Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 192: Ridiculous question.

Chapter 192: Ridiculous question.

Since Jen was flustered, she ended up staying quiet for quite some time. Lucas shifted his attention from the view outside to Jen.

"Was that it?" Lucas asked when he realised Jen was not even trying to reassure him.

"Of course that isn't it. You know how I feel about you" Jen said feeling flustered. She hadn't realised that she had been lost in her thoughts for a tad bit too long.

"I've never put anyone else's needs above yours. Why can't you afford me the same courtesy? Or is it because I love you more?" Lucas asked.

Jen looked at his back that strangely looked lonely even though they were in the same room. She did not see the point in defending herself. In fact, anything she would say from this point onwards would just sound like excuses because, at the end of the day, reality still existed.

She could try embellishing the whole situation in sweet words to coax Lucas from his clearly shitty mood, but what would that resolve? 

Jen walked towards him and resisted the urge to hug him from behind. She was silent for a while and tensions were rising as Lucas was very aware of her presence behind him since he could see her from the reflection on the glass door.

"Lucas, you know I love you too right?" Jen said while stretching her hand to touch him but she stopped herself when her fingers were just inches away from his skin. Jen waited for a response that never came. She did not know how the situation escalated to what it currently was.

What she realised was that Lucas became detached when he was angry. This was more apparent because he did not even want to look at her and was satisfied with talking to her reflection.

She would much rather have this conversation while actually looking at each other rather than talking to his back. After a few seconds, Jen realised that Lucas was still quiet. Was he doubting the feelings she had for him? Even after all this time, was there really room for doubt on this matter?

"Lucas, you do know that I love you right?" Jen asked once more when she did not receive a response from Lucas. Lucas looked at the night view outside without saying a word. 

"Right?" Jen repeated when Lucas maintained his silence. Why wasn't he saying anything? Lucas knew that she had feelings for him but he was still angry. He was really not in the mood to cooperate at all.

"I know I was being really inconsiderate of your feelings when I came to the office today. After thinking about it, I realised that I would really be upset too if I was in your shoes. Will you forgive me, hmm?" Jen asked and finally gave in to her urge to hold him and wrapped her arms around his bare waist.

"You know whose girlfriend you are right?" Lucas asked not really responding to her apology.

Jen who was resting her head on his back nodded. How could she forget? 

Lucas turned around to look at her straight in her eyes. His eyes were not as detached as they were earlier, for once his emotions seemed to show in his eyes which was better than the expressionless person she had been talking to from before.

"Why did you come to my office to confront me about him?" Lucas asked directly. That was mainly what bothered him. The chances that Jen could still have lingering feelings for Tyler, to the point where her judgement had been clouded to the point she confronted him about her ex-boyfriend.

Without considering his take on the whole situation. What fired up his temper, even more, was that he did not even do anything to Tyler.

He was just having fun with his girlfriend, he did not do anything wrong. Why had she become aggressive towards him over something that should not even concern her in the first place.

"I- I-" Jen stopped herself from saying anything since she might end up saying something wrong out of her desperation to answer him so he can be reassured.

In all honesty, and even she was not sure why she had acted the way she had. It was completely impulsive and it was not something that she had thought through at all.

Lucas looked at her conflicted gaze and the look in his eyes grew colder by the second. He could have attributed his feelings to jealousy but it was obvious that it was not just jealousy that plagued him. It was the possibility that the first woman he loved wholeheartedly had someone else in her heart.

The fear that the only reason their relationship had been successful so far, was because Tyler was not around, and now that he was there, Jen would get swayed by old feelings.

He was pretty reassured about their relationship but everything crashed and burned when Jen came to his office to confront him about Tyler.

If David hadn't come to talk to him, he would have just stayed in his office and worked through the night, because he did not want to face the probability that his fears may actually not be completely unfounded.

"Are you hesitating because you don't know what to say or is it because you don't want to admit the reason out loud?" Lucas asked. Jen looked at him in confusion, she was not sure what he was trying to say.

What did he mean when he said that she did not want to admit to the reason out loud?

"What are you talking about?" Jen asked with furrowed eyebrows. Even though she asked him without hesitation, she was already dreading what he would say next.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Lucas asked his gaze searching hers. 

"What kind of question is that?" Jen asked clearly upset but at the same time, she avoided his gaze. Lucas' eyes became frostier making the green flecks in them even more prominent.

He placed his hand on the side of her neck with his thumb resting beneath her chin and tilted her face so she was looking directly at him.

"Is it ridiculous?" Lucas asked as he searched her eyes. Jen who was directly looking at him realised that she really did not know much about the man in front of her, except for the fact that he was in love with her.

"Why aren't you answering my ridiculous question?" Lucas asked his voice coming out in a whisper. Her silence felt like she was confirming his suspicions. At that moment, he really wanted to take back his question. He did not want to hear her answer at all, but at the same time, he wanted to hear it.

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