Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 132: Infiltration

Chapter 132: Infiltration

We were able to infiltrate the island with the help of Hermes. He teleported us near the same village the two of us visited two years ago. We donned the clothes Freya prepared for us to blend in with the locals and headed to the place where she said she would meet us. In the short time she spent in the island, she was already able to gather people and have an information network.

-Freya really is quick, but she said the information network already existed when she arrived, she just took over it.

Apparently she defeated the boss of the informants and became the leader.

Even though the residents of the Island of the Giants were cut off from the rest of the world (at least most of the times), they still had means to survive without influence from the outside. They even have their own means of getting food and clothes. The island and its residents were independent from any outside influence (and they still do).

We reached what looked to be an abandoned shack not that far from the village center, and immediately got inside. But before we could even proceed to get further inside the building, I detected multiple presences and stopped Andrea and Thomas from charging.

Password? asked someone hidden in the shadows.

-Right, there was that.

The wind is both mighty and just. the three of us said at the same time.

It also brings disaster and prosperity. that same person replied.

His reply was the password we were expecting from the people who were supposed to meet us.

Miss Luna, Miss Andrea and Sir Thomas, welcome to Helio Village of the Island of the Giants. My name is Lance, Boss Freya is waiting for you.

Andrea, Thomas and I eyed each other.

Boss Freya? Thomas mouthed. I saw Andrea roll her eyes and I just shrugged.

Lance led us deeper inside the shack as we descended on a set of stairs. Afterwards, we reached a room only lit by torches. At the center of the room were Freya and Anubis who were both crowding a table where a map was spread.

Boss, theyre here.

Thanks Lance. Call Ethan to come in here.

Yes Boss.

Once Lance left, we were the only ones left in the room.

Boss? Thomas asked with an eyebrow raised.

They started calling me that when I took over the guild.

I only nodded my head and joined them in the table. I noticed that the map was that of the Island, a detailed one at that, with marks on it.

So how are things doing? I asked and sat next to Anubis who was staring intently at the map.

Not good. Anubis answered. He pointed at the spot marked Red Moon Castle. Security in this area is tight. There are many pirates scattered all over the perimeter. Alejandro is confirmed to be inside the castle but we cant locate Damien.

I had people watch the castle but nobody really came in or out. Freya added. On the other hand, this mansion a little bit on the west seems to have many people going in and out.

What does that mean?

Ever since Alejandro entered the castle, nobody has been able to enter and exit the place.


Nobody knows. said a new voice.

My head turned to the direction of the voice. A child no older than thirteen stepped inside the room and I couldnt help but raise an eyebrow.

Ethan. Freya called.


The atmosphere suddenly became tense and awkward as the two stared at each other, I could only watch them and eye the others who obviously felt as awkward as I did.


This is Ethan. Anubis said, breaking the silence. He is the former boss of this group.


You mean to say this kid is was the leader? Freya defeated him and is now working for her? Andrea gasped. Freya! Why did you hurt a kid?

This guys not a kid! Hes way older than us! And besides, we did a lot of crazier things when we were called kids! Freya exclaimed which startled me a bit.

-She does have a point, but this Ethan to be the leader of an information guild

Do not underestimate my form. I did not choose to be stuck in it either. Ethan shrugged. He walked towards us and pointed at the mansion we were talking about just a while ago. Since nobody can just enter the castle, the pirates had been making this mansion as their headquarters and control center. Unfortunately, the kid youre looking for is not there either.

What do you mean? I asked.

The pirates kidnap kids with ages eight to twelve once a month. Afterwards, theyd be chucked inside the palace never to be heard again. Its been going on like that for years now. he looked at us. Now, Freya did never tell us why you want to save the kid? This has been going on for years, why act now?

The child, Damien, is the son of an acquaintance. I answered. He found out about the abduction and asked us to save him.

Son? I assume he is Damiens father? we all nodded our heads. Thats strange, there is no information regarding Damiens father in his file.

I eyed my friends. Freya only shrugged while Anubis looked rather uncertain.

His father is a complicated man. Anubis answered. He lives away from Damien and his mother for their safety.

Well, thats one shitty father if I do say so myself. Ethan commented.

-If this guy only knows.

Reminds me of my old man, but my own father was a selfish prick so theyre not the same either.

-Wow. Its strange hearing such things from a child.

Anyway, are you guys the only ones who will fight against the pirates? Is your only goal in here saving the child?

I couldnt answer immediately Ethans question. I wasnt sure whether to tell him or not about a part of my power stuck in the castle.

You Ethan suddenly called, both his eyes and his index finger pointed at me. Red hair, massive suppressed power, a pair of jade-green eyes and a descendant of the Lyxi Clan. If I am right, you should bear the crimson fox in your body. It isnt evident yet but you have been chosen by the Red Teardrop.

I was speechless. And it wasnt just me.


Im an informant. Plus Ive lived a long time to have heard a few things here and there throughout my lifetime. he suddenly smirked. And you have been trying to hide that mark on your forehead using magic but I can see through it.

I unconsciously touched my forehead. It was true. I was hiding the mark on my forehead using magic. I was thinking about using my mask once I was in the island but we were travelling incognito so it was a bad.

-Bit how did this guy know?

I told you, do not underestimate me because of my appearance. Now then Red Monarch, or rather future Red Monarch, I know of something regarding your inheritance and your domains, would you like to hear me out?

All eyes landed on me.

Ethan, dont you think you should run that by me before you said anything first? Freya questioned. She looked a little perturbed at the sudden turn of events.

I only agreed to work for you since you defeated me in a match but I never agreed on sharing the information you never even asked from me.

Freya only raised an eyebrow at Ethans remarks while I was trying not to smile.

Suit yourself. But we are going to talk regarding that later.

Im not sure I can tell you everything either. There are some things in this world that cannot be divulged because of the whims of a young adult.

Ugh. Just just let us know when something important pops up, okay?

Sure. Now then Miss Nyxtriel, what is your answer to my question?

Before I give my answer, what do you want in return? I mean, you are businessman.

Good eyes. Simple. he suddenly stepped back and bowed his head. Please save this island and let its people be a part of the rest of the world.



So it turns out I'll be doing irregular updates.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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