Corruption in Naruto World

Chapter 73 – Training Report*

Chapter 73 – Training Report*

With my final session with Inoichi done I went to the Hokage office to deliver my report.

“Welcome Yami.”

“Greeting Hokage-sama.”

“I’ve heard the conclusion but I still want to hear your report, but before that how did your training go?”

“Very well sir, I feel my skills markedly improved in every field, I will make Konoha proud.”

“I look forward to seeing you in the finals of the Chunin Exams. Inoichi has given the highest of praise for your skills.”

“Though they still lack work I am pleased I managed to get so far thanks to Inoichis wise tutelage.”

“You would be an asset to the intelligence department as well, feel free to stop by and you will be rewarded for helping.”

It took an entire month of grueling and not completely ethical work with Inoichi but we made good results. 

I’m now able to both read and wipe specific memories I’m looking for in a person's mind, though the process is very slow taking often an entire hour.

Thanks to accessing directly the circuitry of the brain Inoichi relied on me to uncover many secrets of enemy villages locked behind half-baked memory wiping jutsu and sealing jutsu.

“Regarding Kurenai’s training, I’ve acquired moderate skill in technique though was ultimately unable to overcome my shortage of range.”

“Some skills will still prove valuable, especially when you can also manipulate their minds, now… about that matter.”

“Yes, Hokage-sama, having investigated and actively seduced Kurenai my conclusion was she was estranged from Asuma before my presence and would likely have either broken up or betrayed Asuma in the future, she had remained loyal to him until she broke up”

Or almost loyal… but let’s give her that.

“I see, that matches what I’ve heard from Asuma regarding their relationship.
“Thank you for your hard work Yami, I consider the mission a success, but as for Kurenai…”

“I will take responsibility for her.”

“... how many more do you plan to take???”

I smile.

“As many as can.”

“I really don’t know how you can do it… I have a single wife and she nearly killed me 3 times, how many lovers are you on?”

“4..5 for now…”

I don’t count Tsunade and Shizune.

“I’m surprised Yugao didn’t fall into your lap as well… *sigh*’s the last week before the exam Yami, I recommend you polish what skill you have currently and work with your team, Sakura and Hinata should be arriving soon.”

“Yes, Hokage-same.”

Once I returned home both Kurenai and Anko were waiting for me with dinner ready.

It feels good to return to a warm and welcoming house after a tiring day of ninja work.

Once we finished our dinner together it was time to bring Kurenai into the fold, or maybe not… Anko had other ideas so that plan got shelved for tomorrow.

Tonight I got to enjoy Anko’s and Kurenai’s developed bodies at the same time…

When I got up in the morning I found I was in range to talk telepathically with Sakura who was only an hour of travel away, so after telling them where my mansion was I went and got a breakfast ready to share with Sakura and Hinata once they arrived.

I updated Hinata on everything going on with Yugao and Kurenai as well.


Once Sakura and Hinata arrived I was tackled by Sakura immediately into a hug, I motioned Hinata to join us as I gave each a big greeting kiss.

I take a closer look at Sakura and Hinata, we’re now 6 months out of the Academy and I haven’t seen either of them for the past couple.
Sakura looks similar to before but slightly taller and with more defined hips and thighs, a larger butt, and a noticeable small pair of breasts. 
She looks a mix of how she looked before and after the 3-year training time skip but her clothing remains the same as before and her beautiful naturally pink hair continues to be long.

When I look at Hinata… her body too grew substantially, also in a look between her pre and post-time-skip look but her hair is already long and loose.

Her outfit was different though… it looked similar at first glance but on closer look her jacket was going up to her nose similar to what the bug-guy Shino uses.

“I still can’t believe all 3 of you are with him.” Kurenai says.

“Ohh it’s not just us Kurenai, you’ll see…” Anko teases back.

Sakura and Hinata break from my hug and look at the new presence.

“Ehh, you are…EHH!!!”

Hinata is paralyzed as Sakura looks back between Hinata and Kurenai.

“Hmm~ hmmmnn~~” Hinata panics waving her arms in front of her.

“Take it out already Hinata!” Sakura says, slapping Hinata’s back.

Hinata hesitates before unzipping the top of her jacket and opening her mouth…

And from her lips came out an 8-inch long pink dildo…

As me and Anko were speechless at the reveal Kurenai burst into a frenzy.

“OMAE!!!! You were the one impersonating me at the Love Love Jutsu Shop.”

“Ehh~~ e~~ “

Even with her mouth now clear Hinata still struggles to speak and looks down in guilt.

“Confess!!! That’s the pink monster 8000, you bought the only one they had of that model 2 months ago and I had to wait forever for them to restock it from the land of water”

“I’m s-sorry.”

Hinata has tears running down her face as she bends her waist over and apologizes.

“I’m sorry I thought I had imagined the appearance of my transformation jutsu, I didn’t realize it was a real person.”

Anko puts her hand on Kurenai’s shoulder and calms her down.

“Hinata is a good girl, she probably only saw you once in her life when the genin teams were sorted and forgot about it. I’m sure she never intends to cause you any problems Kurenai.”

“I’m very sorry, Kurenai-sama!”

Kurenai slowly walks up to Hinata and puts her hand on her shoulder.

“I forgive you Hinata... I need to thank you for what you’ve done… You’ve enlightened me to the truth of the world. WOMEN ARE MADE FOR LARGE COCKS!!
“Thank you, Hinata, thank you for freeing me from the fate of remaining unsatisfied and stuck with a monkey…”

As Anko laughs her ass off, me and Sakura look bewildered at the scene.

All the dots in Kurenai’s story are finally connected.

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