Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 202: White

Chapter 202: White

It didn't take long before the girls arrived at the mall and they all walked inside searching for something to eat. They finally settled for a restaurant that specialises in seafood and they were all ushered to a table that was a bit far back as it was packed because it was lunchtime.

They were all handed menus and they chose their drinks and what they wanted to eat before the waiter left while still looking a bit dazzled.

A pitcher of water was brought to their table before their drinks were brought out. Jen poured herself a glass of water and took a long drink before placing her glass back on the table.

"Do you know what dresses you'll be buying today?" Leanna asked curiously. She was just accompanying the two girls for moral support, and also in case she also saw something that she liked.

"Ah, that reminds me," Jen said as she took her phone out of her purse and called Lucas.


David had gone to the company's reception with one of the secretaries to receive Tyler who had arrived at the company. 

"Good afternoon Mr. Ainsworth, I'm David White Mr. Lewis's assistant, it's a pleasure to meet you," David said with a courteous smile.

"Likewise," Tyler said as he reciprocated the smile he had received. From the moment he arrived, the activity in the reception area had slowed down considerably.

"Please, this way," David said and led him to the executive elevator. As they all stood inside the elevator in relative silence Tyler said something that surprised David.

"White is a really unique last name. Is it the White that I'm thinking of?" Tyler asked David.

"Yes," David answered. The secretary looked at David in confusion and Roy pretended that everyone else did not exist.

"I didn't expect to see you here," Tyler said his smile turning mischievous. The secretary had already texted everyone that they were on their way up so Lucas had left his office to go and receive them.

When the elevator doors opened, Lucas and Tyler were standing face to face. Icy blue eyes met warm hazel eyes. The two were about the same height so none of them could really intimidate the other.

"Mr. Ainsworth" Lucas started and stretched his arm for a handshake.

"Mr. Lewis" Tyler said and shook his hand and they both smiled at each other simultaneously. Both Roy and David could feel that there was some tension between the two of them. Only the secretary was wondering how two handsome men could exist in the same space without the ground caving in on itself.

"This way please," Lucas said and walked into the office area where there were a lot of cubicles. There were still quite a number of employees around even though it was lunchtime.

The two men silently walked next to each other and Roy could feel tensions rise with every step they took. Fortunately, Lucas was wise enough to start some small talk.

"I'm sorry you couldn't meet my father, he is currently on a business trip," Lucas said.

He was not uncomfortable but the people behind them looked like they were about to collapse, especially Tyler's secretary who was looking at them worriedly. David didn't seem to care at all about any tensions, it was none of his business after all.

"No worries, I'm actually glad that I was able to meet you instead," Tyler said and smiled showing his white teeth. Lucas gave a closed-lip smile his dimples becoming even more pronounced. The female employees that saw them thought that they were about to swoon when they saw them. 

It wasn't that David was not handsome, they just saw him every day so they eventually got accustomed to his looks, it could be described as having immunity after frequent exposure.

Roy, on the other hand, was skinny so he became overshadowed by the men around him that clearly worked out. He even started thinking that maybe he should start working out as well, he looked really pitiful when he stood with them.

They soon heard someone running towards them from behind them. David turned around and saw Michael closing in on them and frowned in disapproval.

"Am I late?" he asked David a bit breathlessly drawing the attention of the two men walking ahead of them. David really wanted to smack him upside the head.

Tyler smiled towards Michael and continued walking with Lucas. As much as he wanted to ask who he was, people were still looking at them.

They soon got to the glass door that separated Lucas' office with the rest of the office and the remaining five secretaries stood up to greet them.

Tyler smiled courteously and looked at Roy. Roy was suddenly reminded about the comment he had made that morning when he was waking him up.

The whole crowd walked into Lucas' office except for David and Michael who were preparing the documents that would be used in the negotiation.

"Where are you going?" David asked when he noticed that Michael was following him inside.

"To the meeting of course" Michael said as if it was something very obvious.

"Just observe," David said and Michael nodded obediently. He would have given up his salary just to attend the meeting anyway.

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