Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 82: Collision and Reversal (2)

Chapter 82: Collision and Reversal (2)

Chun A-young shouted from behind them, watching the swarming shadows ahead. 

Blood jiangshi! 

The faces of Woon-seong and Lee Shin-jung hardened. This is because the two understood the terror of the blood jiangshi, from experience or hearsay.

Not only that, their enemies included Mo In-ryang, Hwan Dok, and Joo Moon-baek.

Moreover, the number on Woon-seongs side was clearly inferior. 

The situation quickly became chaotic.

When Woon-seong swung his spear, two blood jiangshi were immediately struck. 


I couldnt cut them. Theyre tough

At that moment, another blood jiangshi came after the youth.

It wasnt just the reanimated corpse.

The flames from the Vice Leader spilled across the clearing, tendrils of flame licking at his face and limbs. 

Is it too hot for you, Young Leader? mocked Joo Moon-baek.

Its quite the heat, Ill give you that. But I never let anyone get away with a burn on me!


At the same time, Woon-seong leaped into the air. 

Rain of Star Destruction!

With a flick of his spear, it looked like a meteorite shower had arrived.

However, this attack was focused more on overall coverage than pin-pointed power. It was impossible to inflict serious wounds on the blood jiangshi or Joo Moon-baek. 

Hup! the Vice Leader leapt to the side, avoiding the volley of attacks.

The blood jiangshi were momentarily incapacitated, but regained control of their bodies as their joints twisted back into place. 

I knew I wasnt going to scratch Joo Moon-baek at all, but I didnt expect for even the blood jiangshi to come out unscathed. Looks like I need to use attacks that pinpoint my force. 

Woon-seong took a small moment to glance around the battlefield. 

Over on one side, Lee Shin-jung had been struggling against five blood jiangshi. Coming in at an opportune moment, Sang In-hyo had managed to deflect a blow to the Demonic Teachers head. 

Thank you, Sang In-hyo.

Let me help you.

Then, can you just keep one of them busy?

Yes, sir!

Thus, Lee Shin-jung was now struggling against four blood jiangshi while Sang In-hyo kept the fifth at bay.

Meanwhile, the unknown man in black, Hwan Dok, was rushing towards the Divine Maiden. 

The situation over there was currently at a stalemate since the Fist King was desperately protecting Chun A-young. Despite being a Great Demon, the Divine Maiden herself was also fighting back with all her strength. 

In that situation, the man in black could only click his tongue, feeling quite victimized. Tsk. 

This turned out to be more annoying than I expected 

In fact, the barely standing Demonic Master was not the problem. 

The annoying existence was the Divine Maiden, Chun A-young. 

Originally a martial artist, A-young was light on her feet and adept at using both divine power and qi. On top of that, her divine power seemed to be strangely effective on Hwan Dok. Every time she used it, Hwan Dok would become disoriented. 

Just killing her wouldve solved the problem, Hwan Dok muttered to himself. Shes only able to pull those tricks because I have to catch her alive. 

If Hwan Dok wanted to kill her, A-young was an easy opponent to face. Although she could use both energies, she was a much weaker martial artist and lacked experience using divine power. 

However, Chun A-young is only valuable when alive. For Joo Moon-baek to rise to the throne with legitimacy, her existence is essential. 

For that reason, Hwan Dok had to pull his punches. 

And it seems like she has noticed the fact that I cannot kill her Every time I make a move to kill Koo Jong-byuk, she tosses herself into my sword. What an annoying bitch 

Just as he described, A-young leapt in front of Hwan Doks sword. In order to not accidentally stab her in the heart, the man had to maneuver his sword to the side. Taking advantage of his sudden wavering movements, Shadow, who had been darting here and there, slashed at his exposed face and neck. 

Damn it!

When I go after the Maiden, Koo Jong-byuk interrupts. When I try to stab him, she stops me and then that man nicknamed Shadow comes and attacks me. 

None of this is easy,Hwan Dok muttered with contempt. It was truly a troublesome situation when faced with stubborn people. 

But none of this is particularly difficult either. 

All in all, the Demonic Teachers side of things looked bad, even with Sang In-hyo there to help him. The other side didnt look good either, especially since the Fist King was basically at his limit. Those three wouldnt be enough to keep up with the man in black. 

Analyzing the tide was pointless, it was obvious that Woon-seongs group was losing. 

What do I do?

As his forces became worn out, a drawn out battle would become increasingly disadvantageous for Woon-seong. 

There was not a single person fighting at the moment who did not realize that fact. 

Not only was Woon-seongs group outnumbered, they were also out-powered. On top of needing to deal with the tricky blood jiangshi, Woon-seongs group had fewer Demonic Masters. 

Woon-seong closed his eyes for a moment, remembering the last words the Heavenly Demon had spoken to him before passing out: Please take care of A-young.

Had Chun Hwi predicted the current situation? 

Then why didnt he make a move earlier? It might not have come to this if he decided to nip the problem in the bud, right after he noticed he was poisoned. Instead, he trained an apprentice until he collapsed, Woon-seong complained in his heart. 

Woon-seong shook his head. 

He had many question, but none of them could be answered. 

They were all questions that could not be answered because there was no Heavenly Demon to answer them. 

Huffing slightly, Woon-seong wiped blood off his face. 

On top of that, those questions arent what I should be worrying about right now!

I need to focus on the blood jiangshi in front of me, and Joo Moon-baek who is attacking from behind them. Every one of them is a tough opponent. 



It was clear that even a single mistake would mean death. 

I cant let that happen.

Why, someone may ask. 

Not when I did so much for this life. 

My second life happened thanks to the artifact of the Spear Master Sect, but it was purely me and my effort that brought me to this position and status. 

I cant let go of it now. Ill only burst out of my grave if I was killed here.


Woon-seong was ambushed by Joo Moon-baek from the back, a blast of flames knocking him off-kilter and face-first into the ground. 

If I die here, then my old man! My masters!

Woon-seong suddenly froze.

Wait, what was I just thinking now? 

That had been an unexpected train of thought. 

Old man obviously meant my Spear Master Sect master But my masters?

The word masters clearly indicated more than one person.

Forgetting that he was in the middle of a life-or-death battle, Woon-seong laughed maniacally. 

It looks like I unconsciously thought of the Cult Leader as my real master too. 

Perhaps in the teachings of the Heavenly Demon, Woon-seong had seen an illusion of his previous master. 

It looks like Ive always wanted someone to guide me forwards, to tell me not to walk a path of revenge filled only with loneliness and solitude.

Thunk. Thunk. 

Woon-seong haphazardly unwrapped the bandages on his arms and legs, removing the bracers that weighed him down. 

In the end, I wanted affection.

Woon-seong gripped his spear a little more tightly than before.

Then thats another reason why I cant die here!

Ill give you my everything to survive!

Woon-seong gripped his spear as he looked back at Joo Moon-baek.

Joo Moon-baek He showed his ambitions the moment Chun Hwi collapsed. Can we really call that timing a coincidence?

No, it couldnt be.

He must have been anticipating that moment for a long time. Maybe Joo Moon-baek is even the one behind the poisoning. 

Actually, I may not have the evidence, but it seems obvious.

Now, if I can only find out more about that poison. 

Back when Nok Yu-on was poisoned, Woon-seong concluded that it was the doing of the Sichuan Tang Clan. It was hard to imagine anyone outside the Sichuan Tang Clan, the renowned Masters of Poison, creating something so potent. 

However, things were different now.

That very same poison had appeared in the Cult of the Heavenly Demon. 

I dont care how powerful the Sichuan Tang are, they are not capable of poisoning the Cult Leader. A poison that can affect a man of his caliber has never existed in history. Even if they made such a poison, using it in such a manner would only risk a full frontal war against the entire Demonic Cult. Even an enemy of the Cult No, no one in the Orthodox sects would want something like that to happen. 

Either way, if the Vice Leader is really involved in this matter

Ill get some answers once I take him down.

At this moment, Woon-seongs eyes were filled with fighting spirit. A flame erupted from his body, shrouding him in a faint aura of light. 


The true, completed Divine Flame was revealed.

This gray flame made Mo In-ryang feel like he was trapped in time, as if everything had stopped in reverence of the flame. Despite being so far away, he felt like he could feel the heat of the flame, which threatened to burn him down to the bone. 

Mo In-ryangs legs trembled. Im clearly perceiving them as enemies, yet theres a sense of awe I cannot suppress. Theres only one thing that can provoke such emotions from a demonic practitioner. 

Unknowingly, he muttered, The Divine Flame?

Although the color was a little different, there truly was only one thing that could make Mo In-ryang feel this way. 

On the other side, the same thing was happening with Joo Moon-baek. Hmm. So this is what made the Demonic Teacher choose his side, the Vice Leader concluded, comparing it with his own Divine Flame.


Joo Moon-baeks own flame also danced around. Although it was incomplete, it could still somewhat stand against the completed version. 

Of course, it was all he could do to protect himself. 

He was unable to protect those fighting by his side. 

Tsk. It looks like I wont be able to help the Blade Demon. 

He looked around. One of the blood jiangshi collapsed onto the ground, unable to get up once more.

Hmm. Another one bites the dust. 

Standing on the other side of Woon-seong, Lee Shin-jung and the others were unaffected by the Divine Flame. 

It seems like the Young Leaders Divine Flame isnt affecting any of his allies.

Moreover, Joo Moon-baeks incomplete flame was unable to cover the distance needed to affect the entire battlefield. 

Is that the complete Divine Flame, Young Leader? Heh, I can see that its heaps better than my incomplete one. A Young Leader who was born with a talented body and loved by the Leader. He becomes the Leaders only apprentice and enjoys the privileges and inherits the Divine Art of the Heavenly Demon, Joo Moon-baek mockingly complained. How unfair is that?

A talented body and all the privileges, Woon-seong muttered. Was that what Joo Moon-baek thought of him? You have no idea how reached this position.

With a glimmer of gold in his eyes, Woon-seong continued, Vice Leader. 


No, Joo Moon-baek.

Those are some rude words youre directing at an elder, Young Leader, chuckled Joo Moon-baek.

That was meant as an insult, but Woon-seong didnt falter at all. 

Lets be honest. Were in no relation to stay polite with each other. You shall fall here today and tell me about everything.

How absurd. And what exactly would I be telling you?

Woon-seong slowly nodded and swung his White Night Spear.

In an instant, the White Night Spear was also covered with the Divine Flame. Now entirely immersed into the Divine Flame, Woon-seong looked like the incarnation of the God of Fire.

About the poison you used against the Leader No, my Master! Where youve obtained it and who created it!

From another vantage point, Lee Shin-jung chuckled to himself as he observed Woon-seong. 

Then, he grabbed the two Heavenly Rings. One was black and the other was white, representing yin and yang respectively. 

In that state, Lee Shin-jung called for Sang In-hyo. 

Say, Demon Sword.

Yes, sir, replied politely after a short pause due to the ongoing battle. 

The Lord used to be in the Cave of Latent Demons, correct?

That is correct.

And I remember that you were the General Manager of the Cave of Latent Demons.

That is also true.

Lee Shin-jung nodded with a contented expression. Almost immediately, it was replaced with one of fierce determination as he stared at the energy surrounding Woon-seong. 

Haha. Youve done a great job.

Sang In-hyo did not respond. 

The Lord is doing his best. Dont you think I also ought to show some effort?

Same goes for me too.

Lee Shin-jung nodded. Thats right. We need to show our best too. 

At this moment, Lee Shin-jungs Heavenly Ring of Yin disappeared from his hands. 

When it reappeared


Startled, Mo In-ryang hurriedly blocked the oncoming attack with his sword. 

Only momentarily stopped by the sword, the ring continued towards the Blade Demon. 

Mo In-ryangs right arm was lopped clean off. 

On the other side, the battle, which had briefly stopped due to the appearance of the Divine Flame, resumed shortly. 

The situation didnt seem to have changed much. 

Just like how Lee Shin-jung still had to deal with three, albeit weakened, blood jiangshi, Woon-seong was still in a tough situation. 

Moreover, the mysterious Hwan Dok was still fighting with the Fist King, being almost entirely free from the effects of the Divine Flame. 

The Fist King looked even more ragged than before, his body covered in wounds that would need more than a year to heal. If it werent for the interference of Divine Maiden A-young and Shadow, the Fist King would already be a corpse. 

It was no good! I was planning to use the Divine Flame to shake them up a bit and use that moment to escape 


Oh no you dont!

Joo Moon-baek appeared before Woon-seong and swung at him, forcing Woon-seong to hurriedly retreat backwards. 


Under the orders of Joo Moon-baek, the blood jiangshi pressed forward, attempting to surround Wooon-seong. 

Young Leader, do you take me for a fool? Trying to escape now? How naive of you.

If so

Woon-seong grabbed his White Night Spear with both hands and swung. 

A mix of Orthodox, Demonic, and fused spear arts rained down on the Vice Leader. 

One movement managed to nick Joo Moon-baek on the shoulder, slicing through his fur coat and drawing blood. 


In an instant, Woon-seong had appeared on the other side of Joo Moon-baeks body with his fingers outstretched. 

Flying explosive rings!


A bright light engulfed the area. 


A blood jiangshi was thrown away, bouncing away with its chest caved in. That was a wound that no living man would have survived. But it wasnt alive!

Damn it! A blood jiangshi soaked the explosion instead.

With a crunch, the blood jiangshi stood up again, revealing its crushed ribcage to the world. 

Huff. Huff. Huff. Facing multiple enemies at or above his strength was making it hard for Woon-seong to regulate his breathing. 

You seem quite exhausted, Young Leader.


It was not just Woon-seong that was breathing hard. 

Launching an attack on Joo Moon-baek, Lee Shin-jung had just lost a finger. 

Demonic Teacher! Your hand!

My Lord, do not worry about this old man. I exchanged a finger for an arm, so it wasnt too bad of a deal.

Lee Shin-jung still looked calm and composed, which was relieving to see. Of course, even if he didnt show it on his face, the Demonic Teacher was probably fighting against the pain. 

There was another who was also struggling to stay conscious. 

That would be Sang In-hyo. 

Sang In-hyo

Kuh, I am also fine, Sang In-hyo said, grabbing his bloody shoulder. He had joined in an attack against the Blade Demon, but had lost an arm after being counterattacked by a blood jiangshi. 

Woon-seong closed his eyes. He could not help but curse, Damn it!

Weve lost too much to take down all the blood jiangshi. 

Im out of options.

I dont have the strength, the skills, nor the tricks to get us out of this situation. 

Its my fault for not predicting the use of blood jiangshi. 

We wouldnt have been in such a one-sided pinch if it werent for those blood jiangshi. 

Its all my fault. I shouldve prepared more meticulously I finally manifest the Divine Flame, yet all I can do right now is regret.

Is this as far as I go?

As soon as Woon-seong asked himself that, a voice shook the battlefield. 

Youve done well, my apprentice.

A human meteor fell from the sky.


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