Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 241: Lion Tamer

Chapter 241: Lion Tamer

The people who knew Jen well enough immediately noticed that she looked better than she was before. Nancy was clearly relieved when she saw the two walk out of the room that she did not even notice until they went in. The smile on Jen's face meant that she was no longer in the foul mood she was in before.

Lucas was planning on taking her back to where Nancy was but was stopped halfway by one of the guests. Since Jen was completely ignored after she was greeted, she became bored.

Lucas noticed this almost immediately as Jen was idly standing next to him and looking at the people that surrounded them.

"Do you want to go back and join your friends?" Lucas whispered in her ear. As much as she wanted to say yes, she had already noticed that David had already gone back to Nancy's side and Sofiya was nowhere to be found. If she went to Nancy, she would just be intruding on their date.

"I'm alright, unless I'm intruding" Jen said in a soft voice that only Lucas could hear. Lucas smiled and shook his head to show that she was not intruding before he continued the discussion he was having with the two men.

He was even trying to reduce the amount of meaningless chatter as he too started getting bored with the conversation.

Even though Jen wanted to look lively and actively participate in the conversation, at the end of the day, she did not know the details of the whole project.

If she tried to add on to the conversation blindly, she might just end up making a fool of not only herself but also Lucas so she wisely chose to be quiet and just listen instead.

As Lucas noticed that Jen was bored, he quickly led the conversation to what the two men really wanted to talk about and after another ten minutes the three of them were pretty much done with their discussion and separated.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to get something to eat?" Lucas asked as he used one of his hands to stroke the fingers of the hand that was resting on his arm.

Jen was not exactly hungry but she nodded because if they just found somewhere to stand and talk to each other it would look a bit rude to the others.

Lucas took his time and brought Jen to the long table that had a variety of finger foods that people were snacking on. Even though she was not hungry earlier, now that there was the delicious-looking food in front of her, she suddenly felt hungry.

It was not long before Jen started picking out the small morsels of food and slipping them into her mouth. Lucas only saw her chew at a consistent pace but never noticed her pick something up to eat.

As Lucas continued putting things on the small plate she was holding, Jen was also chewing at the same pace something that made him smile in amusement.

"I didn't know you were feeling so hungry" Lucas commented with a chuckle as he put some shrimp on her plate. Jen shook her head in denial but slipped the shrimp past her lips when he wasn't looking.

"Should I ask them to get you a plate of food?" Lucas asked seriously as he looked at the already empty plate. Jen's eyes widened when she heard his question and she rushed to chew faster so that she could tell him no.

It would be embarrassing to be the only one who was having a full dinner plate of food at a cocktail party. Besides, the dress would not look as good if she walked around with a full stomach. 

Just when she was about to swallow her food they heard the door to the entrance open. There were a few people who came after they did, they had either just come to the party directly from work, or from the airport.

But out of curiosity, Jen turned to look at who it might be something that she regretted almost immediately.

When a tall figure with dark hair and icy blue eyes walked into the hall Jen ended up choking on the food that she was in the process of swallowing.

Lucas hadn't even been paying attention to what was happening when he heard Jen cough. When he turned to look at her he saw her patting her chest while coughing with her eyes glistening with tears.

"Tsk tsk, take your time with your eating. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner" Lucas said as he patted her back and signalled for a glass of water which arrived in a matter of seconds. Lucas pulled her closer to him so that she was leaning against him and handed her the glass of water.

"Drink it slowly, it would be bad if you choked on the water as well," Lucas said with a chuckle as he smoothed her hair.

"I forgot that you had invited him," Jen said as she looked at the direction of the entrance. Lucas followed her gaze and saw that Tyler was looking in their direction. Specifically, he was looking at Jen who was also looking at him.

Jen felt the hand around her waist tighten gradually until her back was completely pressed against Lucas' chest as if she was being reminded of where she was and who she was with.

Everyone else was oblivious as to what was going on, they just thought that the two of them were being all lovey-dovey with each other with the exception of David and Nancy who saw that Lucas' actions were clear proof of how possessive he was of Jen.

If the two of them noticed, how could Jen not notice? She turned her around to look at Lucas who was wearing a very solemn expression on his face and smiled at him.

"I think I want something sweet now," Jen said as she eyed the different cakes on the table. Lucas was confused for a few seconds before he chuckled in amusement and brought her closer to the side of the table that had deserts.

"I think I just saw a lion get tamed" David commented and Nancy nodded in agreement.

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