk Woon-seong. 

I will become a bridgehead for those two goals. 

Sitting in the rattling wagon, Woon-seong laughed to himself. 


Meanwhile, the wagon was getting closer and closer to King Jinseongs palace.

We will be able to reach Nanchang if we travel for three more days, muttered Do Jin-myung as the landscape became more and more familiar to him. 

Bright Rock and Jegal Sung also looked tousled. 

The sun was setting and the moon was on the horizon. It was time to prepare for the night. 

Hm, so we are sleeping on the road again today. Jegal Sung clasped his waist, pretending to be sore and uncomfortable. 

Bright Rock smiled bitterly and prepared to sleep on the ground again. 

I dont think we will sleep outside tonight, Great Scholar Jegal.

Oh-ho, is there a place where we can stay?

Do Jin-myung nodded. There is a sect called the Calling Sword Sect about an hour away. Its a small sect which has only about fifty people, but Im sure we can get a few rooms.

Sounds like you know them well.

Do Jin-myung scratched his head. The master of that sect is pretty nice and since its near the Jinseong domain, I maintained a friendship with them.

Haha, I see. Anyways, its a relief that we wont have to sleep outside. Lets hurry and go to that place.

Since I know the way, Ill guide the horseman, Do Jin-myung said as he leaned out of the wagon. 

One hour was not a long time. 

Nevertheless, the wagon carrying the group had yet to reach the Calling Sword Sect. 

It may take longer, it may take a little less. One hour had only been a rough estimate. 

Either way, the wagon would soon reach its destination for the night. 

At that moment, Woon-seong, who had been resting, opened his eyes. 

I smell something burning.


Hearing that, Do Jin-myung turned his head to open the window and looked outside. 

Do Jin-myung knew that Woon-seong was likely in the Semi-Divine Realm, so he had the most understanding of the young mans capabilities. 

Although he could see no fire, Woon-seong would not be wrong. 

Looking outside, he could indeed see something. 

In the far distance, an area of the sky was burning red. 

Black smoke rose into the air. 

T-That is! Bright Rock cried out in surprise, his expression darkening. 

The direction of the flames was the Calling Sword Sect. 

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