Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 204: Senseless Brat

Chapter 204: Senseless Brat

It did not take long for David and Roy to amend the contract and the two of them were back in the office in no time. This time David told Michael not to come in with them so he was sulking at his desk.

After Lucas and Tyler read through the terms to confirm that everything was in place they signed the contracts and each of them kept a copy for themselves. Since there was no reason to continue lingering in Lucas' office after the contract signing, Tyler stood up to leave. This time Lucas decided to escort him to the lobby.

The men still got the same attention they had received when they were walking towards Lucas' office if not more since a lot of the people that were not around then had come back from lunch.

David called the driver that had brought Tyler and his assistant to the company earlier to wait for them in front of the entrance. The four men got in the elevator, although David felt a bit unsettled about how Tyler was keenly looking at him.

They were soon at the company's reception area and they did not fail to draw attention to themselves. When Tyler had arrived in the beginning he had already drawn a lot of attention to himself. Now that he was walking with Lucas the visual impact was that much more devastating.

Tyler had darker features compared to Lucas. If the two were compared to mythical creatures Tyler could definitely be likened to a demon. The look in his eyes that always looked like he was plotting something and the deceptive smile that he carried around were definitely his charm.

In contrast, Lucas could be likened to an angel, the charming smile that would make you let your guard down and his warm eyes that would not disclose what he was thinking but would let you feel relaxed were definitely his charm.

As they stood there smiling at each other as they said their last goodbyes it was a sight that looked very beautiful for people who were not aware of the tensions that went on between the two men.

However, both David and Roy were very pensive about the situation. Especially Roy since Tyler's temper was not as good as Lucas'.

"I hope to see you on Saturday," Lucas said to Tyler.

"I'll make sure I'm there," Tyler said and after nodding towards David he turned around to leave. Lucas also did not delay and also left to go back to his office.

As he was in the elevator with David he was silent for a bit before he asked him something that had been nagging him.

"Why did he look so interested in you?" Lucas asked.

"I think he recognised my last name" David replied honestly.

"Interesting, he must have been surprised to see you here then," Lucas said with a smile and David nodded to confirm his thoughts.

"You can always go back if you want to you know," Lucas said with a smile.

"If I wanted to go back I would have already left," David said with a sarcastic smile.

"Understandable, well, for now, you're stuck with me," Lucas said and patted his shoulder just as the elevator opened on their floor.

When they got to the office, they saw that Michael was still sulking on his desk. David ignored him completely and went to sit on his desk. Lucas ruffled his hair and smiled playfully.

"What will you do when you actually get a tongue lashing from David?" Lucas said with a chuckle. He had gotten a fair share of them when he started working at the company.

Although David had been labelled as his assistant since then, he had pretty much single-handedly cultivated him into the businessman he was. That was why David was currently earning a higher salary at the company.

Lucas had his own hotels so his overall earnings were more than David's, but if they had to go by with just their salary at the company, David's salary was higher, since Lucas was so generous with bonuses.

Contrary to what a lot of the people at the company think, David was actually just two years younger than James. He was even older than Jason although by just a year since he was twenty-six and Jason was twenty-five.

David looked at the two of them and shook his head and ignored them both.

"If you are as ambitious as I think you are, you definitely won't get a better teacher. Make sure you make use of him, even I wouldn't be able to do a better job" Lucas said and patted Michael's head.

David just glared at Lucas since he had just given him more things to do. He was not in the mood of taking care of another kid.

Lucas chuckled when he saw David's expression and went back to his office. David looked at Michael who was also looking at him with fire in his eyes and he felt like he was going to get a headache. Where had Lucas picked up this kid? He asked himself forgetting how he ended up in the office in the first place.

"Don't look at me like that" David said in annoyance.

"Is what he said true?" Michael asked blinking his slightly tilted eyes.

"I won't teach you anything until you learn to listen to orders. I clearly told you to just observe earlier. That meant you were not supposed to open your mouth and then when you were supposed to leave you decided to take your sweet time, do you think this is your father's living room?" David said annoyed.

Michael had not thought of the situation like that at all when it was phrased like that it really made him seem like a senseless brat.

"Tsk tsk, you even had the audacity to sulk like a spoiled child, is this how you're going to be? If you don't get your head on straight you'll just be writing meeting minutes and making copies until you get some sense in you. I'm not here to babysit you." David said and ignored him once more, resuming with his work.

Michael finally realised what tongue lashing Lucas was talking about when he mentioned it earlier. He couldn't even sulk after being put in his place so thoroughly.

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