Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 217: Was it Roy?

Chapter 217: Was it Roy?

Tyler was woken up when Naya adjusted her sleeping position. He opened his eyes to the sight of Naya's naked body sprawled over his own.

Her long hair covered part of her back and his own torso. He was still disoriented so he was surprised when he saw there. It took him some time to remember what had actually happened between the two of them the previous night.

He hadn't woken up with someone laying next to him since he was with Jen. Even when he was with Naya he always left the hotel immediately after their trysts.

He felt that it was strange that he was feeling so comfortable having her in his arms. He didn't think that holding someone to sleep would be comfortable anymore ever since he was with Jen.

He could feel her steady warm breath rhythmically brush over his skin. When he tried to move her so she would sleep more comfortable but a sudden bout of dizziness forced him to lay back in bed. Naya continued to sleep comfortably as if she was not jostled around at all. 

Tyler tightly shut his eyes as he tried to get himself together. He had to admit that he had gone overboard with the drinking the previous night. That was further proven by the evidence he left on Naya's body of what they did the previous night. He could see the hickies he left on the skin on her shoulders. He knew there would be more on the back of her neck and the front of her body. 

He rarely lost control like he did the previous night. As he was recalling the previous night's incidents, he was startled out of his thoughts when the bedroom door suddenly opened. He quickly pulled the sheets to properly cover her naked body. 

Roy had opened the door thinking that Tyler was asleep since he had been out late and there were documents that he needed him to approve. What he was not expecting was to see someone in bed with him.

"Excuse me," Roy said calmly and immediately closed the door. He had seen Naya's face so he knew that Tyler did not get too reckless the previous day. At least not to the point of picking up a stranger at the club.

It had never happened before but Tyler always managed to surprise him before he wouldn't have been too surprised if the person in that room was a stranger.

On the other hand, if it was a stranger the only thing that would surprise him would be the fact that Tyler brought them where he was currently residing.

He did not know whether he should feel embarrassed or if he should apologise, he was just very confused, but he did not leave the penthouse and waited for Tyler instead.

Naya was startled awake when the door closed. She was disoriented and her head was pounding. She was also laying on top of something firm that was clearly not a mattress. She immediately recalled the previous night's events.

Her pounding head served to remind her how she did not drink responsibly the previous night. She tilted her head backwards and her eyes directly met Tyler's blue eyes. Her green eyes widened in surprise before she avoided his gaze.

"Good morning to you too," Tyler said with a chuckle as he looked at the heavy curtains that were obstructing the ceiling to floor windows. He didn't even know whether it was still morning and he was feeling too lazy to check the time.

"Ah, good morning" Naya said a bit flustered. It was the first time she spent the night with Tyler, in the literal sense of the word. She had never woken up with him.

They would only meet at the hotel and after they both had their needs met they would separate. Not that she was the one who left first, whenever she came out of the shower she would find that he was gone.

It was probably because of the special nature of their relationship. Saying goodbye casually after what they had just done would be awkward enough for them not to contact each other again for a long time.

Even if Tyler would not feel weird about it she definitely would. Speaking of weird, Naya remembered that she was woken u by the sound of the door closing.

Since Tyler was currently beneath her, then it would mean that he was not the one who had closed it. She looked at the direction of the windows as she thought that they might have gotten carried away the previous night and they might have left the door open and the door was shut by the wind.

Unfortunately, she was out of luck, as she realised that the windows were closed since the air conditioning was on.

"Did someone come in?" Naya asked nervously.

"Yes," Tyler answered honestly as he unconsciously trailed a finger from her shoulder down her arm making her shiver.

"W-who was it?" Naya asked as she slightly moved her body. She could feel her bare skin brush against Tyler's.

It was clear that they were both completely naked under the sheets that covered them. She was glad that she was covered because if she wasn't she would feel more mortified that she already was.

"It was Roy" Tyler replied and had to stop himself from laughing when she he lifted her upper body to look at him. She looked like she wanted the earth to open up and swallow her.

"Your assistant?" she asked for clarification as if she hoped it was not him.

"Who else besides him would dare to come in here without knocking," Tyler asked his fingers trailing down her spine. He had been touching her mindlessly that whole time she had even lost her train of thought for a moment.

"Did he see me?" Naya asked nervously. She would die from embarrassment if he did. She would rather a stranger catch her naked than someone she knew because then she would have to see that person again.

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